Remember when this cancerous broken shit that counters everything wasn't in every game ?

Remember when this cancerous broken shit that counters everything wasn't in every game ?
I do.
Good times.

remember when you weren't such a little bitch?

i dont.

I wonder how the design meeting went

>guys what if we put a paladin bubble in an FPS
>no way that'd be too strong
>you're fired

But she's nothing at close range. Just flank her with a Reaper or McCree and move on with life.

>...but it only lasts 2 seconds
>Oh shit welcome back on board

I blow her up with pharah all the time

>counters everything

But she doesn't. Reaper and McCree for close range, Pharah, Widow, Soldier 76 for long range.

Don't shoot her shields you scrub.

All that needs to happen is that people need to be told more explicitly that you shouldn't fucking shoot her shield. At the moment, only (most) Zarya players know that.

that doesn't matter when she does 180 damage UNCHARGED in the time her bubble lasts

A tank shouldn't be able to 1v1 literally every character in the game

She has exactly 0 counters in a game supposedly balanced around counterpicking.

Sorry, I can't hear you over the fun I'm having


wow it's like blizzard are fucking retards who don't know how to make maps or something

roadhog can do the same thing by the way with his chain, pop out from behind wall, chain, walk back during the delay, chain pulls you to wall, fall, nothing you can do about it other than hope he misses

Zarya says thanks for the free 100 charge she got from your ulti, and apologizes you didn't get any kill. She's gonna ult and oneshot 4 people now.

I guess if the person is standing right in front of her, not moving, and not shooting. Yes, she can totally do 180 damage uncharge.

The barrier can only take up to 50 damage before it pops, and even if she's doing more damage, as long as you're not just standing like a jackass, it's a pain in the dick to aim.

If a Zarya can keep her beam locked on to you for that long you're fucking trash, plus she barely has any range unless you're shit at dodging her energy balls too.

>She can shield herself and her allies
>hitting the shield makes her stronger
>she also has auto regenerating health to a degree
>main weapon is a goku beam. She is super saiyan at full charge

They really need to make a skin for her where her hair turns in saiyan hair at >90%

Hire this fucking man Blizzard.

>it's Blizzards fault you can't git gud
wew lad


if you can't keep your mouse on someone for 2 seconds you're fucking trash

You're a fucking moron. The barrier has 200 health, and so long as it as at least 1 hp it absorbs all damage done to it.

So a single shot of 1000 damage is completely negated by the shield.

it takes 200 and it gives her 50% charge if you pop it and you'll fucking die if you do that

Is your advice to shoot it or not shoot it?

Everything but the bit about the hair is already in the game. Her beam also gets much wider at full charge and the secondary fire blast radius is also much wider.

>don't shoot her bubble
>now you can easily kill the tank with the lowest health in the game

gg 2 ez no re

Tell that to the other 5 players on my team.

Are you one of the retards who shoot at her shield?

>tfw caffeine ridden Genjis show up

even with 0 charge she wins a dps race with almost the entire roster

She doesn't counter everything. Her damage is only good at fairly close ranges with high charge. Bubbles last a ridiculously short amount of time as well, to the point where it becomes very easy to kill her in the times in between bubbling.

She also needs an aggressive team to be really viable as well.


>playing Zarya with a competent team

feels fuckin good man

Personally, when I see it go up, I stop shooting, move around so she has to try and follow me with it, and then continue shooting once the shield is down.

I'm still not seeing how getting hit by an uncharged/low charged beam is any worse or more broken than Reinhardt's hammer or Roadhog's gun. It's got slightly longer effective range, but that's about it.

>zarya getting four golds

Sorry to break it to you but the enemy team was fuck awful.

Buy how? I didn't ult her shields...

>playing Zarya with such low objective time
Objectively playing her wrong. It should be at least 3 times that, console babby.

only if you're a retard who stands still


more like you're bad and can't track for shit

>Good Zarya team

You mean a fuck awful enemy team. She gets blown up so hard if all six members know what they're doing.

