I this just [dark soils] with dragons?
I this just [dark soils] with dragons?
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It isn't anything like Dark Souls.
>I this just [dark soils] with dragons?
What the fuck are you trying to say.
just throught it looked like dark souls
what is it like
there's a steam sale and i need help
It's one of the best RPGs of last gen. It doesn't pick up until you get to the capital city though. Some people only really start enjoying it once they reach the end game. It's only $20. It's honestly one of the best games I've ever played.
is it more witcher than dark soils?
Shadow of the Colossus
Action RPG with SotC/Monster Hunter ish gameplay. Scale monsters and stab out their eyes, then jumb off and riddle them with arrow. Super in depth character creator lets you create anything you want, from a loli to a 7'2'' amazonian princess. Character creation also affects things like health, weight, how easily your character is knocked over, gets wet etc. Magic is also fucking amazing and magic is easily one of the best things about the game. End game magic spells include
>Huge pillars of ice shooting out the ground and impaling enemies
>Calling a fucking meteor shower down on your enemies
>Sucking all your enemies into a giant fucking tornado
oh cool but even good w/o magics?
Just but the fucking game it's worth it even more now that it's price has been reduced
It's nothing like Dark Souls and this game is only hard if you don't know what you're doing
Go with the Warrior class and you'll be Guts from berserk
It's just a jape friend just a jape and their all masterworks you cant go soaked to the bone, tis weak to aught, all roads lead to wolves hunt in packs
Just play the fucking game if you don't like it refund it you you double shegoat
My favorite game to date. If it had coop it would be 11/10. Sequel is unavoidable too, it had a fuckload of sales so better play 1 now fuccboi
Being Guts is fun.
Yes, assassin is a archer/thief/fighter hybrid. Just buy the fucking game. It's honestly a better game than both DaS and Witcher in terms of combat.
What do you think Dark Souls is about?
Did you even play Dark Souls? No? How are you comparing it to Dragon's Dogma?
You make no sense. Spewing the shit you've seen online or heard elsewhere.
Watch video of gameplay of both games would answer your own question.
I see why people say "fucking millennials". Do your own homework.
Yes. But you need a mage in your team, because some enemies have physical resistances.
>the same 3 moves in a row
>It's better than DaS AND Witcher!
Just fuck off, right now.
It's a shitty boring generic world with shitty boring generic quests and shitty boring generic combat
Mediocre graphics, mediocre exploration, weird level scaling areas, the world is smaller than it seems
I tried playing this game 3 times and 3 times it disappointed me. It's not a very good game imo
You might like it tho.
>Literally Parry, R1 or R2
>Left or Right Click, maybe press Q
>6 moves on weapons alone, not to mention x and y combos
>Moves all have various applications and uses
>Changing class completely changes all your moves and you pretty much have to relearn the game when you play a new class
I'm not one of those retards who say DD is the best game ever made, 0 flaws, but the combat is miles fucking better than Dark Souls and Witcher 3. Kill yourself if you think otherwise.
i am 38 years old
The game is boring.
The story is shit.
The combat is 3 fucking moves for 3 different classes.
The only variation in combat you're speaking of is in mages.
Mages take 30 seconds to do spells.
The game is repetitive as fuck and the story is fucking shit.
You should literally take your own advice and crawl out of your own ass because it's hindering your ability to see how repetitive the game is. I had fun playing DD but no where near able to come close to Dark Souls.
I can tell you didn't play DaS if that's what you think combat comes down to.
What's your point?
38 years on this Earth and still don't know how to do shit for yourself.
How can one person be so objectively wrong?
The same way that a person whose only retort is a meme.
>The combat is 3 fucking moves for 3 different classes.
Confirmed for not playing the game or literally being retarded
9 classes
Can set 6 moves at a time
Each class has up to 15 moves or more to chose from
Eat shit retard. 2/10 bait, you made me reply.
Dark Souls has dragons, tho.
This is more like shadow of the colossus with futanaris.
what are future naris
Wtf all these people saying the gameplay is as good as dark souls
Not even close. Souls blows it out of the water from a gameplay standpoint. I don't get how you can say dd is similar
It plays nothing like Dark Souls.
It's a open world fantasy action RPG from the guys who made Devil May Cry. It has elements from a bunch of games but it's very much its own thing.
You're in for a ride, summerfag.
Dragon's Dogma is technically flawed. Imperfection is attractive.
