Apologize. Now

Apologize. Now.

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im sorry for your existance

Modded my wii last year and downloaded it. Got through the tutorial but hated it, got bored of the main game pretty quickly. Ruined by motion controls, like most of Wii's library.

The motion controls were the best part of it though.

Yeah, I love incredibly awkward and slow controls to do things that could be done with one or two button presses in the fucking 90s. It's boring gimmicky shit that's actively detrimental to the quality of gameplay.

Playing it right now. It's a a boring game whit shit frosting.

gamespot pls go


I really liked it and think it's one of the better Zelda games. It's silly that people say it's the worst Zelda when the DS games exist.


You're in the minority. Skyward Sword is despised on every website for its motion controls.

why is this kind of threads so common after BotW? did i missed something?

Make sure you move your arms really slowly to set up your slashes.

Awful Zelda game. The faggot story with kike nose Zelda and undead David Bowie was a new low for the franchise.

TP was monotonous as fuck, but at least you could play it without looking like a jackass

>The tutorial is shit.
>The companion is utter shit.
>The time travel is shit and inconsistent
>Every boss except 1 is shit
>Every area except 1 is shit
>Link is shit, and does nothing but follow Zelda around while she actually does things for 90% of the game.
>the fucking sky is shit and is inferior the WW's boat in every way.
>the combat is slow shit, and somehow worse than a game that came out 5 years earlier that was panned for having shit combat sections.
>You have to repeat all this shit 3 fucking times.

At least Koloktos was cool, and...
and uh....
the marketplace was okay I guess.

Yeah man I love having to jerk the remote to climb faster, it really makes the game more immersive

The sword worked okay but WHY THE FUCK did they use motion controls instead of the pointer of aiming? It just doesn't work and needs to be re-calibrated every time you use it. The game even teases you, when it starts up it uses the sensor bar for a few seconds and it's easy to aim with high accuracy. But then Wii Motion Shit kicks in and everything is a mess.


then why are you playing it?

When your game is called Skyward Sword, and both the sky and sword are fucking garbage, you probably have a bad game on your hands.

I don't get this meme


I'm sorry you had to play this game.

It's a pretty good game ruined by the motion controls, not being able to for instance stab left or right (only forwards), swing on my left or my right vertically or just simply not blocking when I wanted to block ruins completely the immersion.

It's a good game anyway but I wish I could play it with an actual controller and / or proper gameplay mechanics.

One of the worst games in existence. I can't even play it without it making ne angry. It's literally made for people with mental retardation

>every time you start up the game Fi reminds you whar items are
>puzzles immediately show solution
>handholding out of the ass
>super linear, get berated for exploration

I could go on but I never went further than the first dungeon. Unplayable trash.

I'm sorry for people who bought it

It's a bad game in an entertaining way. The game is chocked full of imaginative dumb design choices that are fun to bitch on the internet.

Everything happening on Llanayru Desert is legit good game though.


The controls WORKED fine, physically. The problem was that the level of interaction they provided was way, way too shallow to be the central mechanic of everything in the entire game.

why should i? if anything nintendo is apologizing to me with the new zelda coming out

Even if they were flawless they'd still be significantly slower and more awkward than the appropriate button press or analog stick tilting.

It also depends heavily on the setup and even a good one can have an unacceptable error rate if you just aren't lucky.

The control scheme is terrible. The choice to use motion controls ultimately restricts the available options, rather than broadening them.

I will give the game props for the desert section and its dungeons, Groose and the artstyle (when emulated at high resolution) but it is otherwise garbage.

Motion controls working fine doesn't mean that they make a game better. I regret selling my Prime games for the Prime trilogy. GC control is better IMO than the wiimote controls, they're awkward.