Cyberpunk thread.
Which games are you looking forward to?
Cyberpunk thread.
Which games are you looking forward to?
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Does Technomancer count? I've always liked Spider's games.
One that I can play with my bulky and blurry wired first gen VR headset for maximum authenticity.
also streaming cyberpunk right now
twitch tv/hedoesit4free
yes it does see
I'd put C&C: Tiberian Sun on that list.
Technolust then
>Rift only
They fucked up. The Vive is at least 30% more cyberpunk than the Rift.
i'm streaming right now btw
that's true
cyberpunk 2077 maybe but I need more than just concept arts.
Mankind Divided for some reason never piqued my interest.
Also does Horizon count as cyberpunk?
twitch tv/hedoesit4free
try and guess the game
I'm making a pixelart cyberpunk VN but dare not show any work on it mainly because I want the prologue release to stand on its own feet when it's finished. I won't be doing shit on twitter, no interviews, no nothing. I won't even be a face to it. The game is everything and am going to fire it to free on Sup Forums before taking it to Steam. No Memes. none of that shit. Just solid cyberpunkery.
I got over 30k GBP in the bank and I'm doing work on the side so if it bombs, it bombs. either way, just letting folks know. It'll drop in about a month.
I miss dirty cyberpunk
ily user
if you tell us the title we can put it on the upcoming cyberpunk games and generate some exposure
if you post the logo i could put it in there
talking about this list
That's kind, but I don't even know the full title myself at the moment. /vg/ got any Cyberpunk generals? I can drop on by when I've got something to show and take it form there
they don't unfortunately
It's cool. When it's ready, I'll put it in the Game Dev general. I want people from Sup Forums to name stuff like pinball machines and arcades in one of the arcades the character goes into. It's basically going to be Snatcher with investigation and shooting based story elements. So if you headshot, leg shot, gut shot or miss firing a gun it can branch off. for example, if you need a security pass from a guy you can headshot him and take the pass which causes no problems. If you gutshot him and he unclips it, passing it to you, when it's scanned it may pick up traces of blood on it and set the alarm off.
alright ill add it on the list then
sounds great so far
What the fuck is this game. Some Quake mod?
nope try and guess
Clearly it's some sort of Blade Runner map for Quake or a Quake-based game.
copper dreams
new dude sex
not quake
glad copper dreams was funded
Ah, found it. It's for Unreal 2k4.
And it's got a George Michael song in it, hilariously enough.
You have my interest. Keep us updated.