It all makes sense now, you made the thread to post her didn't you?

>A tank shouldn't be able to 1v1 l

>a tank shouldn't be a tank

Slavic bear-mama skin when?

Winston is a godawful tank. He's a godawful everything.

You're fucking dumb

>0 charge
>left click does 75dps and has to be kept on the target
>right click does 46 damage
you can't out damage anyone with this, just maybe keep them away if they're already hurt

now post the one where you can see the pink pubes

Literally anything would be better than what she has now.

All he is good for is killing shit widows and stalling overtime.

zarya never has 0 charge for one

I love how trash zarya players always have to theorycraft why she's not bullshit. It's like widow saying "just don't go in the sniping area" or mercy saying "it's fine to charge ult in 40 seconds because usually you only get 1 man rez"

I see zarya in every game now and she's fucking dumb to kill.
>hook her as roadhog
>her odd pearshaped hitbox means I will never instagib her, and she can shield and waddle off
>play reaper
>once again, PEARSHAPED HITBOX = bad to headshot
I have no idea how to counter her except trying to kill her a mile away as pharah

>Playing her wrong if you're fucking the enemy team so hard that you're spawn camping them so they can't even get on the objective

No it is you who is the console babby.

You do realize that the charge meter ticks down, right? Not to mention if she dies, or you're at the start of the match, you will definitely have zero charge. And theres times when you can't even use her short ranged beam, cause going out would be suicide.

It was a 3 minute match of King's Row, we steamrolled

>Every single character is apparently overpowered according to Sup Forums

Doesnt that mean the game is really balanced? Think about it.


he's the most picked tank hero in competitive play though

Don't shoot her when shield is up. Don't stand next to a full charge Zarya. You people do realize she has a visual cue that tells you when she is above 50 right? Pick pharah or anyone with long range and never get touched by her.

You do realize it pops instantly and you can put it on other people and it clears CC and it's basically impossible to not be at at least 40% unless you're actually dead right?

the only actually OP characters are Zarya and Widow (widow due to having no downsides that a sniper should, including her sniper rifle turning into a fucking assault rifle without even needing a weapon switch animation)

Apparently torbjorn and symmetra are actually OP only on console because people can't turn fast enough to shoot turrets before they die or something gay like that but consoles don't matter so w/e

>Playing Overwatch

There was your first mistake.

no YOU tell it your team. A shitty team is a shitty team and you all go down together. Fuck you.

>the only actually OP characters are Zarya and Widow

Yeah user except I hear that every day from everyone on other charaters. Theres constant "Mei is OP Roadhog is OP Genji is OP Bastion is OP Mccree is OP" so no your opinion doesn't carry any weight. If anything this just solidifies that the balance is secured by making every character really good hard counters to each other.

Really just choose her as a courtesy pick to allow pharah and genjis to get easy ultimates. Other than that she's barely picked over Reinhardt. Her ultimate is good but it's stupid how so many people can escape it with no effort.

shes so ugly no one wanted to play as her for months until they realized shes OP

McCree was OP but they nerfed him

Roadhog is in a weird spot where he can be OP because his hook is so fucked up the way the made it but against good teams that know how to farm him for ult charge he's trash

mei, genji and bastion all have hard direct counters so even if they were OP you can coutnerpick them

She also requires perfect aim and is fairly weak without her bubble. Get good.

>She has exactly 0 counters in a game

Who is Reaper?

>shoot her
>she turns shield on
>stop shooting her
>kill her when shield runs out


She also has no mobility skills so it's easy to get away from her for a lot of heroes, also means she can't handle ranged harass too well.

She's getting a nerf to her barrier charge, stop crying

>thinking you'll live long enough for her shield to run out

nice mem

Not even him, but it's basic Reaper gameplay to press shift and fuck off whenever you're noticed really.

>never has 0 charge
to a degree, you're right, but the post I referred to specifically stated that she can out damage anyone even at 0 charge, which is wrong.

