ITT talentless hacks

ITT talentless hacks



Retards will still praise him as a genius too.

>conning isn't a talent
Mega Manchild detected



> Needs more Tameem
> No Phail Fish yet?
> Muh Zoo-e Queen Of Whores
> Muh Anita Sarkeesian, even though she's a talentful con artist. She's really good at conning and scamminga nd I hate that.

This thread is failing.

He's pretty talented at scaming retards at Sup Forums

>tfw Sup Forums told me that i was killing vidya for not backing mn9


Why is he wearing Ace Combat stuff?

Because he IS an Ace Combatter. You fucking dumbass.

>made 4 million dollars from megaman fags
>talentless hack


2 idea guys who dont actually do any work

kek. If only!

-happy sigh-

Why has no one made a bloodier version of this? Like more beat up and more rough?

Hideo is a hack. Kojima is the real genius.

>he fell for that meme

Kojima does too much work, thats his problem.

He's a business man, not a creator.

Kamiya told you this shit years ago.


>95% of modern anime is garbage and hikis are all scum

He was right, you know.


he's also a socialist and feminist and against being critical of Islam


I don't give a fuck. He makes shit I like. As long as his cuckoldry doesn't get in the way of his writing, I don't care.

He's got a talent for character arcs

Skin Trade is the best werewolf novel ever written
Sandkings is outstanding
Ice Dragon is a neat fairytale
Meathouse Man is a good examination of depression induced dread

He was good once and that's enough.


>nobody posted gaben.

we all know all he does is sit on his chair playing WoW all day and then occasionally going outside to drive his porsche. fuck that cunt. he's ruined PC gaming.

Space Patrol Luluco is a masterpiece tho

Phil Collins



He's all of that and he doesn't let it fuck up his craft or his art.

I don't have a problem with people who hold those opinions, that's their thing. My problem is when they try to ram it down my throat, and blame me when I want them to stop, which Miyazaki, thankfully, doesn't do.


>everyone at Nintendo
>everyone at Microsoft
>everyone who works on PC games

there, now I mentioned all tallentless hacks who just got lucky once

It's a masterpiece of shit

>first Kojima with TPP
>now Inafune with MN9
>next up is Kamiya with Scalebound
One by one all these old "masters" fall...

>Muh Daikatana
Romero is the only reason any of Id's best such as Quake or Doom was ever successful. Carmack is a meme and was always a code monkey


Yes, I do agree. Losttrap/Bendilin/AmyRose/Ben Hickling(?) is just as much of a hack as Anita.

>Devil May Cry (1st one)
>Viewtiful Joe
>Wonderful 101
>Resident Evil 2
he is the only talent, at least in directing shit, in Platinum games.

BETTER THAN being an anime fan at prom night

But MGR was better than Bayonetta.

Does anyone have a link to the actual game?

Said no one ever

Said I.

>Todd Howard pretending to be 6'2"
Is there some sort of organization I can call, because I feel like he's devaluing my just-above-manlet heritage.

user, a hack would imply that said person at least knows how to make thing (comics, videogames, books, music, etc).
Inafune does not.

I hate him.

Why though?

Said me

>Skin Trade
I swear to god if this story is about people hunting/creating werewolves, and then skinning them alive as they transform, that's amazing.


i think foxtrot is incredibly over rated

YFW the next game will be online only
>players will outsmart the game system and will break it in 2 days
-screencap this-

>tfw itagaki will never make ninja gaiden 2 black and we got sigma 2 as the 'true version'

It's like WtM:B


>literally fedora: the hack
disgusting old man.


Not him but garbage animation, unfunny humor, and bad writing is probably the reason. Only people who like it are autistic Triggerfags.

>literally copy pastes Japanese 2ch code over and make it English
>gets invited to speak at TED and numerous other events
why is this allowed.