NX thread #20002

Let's have a good new NX thread

Confirmed facts
>home console (m.gadgets.ndtv.com/games/news/nintendo-nx-is-a-home-console-next-handheld-codename-revealed-report-841144)
>Zelda BotW as launch title ('different visuals than Wii U')
>'new type of mario' avaliable
Holy fuck we know so damn little

>VERY likely/ partically confirmed stuff
Pikmin 4 launch title
Animal crossing (mobile app supposed to crossover with something)
Dragon Quest XI
Just Dance
Stronger than Wii U (see: Zelda point)

>Some stuff stated by companies, but not confirmed
'moving away from Wii Brand'

twitter.com/fabiandoehla/status/74479428038066585 (3rd party devs excited)
Memory cards and Catridges from Zelda trademarks

>what will make you buy/not buy an NX?

Rev up those speculations boys
Please don't reply to shitposters

Monster hunter generations NX is literally all I want
The rest are just bonuses to me

what I'm wondering if this "new and exciting way to play games" is actually a concept that hasn't been done before or if it's really nothing special and just there for convenience or something.

I do believe the NX will streamline things quite a bit for Nintendo though. That can only be a good thing too

It is more like a non-answer. It might mean something though

And what do you mean by streamline?

>'new type of mario' avaliable

Holy shit, they just said it was a hypothetical about what they could be doing, not that they're literally going to rewrite the formula on Mario.

It could just be another linear-style Galaxy/3D World-esque romp and that would be perfectly fine, because that's where the genre's strengths are.

the "different visuals from Wii U" was told by mynintendonews AKA not trustworthy

As a third party dev (wont say what company I work for or what I'm working on, I don't like NDA leaks) and a longtime Nintendo fan, the NX is definitely going to interest hardcore Nintendo fans who care about quality first party games.

However, it will be a huge pain in the ass as a third party developer to justify making NX games. It will be using the same Power Architecture instruction set as Wii U, Wii, and GameCube to keep full backwards compatibility support as Nintendo is know for. While this is a good thing as a consumer, it absolutely fucks over third party developers who wish to port games from PS4, Xbox One, or PC to NX. Porting games from Power requires a lot more effort to effectively port games to x86 platforms, I'm pretty sure you guys seen how much effort went into GameCube and Wii emulation as it took over a decade to get them where they are today and that's with a bunch of documentation and help from the open source community. In addition to requiring more effort to port, there's hardly any incentive to create third party exclusives or port third party games to NX when data from the last few generations have proven that third party games sell worse on Nintendo's platforms than on Sony or Microsoft's platforms. There's a few exceptions here and there but the majority of people mainly buy a Nintendo console to play first party Nintendo exclusives.

If you liked Wii U, you will like NX. If you were expecting something totally different, guess again.

>Confirmed: more powerful than the wii u but still a generation behind the other consoles

Wasn't it a direct quote though?

Okay, I'll bite. What is the general consensus about the NX? Is it gimmicky? How many third parties are on board? Will it be compatible with the GameCube too?

I really hope they actually do something with My Nintendo.

So far it's been a horrible replacement for Club Nintendo.

What do you want to see?

More incentives to use the thing. Better rewards and connectivity with games. Something like that. Anything.

what do think about the resident evil 7 cartrige patent ? is this a hint that its coming for the NX ?

Far-fetched, but pausible

If NX uses cartridges they are setting themselves up for failure. We live in a digital age, cartridges make no sense. They cost much more than discs to produce and are slower than modern SSDs.

Don't they have a faster load time or something?

Can someone post stats?

streamline as in unify both Nintendo console and handheld under the same roof. Because I think that was Iwata's vision

They have faster load times than discs. But now that we have solid state drives, cartridges are about the same (if they use high quality parts which is expensive as fuck) or will be multiple times slower if they decide to use cheap parts.

Cartridges make no sense today except for like handhelds where you can't fit a SSD inside a handheld.

It's not the early 2000's anymore kiddo. A carriage could essentially be a tiny ssd in a slot able case.

Faster and superior to discs

So cartridges are better than discs, but not as good as ssd's...and that's why they should use discs?

I'm not following

Not doubting you but I would like to see a source

I'm not saying they should use discs, I'm saying that using cartridges in a home console is retarded in today's market. Nintendo would have to pay more to make cartridges than just using discs.

