How the fuck is this considered one of the best rpg's of all time? It's a god damned mess

how the fuck is this considered one of the best rpg's of all time? It's a god damned mess.

That mess is overshadowed by other qualities in a long run.

Let me guess, you can't handle the non-standard controls?

are you getting fucked by starting goblins, son?

I finished Gothic 2 around 20 times and in my last playthrough I still died to those 3 goblins in the first cave

>he didn't git gud

yes and yes.

It's ok, with enough practice you will be able to accustom yourself to the controls and figure out the patter in which goblins fight, followed by figuring out a counter tactic against them.

It's called gitting gud

but the voice acting is terrible and it feels like I am moving through a thick layer of swampmarsh.

Sucks to be you, Polish VA is great.

lol git gud retard
Bet you skipped the first game like a tard and started with Night of the Raven

I beat Gothic 1 and 2 when I was 12, never felt difficult to me.
Difficulty of these games is over-exaggerated.



It gets good once you get to Jharkendar.

>Difficulty of these games is over-exaggerated
Because they are not difficult once you figure out the mechanics.

Imo the only difficult thing is trying to make some niche builds in NoTR, like a pure crossbowman since it requires quite a bit of planning and meta knowledge.

so what makes this game so great to you people?

I love how git gud meme is now an excuse for shitty, lazy combat that is so fucking simplistic it just bores. And the only way they made shit "hard" is to give it mountains of health. No everything still requires the exact same dodge back & swing approach. Its just "hey this nearly one shots you and takes 15 mins of beating on. Hope you don't have a dropped input somewhere".

go play the first game then dipshit

>implying the game even requires it.
Its got incredibly shallow combat user. There is no git gud. Its just horribly outdated and boring.

But the user stated that he does have problems with controls and beating a goblin.

So what's your fucking point?

>playing the shitty, forced expansion with muh pirates meme

No thanks, original all the way.

why are you so cute? i want to marry you

why? What does that have to do with Gothic 2 being such a mess?

The gameplay is horribly outdated, obviously.

That's false though. Every monster type has its own attack pattern and enemies with different skill levels have different patterns. git gud because the combat is simple and you have only yourself to blame for being bad

what is up with this control scheme any way? It does feel really sluggish and everything looks potato.

Arx Fatalis is a better game
Play that instead


Very detailed and handcrafted world full of different places and hidden secrets

Very detailed and realistic animal behaviour (scavengers eat corpses, animals give warnings when approached, nocturnal animals tend to sleep during the day etc.)

Different fighting stances and animations depending on your proficiency with them

No handholding

Satisfying character progression

Good NPCs with m unique personalities most of the time and realistic daily routines

Of the top of my head

Can be played with keyboard only though,

I'm a german and grew up with that game. Didn't play it for a long time though. But I can still answer your question.
G2 is focused on NPC interactions and handcrafted areas. Unlike Elder Scrolls games, you won't be walking through long generic areas. Everything was put into place specifically. So exploration feels more rewarding then any of those. The areas are not large, but much more tighter in design. They feel less generic.
But the focus of this game are interactions betwene you and NPCs. I have yet to see a game that gives you this many solutions to quests.
For example... the first Bandit you come across, can be dealt with in many ways. Entering the city can be done in again... many ways. And unlike other games, this one adresses those things. NPCs will talk to you about it in conversations. You can play the first hour of this game, and get a good guess at what the rest is gonna be.

It also has enough reason to keep autists like me going. Enemies change and respawn every chapter; so exp is limited. You can try to do everything "the optimal way", while still having lots of freedom etc.
It's really nice. We'll probably never get another game like this.
G3 tried to copy Elder Scrolls and got totally fucked by that. They ran out of time, and made NPC interactions barebones.

>but the voice acting is terrible
>not playing in original German
Was für ein Pleb!

git guuud
he has a fucking problem with goblin,he will cry to death in arx fatalis.

>late game
>why not fuck up some strongholds
>summon Army of Darkness
>every single skelington is stronger than a guard
kek, good times

>witcher3, hurr those afwul controls

>gothic 2, one of the best games ever mate just get gud with afwul controls

love you guys

yes retard, Sup Forums is one man dank meme army

>hurr Sup Forums is not a single person

>lets shitpost all the same opinions and views, because fuck everyone else

If Sup Forums is one person then why are you arguing with yourself?

Are you mentally ill?

>having the nerve to call anyone mentally ill on Sup Forums, you wouldn't know the insane always see themself sane

>still arguing with myself
Yeah I'm mentally ill alright.

hello myself what are you doing in this thread? it's Saturday why not hang out with a good friend

This is obviously the optimal way to approach game design and one that is rarely seen these days. Handcrafted hubs are being replaced by barren open areas that should really come with a dedicated facecam space in the corner as the player runs from one crafting bench to another.


It's easier to make profit that way these days.

Back in the day technology wasn't enough because it sucked.

moving backward with weapon drawn makes you jump back. That's both way to parry and gain distance when fighting humans, and dodging attacks of most animal.
Parrying/dodging is very important part of not getting killed, especially at start when you have fuckall HP and no to shit armor

Retard alert!

Also a nice (and quite immersive) little tactic I found is that you can actually climb on branches of most short trees.

Then you can proceed to shoot the fuck out of animals unable to reach you.

Technology doesn't depend on texture quality, never did. And in fact was better back then. What changed is the influx of social media and digital market in video game sales. Every big game today is designed with gambling and social platforms in mind.

it's even better in Gothic 3 thanks to actual physics and objects collision, allowing you jump off people's head on walls and then on rooftops.