Gaming """""journalism"""""

>gaming """""journalism"""""

Fuck off, gamergate

They're massive SJW and they want SJW points. Does this really need an article? Anyone could have guessed why.

They're always going to be colossal faggots, user. There's no way to get rid of them, short of killing everyone who thinks like them.

I haven't enjoyed big time a Bioware game since the first Mass Effect. Even the often praised Dragon Age Origins felt very cliche to me, as the orc/elf/dwarf stale as shit template with a shitty "x is racist" twist. I skipped all other Dragon Age games

You mean they did it because Male Shep was the default for the first trilogy so why not change it up?
But let me guess, they actually did it for sjw brownie points instead.

>why bioware led with femryder in their trailer

Because they need to virtue signal to their fellow cult members.

There, explained.

If any biocucks are reading this, at least if you're advertising with a woman, make her pretty, like you would make your male hero handsome.

It help with sales . . .oh i'm just kidding, i know you're not interested in profits, you just want to push your agenda of mediocrity acceptance.



If you actually read what was said, there's no SJW angle at all.
The Bioware guy just says that they were trying to copy movie trailers with Mass Effect, and those need a "lead", but with Andromeda, everybody already knows the protag is fully customisable.

no discernible talent

That's what new is protag is called

Why does she look like Anita Sarkeesian?

I always wanted to be a fugly, greasy woman wearing shitloads of eye makeup.

Good thing you can make him/her look like whatever you want then.

... then name them Dick Ryder.

it always pissed me off in Mass Effect that Shepard was supposed to be a real character and not just a player vessel

they can try to say the female is default all they want.

it's not going to be when like 80% of the people who buy it play as a man and they wind up changing all of the advertising for future games to reflect that.

either way, one would expect them to have reversible covers since they did that for the last game.

gaming (((journalism))) you say?

>either way, one would expect them to have reversible covers since they did that for the last game.

Nope. They've already said they'll go the Inquisition route, where it's a back view / silhouette type deal where you can't tell either way.

You're pissed that he was a real character or a self insert?

>You mean they did it because Male Shep was the default for the first trilogy so why not change it up?
That would have been great

The second option is more likely though.

Either way, anybody sticking with the series after 3, or Bioware as a whole since Inquisition, is beyond help.

because bioware nowadays is only full of sjw and feminists

>implying I´m gonna play this sjw bullshit

The many Names of FemRyder:

Roast Beeflips

how well did Mirror Edge 2 sell anyway?
Nobody seemed to like it but that has never stopped a game from selling well in the past

I'm just saying cos somebody brought it up, champ. No need to get all uppity.

it flopped like battleborn. mass effect will be next.

I'm annoyed that they tried to do both.

Either have me pilot an established character or let me create my own character. Don't try and force me to roleplay as Space Chad Thundercock or Stacey Finepussy


To be honest I like this approach more. I don't like full-fletched characters like in the Witcher or blank slates like in the Elder Scrolls. I prefer the character to have some kind of personality and me being able to sway it one way or another.

I fucking loathe this poo in loo so goddamn much.

Every time someone posts that image of him holding that 'White tears' cup I get pissed off. And I'm not even white.

yeah journalism been dead for years
and you are beating a dead horse and giving them the attention they want

>mfw SJWs are incapable of making a profitable product due to their agenda coming before quality
This is why they want communism.

Witcher does that perfectly well

Mass Effect does it poorly, they only decided to make Shepard an actual character in 2 and 3.

Life is Strange does the same thing, they assume all these things about a character and it's super awkward when you don't care/agree with them but you're supposed to be cause it's supposed to be YOUR choices.

Like, ask me if I want blueberry pie or strawberry pie but in actuality I don't care about pie regardless of flavor.

I loved ME 2 and 3, endings and all.

But the things I've been seeing in regards to the inner workings of Bioware and the employees within, makes me want to avoid Andromeda like the plague.

This is so fucking stupid.

Yes, SJW cucks who actively avoid sexy games are more likely to gobble up bullshit sexual harrassment claims without question.

All journalism is shit, but you wouldn't know since all you know are video games

Don't care, Bioware died after EA acquired them. Mass Effect 1 was their last good game.

Based on that headline, I really don't see the problem here from a """"journalistic"""" angle. Can someone explain?

What kind of stupid ass fucking new age trailer trash burgerclap name is Ryder

Oh shit, I forgot about Nodding Man! What's he up to these days?

2 was better in every single way

>Not liking Ryder

i hope they crash and burn and fail so hard their anuses rosebud, i really do
fucking sjw pc scum fuckers

I'd play it if I could play as him

the ride really does never end with this company

didn't they show their ass enough with ME3 already jesus christ

Didn't a bunch of people throughout the original series, Sup Forums included, think FemShep was best Shep?

