Upset, little men?

Upset, little men?

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not really. my 6950 still lets me play everything on medium-high at 60 fps

been working since 2011 and no problems.

Nice but why 2?

Isn't it a bit overkill at this point? Or do you plan to play everything at 4k?

didn't nvidia get rid of SLI for these new cards?

> 1080

Isn't the GTX Titan better?

I guess you just wanted to save money with a slower model.

>waste a bunch of money


Cool. I'm waiting for Ti version.

gee user

You just can't SLI with more than two cards now.

It upsets me more that you assumed it would upset me desu senpai.

Pretty jealous desu.

the titan gets destroyed by the new 1080s...

>actually buying titans anymore
>being this retarded

>he fell for the sli meme

im laffin

What games you gonna play OP?


Good goy! remember to buy some DLC for the games included with that card!

They sorta dropped official support for 3-way and 4-way SLI.

You can still do 3-way and 4-way SLI, it just isn't recommended. It's also a bit dumb considering two 1080s can do 4k60fps on, well, every game out there.

Can you run Undertale at 60fps now?

Does it justify the price?

well that has to be the only thing, cause otherwise it's completely retarded to buy these. There's literally no other reason to own two of them.

>this faggot still plays at 1080 with 1080s


You unlocked it, right?

>being proud of being a poorfag
lmao a 6950

Should I get a 970 or a 1070 if I'm playing at 1080/60fps?

I just realized, there's no real reason to own one GTX 1080. At 1440p the GTX 1070 can get the job done and then some. At 4k the GTX 1080 comes just a little bit short. There really isn't any middle ground between 1440p and 4k.

Why get one GTX 1080?

titan is still better outside of videogames.

Tell me one (1) reason to upgrade my gtx 780.

mate there are no games.

while a 1070 is overkill, the performance jump is actually one of the biggest leaps in a while. It'd be worth it to get the 1070 for future proof especially since the price isn't too drastically different.

A 970 will do you but maybe wait for the RX 480

Isn't the 1070 also better than the Titan X by a slight margin?

The 970 will get the job done. The 1070 gives you the option of rendering at a higher resolution and then downscaling (which is the best anti-aliasing option out there even if it is by far the most expensive).

The 970 is the better option but the the 1070 can still get more done at 1080p.


...because other games will eventually come out wherein it'll struggle to do 1440p? We barely been dipping our toes into directx12 yet.

You're an incredibly short sighted person aren't you?

What about 1440p @ 144hz? Will a 1070 cut it then? Thinking about buying a new screen.

naw man, good for you - enjoy it

>have 2 780's in sli that when oc'd give me 15% extra performance on each card
>no good upgrade options for 1080p
guess I'll wait for the next generation

yeah, if not completely comparable in most benches and for the 300+ price point; you really can't be it.


OP here.

FUCK OFF mate. you twat.

Depends on the game. On some games the 1070 comes slightly out on top while on other games the Titan X barely gets the win.

On average they're pretty much the same. That's not a bad thing though considering how much less energy the 1070 uses and how it's just a fraction of the price of the Titan X.

Why? Do you play at 4k or something?

>gaming on pc

I sure hope it's 4K+ at 200+hz, if not then OP is a fuckin idiot

I just got myself a meme card and it's overpowered for my particular monitor.

there's not gonna be 'good upgrade options for 1080p', because this is setting 1440p to be the new standard.

play LoL at 4k

see that epic team chat in crisp detail

"report jaggersmuff"

Old ass 7990 still going strong.

gpus can be used for things that arent video games, oh wait i'm on Sup Forums you're all 16 with no actual comprehension of technology and how it works.

Depends on the game. For games where you'd actually benefit from that (mainstream competitive shooters) I can't think of any the 1070 couldn't handle at 144hz. For newer and more graphically intense games though I doubt it could do 144hz consistently.

I guess that's a good time to get the GTX 1080. Personally I doubt I'll be caring about 144hz so I'm just getting the GTX 1070.

>Tfw 760

Should I SLI or just buy new card?

except 200hz isn't possible nor is 144hz (as in actually getting the fps to care about 144hz).

Those in SLI will push games to 60 in 4k. It takes an absurd amount of power to play games at 4k at a decent frame rate.

