Does anyone remember when this shit released and it was literally impossible to find in any store for MONTHS...

Does anyone remember when this shit released and it was literally impossible to find in any store for MONTHS? Why did that happen?

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Artificial shortage to increase market demand/hype.

This is business 101

Video games for people that don't like video games because video games are for nerds but the Wii was alright because motion > pressing buttons like a jerk.

I remember that - and somehow my mother got not 1 but 3 at Christmas for me, my brother and my sister. My brother was going to one college, me to another and my sister was still at home so she didn't want to get just one. Still don't know how she did it.

It was popular

Delete your thread.

>yfw your uncle really did work for Nintendo

She had to do some... dark things user

Wii was a fluke. It tapped into a casual market that didn't really have anything else to play at the time. Once smartphones came around all the casuals dropped Nintendo.
Of course Nintendo is too out of touch to realize this and continues to try and get the Wii audience. NX will probably be yet another attempt at it which will fail miserably, again.

You could say the same thing about NES. It tapped into the casual and kiddie market at a time when consoles were dead and people played games on home computers.

I wouldn't say the Wii was a fluke, Nintendo was already heavily marketing the Wii for all ages, not just the 13-20+ demographic. Look up those old ads for "Wii would like to play" and every one of them has older people playing as well as younger, boys and girls. No PS3 or 360 ads were like that at the time until later.

The NES literally revived a dead industry. The only people playing on computers at the time were enthusiasts.

It revived a dead industry by getting kids and their moms to play it user. If the entusiast already had something to play then who made up the big sales of the NES? casuals

Same thing with Tetris effect on the Gameboy. Tetris was 1980's Angry Bird.

Same thing with dropping the Gameboy for the DS after Touch Generations games like Nintendogs and Brain Training caused sales of DS to explode.

Nintendo has ALWAYS marketed to the casual. Just because they don't offer the same experience as when you were the casual or kiddie doesn't mean they are wrong.

So 90% of the market?

Yes. I bought one from some fuck on craigslist for 300.

It wasnt artifical. Alot of people bought this. It was the "hot new item of the season". Shit was nuts.

The "casual" audience didn't exist back then. Video games were a niche hobby as a whole.

The market didn't exist until Nintendo expanded it and brought new people unfamiliar with videogames in. The same thing they are trying to do now. sometimes it works (Wii, DS) sometimes it doesn't (Wii U, Virtual Boy), but Nintendo has always been trying to bring people unfamiliar with videogames into the market.

I got one from my cousin, without the box. I still think he stole it.

It was well known that Nintendo had warehouses full of this stuff but only shipped a small amount to retailers.

Yes it did and you are foolishly ignorant for denying it.

Wii was somewhat difficult to produce requiring a fairly large number components from different vendors that all had to be available for the final product and Nintendo seriously underestimated demand.

Ironically this is one lesson Nintendo failed to learn with the WiiU that Sony and Microsoft both did when designing their new systems following the Wii's formula of underpowered cheap hardware. Both Sony and Microsoft's systems are built around dirt cheap SOC hardware which drastically reduces the number of components in the system and complexity of producing them while Nintendo's WiiU has discrete CPU and GPU hardware which both have to be integrated into a common interposer. The end result of which is what Nintendo's system is both more complicated to produce, and more expensive as a result.

So you think every person that ever picked up a NES controller went on to be an enthusiast? I'm sure if you asked most 40 something year olds about videogames, they will say "well I played Mario and Donkey Kong but that was it".

Because they were casuals.

You don't need to have a touchscreen or motion controls for games to be a casual experience.

Because it was wildly popular and offered an alternative to consoles that relied on having no less than 12 buttons and 2 analog joysticks to play.

I camped out and brought some friends. We had a great night and I bought two of them, extra controllers, and some games. Selling the extra one paid for the rest. It was pretty sweet. Did the same thing with PS2!

I still hate this console so damn much.

The Wii is the worst Nintendo console ever created.

One of the most criminally underrated consoles around? Maybe not but its library most certainly gets overlooked too much.

Why? Even if you can't stand motion controls, you have to respect how many people it brought into gaming. Both the Xbox One and the PS4 are outselling their predecessors by a large margin. I would guess it's from Wii kiddies growing up.


Here's your (You). Fuck off now.