Souls and Witcher are regarded as the epitome, or close to it anyway, but they are clearly flawed in their own ways, the latter moreso than either of the aforementioned.
That's what happens when information becomes widespread, and "critical thinkers" are paid for their numerical input. The onslaught of rampant praise is ironically a crutch for the legacy, because they will retroactively be despised instead of praised.
Dragon's Dogma is the ur for what open world games should aspire to, if only for the variety and opportunity the GAMEplay allows the player. Ocarina of Time created a new depth for size and scale, but the gameplay was mediocre. Final Fantasy VII created new expectations for graphical capacity, but the gameplay was mediocre.
Finally, 2012, gameplay is real again, and it will never get a sequel
Is this 3 games the holy trinity of shitposting now? Anyway here's my attempt to explain it all.
DaS: combat-only with shitty roll-to-win combat, linear, also have """quest""""
DD: combat-only, but combat is great, world is small, quest system is shit
TW3: combat is shit but have ton of legitimately varied quests, also a good open-world that only shitposter disagree
DaS and DD both only have one thing for you to do: combat. But DaS combat is shit. DD is much, MUCH better. It has actually varied, customizable, and fun combat. Witcher serie is never known for combat so whatever. But DS, fucking DS will always baffles me how the game where the only thing to do is combat somehow has shit combat. (and sold 2 millions every installation)
Do heavy sword users get better? I'm playing now one on my first playthrough and I'm not too far into the game and my damage output seems to be lacking a lot.
Souls gameplay is super stiff. Can't even be compared. DD is to souls as re6 is to re4, it's too different to compare.
Even if they aren't that similar, souls combat is way more enjoyable and deep than dragon's dogmas combat.
>never get sequel
Take a look at the sales dude. This isn't wishful thinking, a sequel is inevitable. DDO is just a test.
tell me what
Both are deep in different ways. Souls is about reading the enemy, Dogma is about treating certain enemies as puzzles and focusing on your class abilities. The reason why that doesn't work entirely is because enemies are too weak and pawns are too strong.
Youre horrible bait doesn't deserve anything more than a meme.
>Souls combat
You fight the bosses the same way you fight every trash mob, and the fanbase complains when the game throws different bosses at you (Dragon God, Bed of Chaos). Not that DD is deep, but Souls is not deep either. Vagrant Story, that's deep.
Deep is not inherently good or fun.
Dragon's dogma has some of the most annoying, repetitive combat and quests I'm a game I've ever seen. I'm not the biggest souls fan but even dark souls 2 was better than dd. It felt unbalanced and every fight felt the same, but some had a climbing gimmick. Dark souls has you approach most fights differently, especially a lot of boss fights
Most souls bosses are killed by hugging butt or side and pressing r1. The others you dodge until there's an opening to press r1. I like souls but bosses are atrocious.
I literally went through every Dark Souls just using whatever Katana I got first and buffing it whenever I happen to find some stones.
Press O, Press R1. Nothing wrong with it, but nothing special either. There is no strategy, there is no depth. Depth is not a compliment, SRPGs exist for a reason.
The deepest the series ever got was using shit like the Talisman of God to cast Light Weapon but having 1 Faith under the requirement so it would only drain 1hp at a time. Also World Tendency.
Both of which were in Demon's Souls. The series progressively got shallower from however deep it was before, Dark Souls 3 is by far the most shameless in this regard.
you mean like shit from ps2 era?
Most bosses in souls use timing way better than any enemy in dd. That fact alone, that timing rolls, dodges, blocks and hits is a central game Mechanic, makes it way better than dd imo. Dd just suffered from boring generic world and boring generic quests with boring generic gameplay. It just felt almost like a button masher. Action games are cool but this really did feel incredibly repetitive after 3 or 4 hours.
You got through the game without dodging or rolling? Good job man. You must have gotten some lucky breaks.
He said he dodged.
Timing doesn't matter if it's simple, that merely turns it into a rhythm game. The bosses are archetypes from their own series too. Hiw many four-legged bosses play exactly like Sif. Almost all kings are just Allant, etc. Pressing dodge and retaliating gets boring after one game, let alone after 4. I actually didn't finish 3. At some point I just lost love for the series, it became a boring drag. I only have to beat NK and Soul of cinder but I can't be arsed anymore.
>You got through the game without dodging or rolling
Why do I respond if you don't bother reading?
Dodging is so deep, anyway, right? Christ.