I literally only care about its specs. If it's not powerful by console standards then I'm done with nintendo.

I only care about games. What good is power if there's nothing good to play?

so when the fuck is the most likely time they will reveal this? any events coming up?

Google Sata III SSD speeds and then compare them to SD cards or Nintendo's proprietary cartridges.

Reveal to be planned in fall

Faster than discs sure. Superior? No.
You can buy a 50 pack of 50GB blu ray discs for $20 while a single cartridge of similar capacity would cost more than that.

What are you saying they should use?

Are we even sure if cartridge production is still all that expensive today?

lucky for you nintendo has had neither games nor power for multiple generations now.

We know it'll have droughts just as bad as Wii U if not worse.

Discs and digital distribution would be the objectively best option.

Flash memory is more expensive than creating discs. Why do you think SSDs and SD cards are more expensive than 100 pack DVDs or Blurays?

So you're saying cartridges are superior?

More than discs for certain

Superior at performance, terrible at mass production cost.

Faster. Bigger storage space. Centralized instead of on multiple discs.

Sounds like cartridges are superior in everything but production price

How much is the price hike though?

>It will be using the same Power Architecture instruction set as Wii U, Wii, and GameCube to keep full backwards compatibility support as Nintendo is know for

Don't listen to this fucking idiot.

>Nintendo is retarded, they have to pay $3 per cartridge instead of $1 per disc
The horror

if they drop Power architecture, they will lose a 10+ years worth of native backwards compatibility.

Unless they opt for software emulation but that always ends badly. Limited support and bugs out the ass.

is it that inconceivable that Nintendo just eats up the difference in cost? or that they could save the lost money back with other things, such as releasing the NX without a disc drive?

Because I don't think Nintendo can't make this work if they really wanted to

>Memory cards and Catridges from Zelda trademarks
wait, so we have to buy Memory Cards again?
The fuck Nintendo, why not internal storage for games? Memory cards were always a hassle and not even good. Yes, it lets you give your buddy your own savefile, but its not the 90's anymore - SD Cards and USB Sticks exist. Also if one memory card gets corrupted or gets lost, tought shit!

Please dont let this happen, please dont

there`s no way to have a (good) NX thread right now though because nintendo aren`t leaky af and so nothing whatsoever is actually known about what the NX actually is as yet

Nintendo could definitely do it but it would make no sense at all from a business perspective. You're spending more money on production just for the sake of having cartridges with no real advantages over hard drives.

Expect a reveal in October.

dont respond to bait

Aren't memory cards the one the 3ds uses as games? As in the card contains the game

Correct me if I'm wrong

I`m not even sure theyre going to reveal the NX before christmas season this year so as not to cannibalize (whatever sales they can still get out of) the WiiU/3ds

that shit adds up, my dog. If you sell 1 million copies, cartridges will cost 3 million, as opposed to just 1 million for discs. That's 2 million extra.

nah, no worries. Nintendo has storage figured out pretty well right now. SD cards for 3DS and external HDD's + USB drives for Wii U. The patent supposedly proving carts for NX is inclonclusive anyway. It doesn't hold all that much value

Have they given any hints of what the gimmick will be?

Well Memory Cards is the term used for cartridges that store your savedata from console games like PS1, PS2, GameCube, etc.
If they say "Memory Cards", they mean that, not the SD cards they used for games.
and this is worrying.

Discs costs pennies to produce at a mass scale.

>VERY likely/ partically confirmed stuff
>Stronger than Wii U

Why the hell wouldn't it be? this isn't news at all. Why do people keep thinking that it's possible for the NX to be the same/less poweful than Wii U?

>It will be using the same Power Architecture instruction set as Wii U, Wii, and GameCube to keep full backwards compatibility support as Nintendo is know for
fakepost confirmed

But it is under the Zelda trademark. Basically the media they use to distribute games

So your worries are unfounded.

ahh, thank you. Thats a load of my mind.

Its kinda scary how little we know though. the console has been in development for several years now and is going to be released in like 10 months. Normaly leaks would be everywhere

how is it fake? Nintendo has been rehashing the same CPU architecture in their home consoles for over a decade now.