[citation needed]

and she'll just have the shield off cooldown when you come back

zarya doesn't have a counter, the game is balanced around counterpicking

It's not just that she's strong it's that she's strong and doesn't have anyone who can shut her out.

Like look at genji, he has at least 3 direct counters

>and she'll just have the shield off cooldown when you come back
That assumes she doesn't engage somebody else in the meantime.


>nice mem

Her DPS is shit without accumulated damage.

Seriously you faggots complain about a different hero every day, it just shows how shit you are at the game in general, even when it's as casual as fucking Overwatch.

Same kind of faggots who still complain about Bastion.

Paladin bubble doesn't burst after 200 damage.

>i don't know the difference between a counter and a slightly favorable matchup

She should get no charge if her barrier breaks because atm, it's either you shoot the barrier in hopes of breaking it and killing her effectively making her have 600 health OR, try to wait it out and then follow her and try to kill her. Both of which end up with you dying.

>Blizzard puts pitfalls on maps.
You're trash.

>trying to kill Lucio as Zarya

I usually just pop the Ult to kill the little monkey shit

you're retarded, never comment on balance again

This isn't a MOBA, there aren't hard counters. That's as good as it gets.

If a paladin bubble burst at half their health but doubled their damage paladins would be the most disgustingly broken class in the history of WoW


What is this shit? It doesn't last long, can barely take any damage and the worst that can happen is her pissy damage gets slightly less pissy. She still can't out dps most good offense or defense heroes at full charge let alone half charge.

Holy shit, this is the same shit with reinhardt, they're not fucking immortal.

>, there aren't hard counters

Yes there are, blizzard has also stated the game is balanced around counterpicking. Go look up them telling that to all the people complaining about bastion on twitter

>She still can't out dps most good offense or defense heroes at full charge

She's strong so what?

To be on 40% for like what? Five seconds? The weapon cools off remarkably fast. Unless you're already pushing and close enough to actively use it, that 40% will not still be 40% when you start fighting.

Further more, it also depends very much on the situation too. People know not to shoot zarya's shields, but oddly enough a lot of people don't know what to do with it when they have it on either.

That doesn't mean that you're going to kill your "counter" every time. They can still outplay you.

Zarya is fine, you're just frustrated that she outplayed you several times.

Also, long range characters don't just have "favorable" match-up against her, a good Soldier can shut her down every time.

you are literally retarded

>saving thumbnails

then a smart player wouldn't chase

>what is wraith form

actually if you're a counter you should win 100% of the time unless there's a massive skill gap like an actual baby vs someone who's been playing competitive FPS for 15+ years

A counter shuts down a character, you're thinking of a favorable matchup which isn't the same thing.

For example there's nothing Genji can do against Mei, Zarya or Winston except leave.

whops, thanks.

literally kill yourself

Surviving through the rip tire and's self destruct never stops feeling amazing.

>For example there's nothing Genji can do against Mei, Zarya or Winston

Sym, too.

I love shredding that robot queer with the death ray

wish genji would just leave the game t b h

Here it is casual autists, the secret to beating zarya:

1. Run circles around her at mid-close range. Her pipebomb-like shots are worthless at that range, forcing her to use her shitty laser
2. Don't shoot her while the barrier is up. This prevents the laser from doing any real damage if it even hits you for any length of time assuming you followed step 1
3. Shoot her when barrier is down. This will force her to give ground. Effectively winning the fight.

alternative rules for team fights:

1. Shoot whomever doesnt have a barrier. Zarya is a shit tank if you don't actually fall for the barrier. Her damage is subpar if you dont charge the barrier either
2. Force her to use her barrier then switch targets. This works for her ally barrier too. Best to force her to use it on some faggot hanzo player or whatever, then you murder the cumguzzling mercy while the shield is on cooldown

>b-b-but I can't aim!
>b-b-but I don't understand how to retreat even though im faster and can pick when to fight and she can't!
>b-b-but hitting the pretty barrier is so fun!
>b-b-but I cant move and shoot at the same time!

Zarya threads best threads