Warrior is comparatively worse than all of the other vocations in terms of usefulness, but only by something like 80% usefulness. Only because every other vocation has one extremely cheesy combo that melts all but the Ur-Dragon. Warrior doesn't really have anything like that. They have to earn their face melting swings.
its the only thing shes good for
a cum bucket for the men because she sucks at fighting
You shine in the base game once you get Arc of Might (at least the second tier). This stops once you get to post-game, and you're absolutely useless in BBI.
So if you want to play warrior for stat gains, play it until you face Griggs, after that switch to another vocation.
anyone get the feeling the reason why they arent localizing DDO is because of dubbing prices
Yeah dark souls timing mechanics are way way deeper than anything dd does and that's really what I'm arguing against. Dark souls weapon types, magic, upgrade system all felt better than dd, in addition to the world being way more interesting. It's okay if you like it, I'm not a dumb fag who thinks video games are objevtive. Dark souls just feels so much tighter with way more builds and much more diverse fights than my 10 hours of dd gave me. I'm sure it probably gets better, but it just felt so boring and repetitive it wasn't worth it to me to keep playing.
>can't choose between she-goat as a waifu or going gay for the night's champion
She can down nut milk like a champ though. Made her my wife, though. Cute delicious brown french tomboys is a hard fetish to satisfy.
>you're absolutely useless in BBI.
>So if you want to play warrior for stat gains, play it until you face Griggs, after that switch to another vocation.
I dont even use any charge moves in BBI
my load out for BBI is Pommel bash, Exodius slash, Corona slash
I dont need anything else since the warrior's true strength lies with their normal attacks
DDO is Capcom's jew bastardization shit anyways, so I find myself not caring.
>Have a tier 2 BBI weapon maxed out
>charge Arc of Obliteration to max
>Hit an Elder Ogre in the face
>1 or MAYBE 2 bars of health (can't remember).
>Do one Skull Splitter as strider
>Maxed out Tier 1 BBI weapon
>Do at LEAST the same damage
And the strider skill is tier 2 compared to the tier 3 warrior skill AND it requires less time (instant cast instead of a 10 second warmup).
The balance is completely fucked. That warrior smash should've instantly killed the ogre to balance it out. It's hard as fuck to charge the smash for 10 seconds, and then precisely hit the head, compared to how easy it is to just jump and do a skull splitter.
What's the best class for autistic minmaxers? Mystic Knight is the most even one, right? Should I just stick with that once I hit level 10 and stay with it until 100?
Too bad they still only tickle the stronger monsters. You end up spamming jump light attack on almost every monster. You could argue that a strider just spams brain splitter, but at least that does a fuckton of damage.
Warrior is objectively one of the weakest classes in the game, maybe paired with mage.
>Second Bitterblack run
>Abandoned City
you under estimate the power of climbing pommel bash
I still manage to get decent clear times of any boss monster in BBI
not to mention, its pretty stamina efficient
Okay now I know this is bait. Souls magic consists if shitty bullets, Dogma magic is probably the best magic in games yet.
>I know this is bait
Are you new with how stupid the Souls fanbase is or something? They actually believe that shit.
>Everything that has knights and magic is like dark souls meme
Mhm maybe. I still stand by my point that warrior is one of the least fun vocations to play in BBI. The entire *umph* you had before is gone, other vocations easily outdamage you, while you're still limited to three skills.
I know their power comes from their regular attacks, but that falls off fairly quick, even in pre-post game (hah).
Please tell me someone has modded back in those outfits...
>Getting anally annihilated from the sky by two undead dragons while five fucking Living Armors attack you and your party on the ground.
Thank fuck I rolled Mystic Knight on PC. Assassin was amazing the entire game and then fucking useless in BBI. Mystic Knight was the opposite.
>Mfw I go from doing literally 0 damage to killing Living Armor and Dragons in Eliminators aren't even a threat to me anymore because I kill them before they can even reach melee range.
Never saw Tarzan. Is her face edited too? That's lewd as fuck.
OP is clearly underaged. Just look at his responses.
>Is the game like Dark Souls
>Oh so it's like the witcher then!!!!
This is literally the thought process of a child. I wouldn't be surprised if he's under 15.