And catridges cost...?

dollars, how much though depends on production method and other factors like buying chips from other companies.

'Leaks' happen because companies choose to reveal them early.

Anyways, all should be revealed in fall

Probably because of Reggie's comments on it that specs aren't important.

that comment really gets blown out of proportion on both sides. It's just PR talk

Don't forget Retro Studios unannounced Wii U title that's most likely been moved to the NX.

Reggie might be NoA ceo But unlike Iwata he isn't a programmer or some shit.
He is a good marketeer but a horrible boss.

Haven't they been repeating there will be zero difference between wiiu/nx Zelda?

>Not a hybrid console

They fucked up. That was the only innovative and gamechanging thing they could have done. Nintendo is over in the console space.

If BotW launched with other games will those other game's sales be cannibalized by BotW's success?

Twilight Princess came out as a Wii launch title, go look at the sales of those other launch games.

>Probably because of Reggie's comments on it that specs aren't important.
He didn't say that, he said "It's not about specs" I don't know how this statement alone sends peoples hopes crashing.

Nothing is confirmed

The NX is a home console, but it is cross platform with the MH (handheld). Maybe only one or two exclusives for each

>nvidia smartphone cpu in a console
Nintendo finally did it, they managed to become braindead.

>>Not a hybrid console
What does that even mean?

Calling it now, NX will just be a "upgraded" Wii U. Just like PS4 Neo will be a PS4 with a better GPU and overclocked CPU.

depends: it it launches with MK9 and Pikmin 4: not realy. Nintendo games are somewhat timeless and will still sell decent 5 years after release.
If it launches with CoD 18 and Assasins Creed 32, chances are it will.

YEY, cartridges are coming BACK!

Calm down, user

>the MH (handheld)
Are you this out of the loop? The MH deal was debunked right away. Basically it was just an hypothetical example made up by investors. They do this shit al the time.

That said, I do think NX will (also) be a handheld.

They already have a far exaggerated backwards compatibility. You have to boot into another fucking OS to play Wii games. GameCube can't be (legally) done on the WiiU, and there's next to no chance of them ever adding GC games to the digital shop because emulation is too hard, which makes no sense if the whole Nintendo being gods of back compat meme were anything more than just a meme.

A tiny shitty handful of n64/Snes/GBA games is not anything to be excited about. They fooled me before.

>battery dies inside cartridge
>lose all your save data

>tfw BotW golden cartridges cause another stampede

Shouldn't the NX have internal storage?

Who says they have to emulate Gamecube games ? You can natively play Gamecube games on Wii U through homebrew.


Anyways the NX is a home console, the controller is a handheld

All solved

no hype for this op.

just wait till they announce something so you don't get your hypes up for nothing. it could be horrendous

To get them working in Wiiu mode they'd have to build custom emulators still, if I'm not mistaken. And nothing new is being added Wii mode ever.

yeah well, IF they do come back don't expect them to be that big. gameboy size is the best you can hope for, even then they'll probably be tiny anyway

I don't see why not, when previous consoles did.
That user was probably shitposting though.

>insert cartridge into console
>cartridge's battery recharges

That's what it will probably be, yep.

But the gamepad will be optional and will be sold separately, like the wiimote was for the Wii U.

I mean, they can't be that stupid to add another gimmick.

There's no emulators involved, once you're in Wii mode the system acts exactly like as a Wii should since it uses the SAME FUCKING CPU INSTRUCTION SET as Wii and Gamecube.

Can I use the Wii U gamepad on BOTW for NX? I have the custom Zelda one that came with Wind Waker and find it pretty comfy for WWHD and TPHD.

hopin for at least genesis size

I'd like a source on the WiiU/NX Zeldas being different thing. Nintendo has maintained they'll be the exact same.

Pokemon crossover from mobile.

You collect your pokemons IRL with your mobile and you (can) do the rest of the stuff on the console.

ask kimishima

GameCube controller worked on Wii, and Wiimote worked on Wii U. Based on that, it could be possible.

They said the game will be the same, just with graphical differences. It's safe to assume it's the standard fare when making a cross gen port.

Would you be willing to pay ~3$ more and have less third party games for cartridges?

Since the same handful of titles have been propping Nintendo consoles up for so long why don't they just sell software?