980ti runs basically everything at 60+ maxed out, not sure why I would upgrade

Faggots like you should die.
What are you - 12?
Bragging on a Vietnamese horticulture-board,

dis projection

4k will be the new standard, 1440p is just a good bridge to that.

so you can play 8bit indie platformers and League in 1440p?

PC game selection is shit.

exactly so no fucking point then

So did that "le DirectX 12 will combine VRAM" meme ever happen, or will it ever? I'm too autistic to buy another GPU and basically throw away the VRAM I just bought.

Nope. Still stock after 5 years. See no reason to unclock it right now. Everything performs at 60, and if it doesn't I don't mind lowering the settings till I get it.

I mean, I played runescape half my life so im used to shit graphics


nah nigga i still got a lot of money from scalping amiibos and Fallout 4 collectors editions. im just not retarded enough to spend more than necessary on one computer part.

still gotta sell my PS4 20th anniversary edition :^)

>buy a 1080
>NEET friend asks what im gonna do with my dual 770s
>tell him im gonna sell them
>asks if he can have 1
>sure bro, just give me $75 and its yours
>he throws a fit, unfriends me on bnet and steam
>been meaning to drop him as a friend anyways

so how is your saturday going?

>multiplats don't exist

I really love this meme.

With two GTX 1080s you could play those games at 8k when 8k displays start coming out.

The GTX 1070 and 1080 actually have 8k support.

How much better is a 1080 than a 980?

enjoy your limited sli support

I wasted my money on the GTX 970 meme. Still runs everything really well though so I guess it was worth it.

I really like my AMD processor too

damn 75 for a 770 is p good, that guys a idiot.

>Mad poorfags trying to tell OP how to spend his money

y-yeah OP, you don't need two, send one back and spread the wealth. Bernie needs your financial support, he's still in it, match my donation.

What a fucking fag

What do you mean with limited sli support?

is 5'6 little?

>I'm superior because I paid more money to a corporation


Yes, I'm so sorry.

He's twelve, but you care that much? Kill yourself.
standard means that most people, the average person, can obtain and play that, while 4k still takes an absurd amount of parts such as 1080 gtx sli (along with the appropriate relative top tier parts) for it to work.

4k as a standard in gaming is still 2-3 years away.

Maybe when they come out with their "volta" architecture cards; it'll set the standard, but that's still a ways away.


cool OP, what are you going to play now that you have them?

it's cute

i'll have you know i'm fucking 5'8 which is average height for males you cunt

Don't be a faggot. Run that shit at least at 4K. I've had it with posers who's using that for a 1080p display.

what do you need two GTX 1080s for apart from playing console ports that were built on $200 hardware at 4k resolution

great OP you can use these to play all the great games that are coming out in the near future

>GTX 980 is already this outdated

PC gaming is too fucking expensive Jesus Christ.

...unless you want to play games at 4k with a decent framerate. As I said. You should do less opinions and more reading so you don't sound so illiterate.

except it can literally play everything on the market at ultra settings.


You know you don't actually NEED to upgrade every other year, right?

I was 5'8 when I was in 7th grade.

>He plays video games

In before RX 480 == GTX 980 meme.

vms, rendering (on the fly encoding)

>not waiting for the 1080ti
Lol pleb

That is if you compare it to Titan X...
Get 980ti on the picture and you'll get a different kind of scenery.

What a waste of money. Hope you're playing on a 4k monitor or at the very least a 1440p one.

That guy's a retard. Glad you unfriended him.

Can you please use google translate? I don't speak autism?

>not waiting for the inevitable ti
why user? such a waste

>fps counter was showing steady performance comparable to that of a GTX 980 as mentioned above.

>but you care that much
What gave it away?

so does he not know what 'sell' means?

He can go full meme and power some kind of VR setup as well. If I was packing that much heat, I'd go for triple 4k display surround gaming as well at reduced detail cause the immersion factor's undeniable.

>GTX 960 for $150 at Microcenter with the coupon i got in the mail

I want to but Pajeet will bother me until I pick up some PNY SSDs.

>100 + in stock
>$10 more than the Samsung model i want
>only 2 samsung SSDs left
"I'll take the samsung one"

looks like it's going perfect for you. one less retard to worry about in your life.

>triple 4k display

Holy shit, you're so retarded. Not even remotely possible.

We can't let the goyim know about this.