>DS upgrade system
>Better than DD, where you have to kill actual strong monsters to be able to upgrade your weapons
oi ahm laffin
To be fair, getting dragonforged equip for pawns was kind of a pain in the ass. Required too much class switching.
this game is garbage and I really can't figure why people like it
>Sequel is unavoidable too
I wish I could dream like you
>Doing Mercedes Escort Mission
>Going through Velstad forests to avoid neverending piles of bandits and wolves
>Already killed the Chimera earlier THAT FUCkING DAY
>Is now surrounded by Saurians
>Despite two Pawns actively taunting litrrally everything pounces Mercedes
>She lasts all of 3 seconds
>Proceed to two shot Chimera with Arc of Might
>No real drive to keep playing now
Like what the fuck. I thought it took like a week in game for big stuff to respawn.
This. I love DD but this was a huge fucking flaw and a waste of time. I did it legit on both my console runs but on the PC version by the time I had full gold dragon forged I just used a trainer to give my pawn full gold dragon forged. I had all the ingredients for it but fuck farming Bishop for an hour again just to get everything fucking dragon forged in the first place.
its more like Skyrim meets Devil May Cry + plus, our old friend, CUT CONTENT
Actually If I can figure out how to read the code better, us in the modding scene can fix this. I wouldn't nerf the Strider, but we can up the damage output and/or increase the speed of charging those attacks.
So what you're saying is, you played the game wrong, and you couldn't get into it because you chose to make it boring.
>is it just Mario but with Koopas?
CTRL+F "story":
one entry and it is negative.
So, Sup Forums how's the story of DD?
I really want to buy it, but I'd say goodbye to Dishonored and Firewatch
Story doesn't really get any traction until the 'final' fight.
Regardless of any other answers, please skip Firewatch. It was interesting the first half hour but it goes nowhere, events and things you do that seem impactful to tbe ending do nothing. It's also too short. Really feels like some guy had an idea and immediately made the game without working it out.
The story is somewhat convoluted but all the pieces are there, you just have to put it together. The main premises of the story don't actually come together until the final fight of the game, which will then help you understand how the online fits in lore wise, as well as the expansion and NG+. It all makes sense lore-wise and the way they do it is kind of cool. It's nothing spectacular but it is an original concept if you look past the "HURRR GENERIC FANTASY WORLD" that most retard reviewers and some retards in this thread got stuck on.
Is it lacking in a main story or it's just uninteresting doing things if not for the combat? (e.g. Skyrim lacks a good main plot, but some side quests are quite good and motivate you to go on)
kthx. It's also 13 euros
Just saying bro, Firewatch is an anticlimax.
DD has an overarching story, but it's not on the foreground until the final battle, where everything falls into place. It's not like you're walking around aimlessly before that.
Story really isn't there until later. Some of the side quests can be rewarding if you like that specific character, or just want to see what they're about. But they aren't super deep or anything. If story is the main reason you're interested you might be disappointed by the pace.
Just be careful though with side quests. You can lock some of them out if you progress too far in the story. There are also areas that will fuck your shit up early game that have side quests linked to them come back to them when you get to Gran Soren and get better equipment.
t. Someone with 500 hours in DD and DD:DA
>Is it lacking in a main story or it's just uninteresting doing things if not for the combat? (e.g. Skyrim lacks a good main plot, but some side quests are quite good and motivate you to go on)
The main story is pretty simple. A new dragon has appeared and you are the one it has chosen as worthy to face in battle. Each time a dragon appears it finds an "Arisen" to fight against in battle. You meet some older Arisen in your playthrough but none of their stories make sense until the two final bosses of the mainline game. Most of the story pieces itself together after the final two boss fights. Bitterblack Isle, the Expansion area is related to the main quest but is its own seperate and self contained entity. To understand it though you have to at least have killed the second last boss.
For side quests, they are kind of hit and miss. Most are character driven, like a qt 3.14 merchant who just wants you to invest in her business, or a qt 3.14 she-knight who just wants to be accepted as a competent fighter. These side quests probably make up about 10-20 hours of playtime. They're kind of easy to miss so I'd recommend using a guide for your second playthrough to make sure you get them all. Like I said they're all character driven and if you're not visiting towns/characters at certain times you'll miss their quests.
The rest of the side quests are typical RPG stuff, "Kill X, receive Y" except quest rewards are actually things you want, and these quests automatically complete so you dont have to run all the way back to the notice board you got it from.
Overall seems I could like the game.
I'll probably invest in it as my next game and buy some other shit on sales for my perpetuating backlog
Seems fair enough. So buy it is
You won't regret it