Why do people act like it's headline news when people like female characters?

I'd agree if half of the game wasn't a Counselor Troi simulator

Proper journalists report objective news. Videogame journalists report sensationalist clickbait news to help spread their far leftist agenda.

Not that I care about the gender of the protagonist at all, but femshep fucking sucked. I've never heard a faker voice in my life. She sounded like a woman putting on the deepest voice she could, not like an actual person.

>Bioware does X
>"Here is why Bioware does X"
>somehow not "objective news"

I'm sure whatever study he is talking about is "non-bias"....

I bet you read Breitbart, faggot

>"""journalist""" angle
because the way there approaching it is to highlight the woman character was used to show off the game. Make no mistake, it's not that they are just reporting it, they are praising it, these people don't care about games, they care only about how ideas of the minority are now in the game, they view it as a victory of tolerance

>Not wanting to be Counselor Troi in charge

Trump being made the villain of Mafia 3 really makes me hope that all the other big budget progressive garbage in development right now follow suit. I'd give my left nut for The Illusive Man's mantle to be taken by The Unstumpable Man.





>user uses Sup Forums memes. It's not very effective.

Thanks for spoiling your own game. I didnt want to know this is the main char

>implying the people who wrote this arrival would have if it was male shep
They only care about it because that fem shep was used, they wouldn't give a crap if it was male shep, honestly if you don't see the agenda, then you need a bullet to the brain for not possessing critical thinking skills

fuck you ciri is purest and best waifu

>wanting to be the 2nd worst TNG character

Wow. Just wow. Pokemon 'memes' I can't even.....

Not the most attractive lady but at least it wasn't the boring ass Male Shepard they tried to shove down everyone's throats for three full games' worth of commercials and demos

Fuck that shaved idiot

>shit taste

Well, what was the reason?

>killing everyone who thinks like them

i can agree with that one comrade...
my blade thirsts for vengeance against those who would oppose us...
*unsheathes katana and teleports into thin air*

Mirror's Edge 2 came out? I didn't even know.

>They only care about it because that fem shep was used, they wouldn't give a crap if it was male shep

Are you trying to tell me that...journalists...have opinions? And maybe even agendas? WOAH.

>Implying she wasn't good when actually used as an officer and not a listener

>gamergate is STILL going

is that supposed to be a woman

>then you need a bullet to the brain for not possessing critical thinking skills

well said, fellow redditor

>that false equivalence
Will these people ever get a grip?

Shame you can't get it anywhere anymore

Journalists aren't supposed to let their opinions and agendas get in the way of reporting news.

The villan of Watch Dogs 2 is also a PArody of Thrump.

3 years, cuckware is gone. EA will eat it up.

You know that journalism includes a whole lot more than "reporting news", right? Like, have you ever read a newspaper or magazine in your life?

Good thing I got it for Christmas all those years back.
Too bad it happens all of the time.

this isn't just "gaming journalism"
not just "crazy sjws" either
this is modern liberalism

read any other site outside of gaming, far left propaganda turned up to 11

everything is politicized, and the agenda always comes first

Origins probably couldn't have been made today. The City Elf origin is chock full of rape. And the whole Casteless Dwarf origin having your sister whore herself out for food and shelter probably wouldn't fly either.

Yes. This user is obviously only into the finest of Cocks.

>I know literally nothing about journalism, but gamergate told me the game journos are bad so here we go

Holyshit, let me phrase it this way then, there is a massive coalition of journalists who are only shilling progressivism, and they are so overwhelming that they can cause massive corporation like bio-ware start appealing to this crowd for good publicity

>If any biocucks are reading this, at least if you're advertising with a woman, make her pretty

It's videogames, who cares if A FUCKING PIXELATED PERSON looks good or not?

I really really hope the attractiveness of male and female characters doesn't ruin your experience. That'd be fucking retarded.

>Keep up motherfucker.

the villain of call of duty infinite warfare is also a trump lookalike

>they are so overwhelming that they can cause massive corporation like bio-ware start appealing to this crowd for good publicity

Bioware was making "progressive" games long before anyone wrote an article about it. Stop pretending hack journalists have the power to bully anyone with a spine into anything.

I get that you're trying to discredit him by memeing but he's not wrong.

>All characters need to pander to me!

God fucking damn it. I've read that study and the instrumentation is all kinds of fucked up.

Look, I'm a social scientist. I study video games, and this fucking bad science needs to fucking stop. Right now I'm working on some research that I believe will indicate that sexualized female characters only negatively affects game-related self efficacy in women when the sexualization is out of context. For example, women who play Second Life intentionally pick super slutty costumes because it's a social "game" where-as, in a study that found (and was also poorly conducted in terms of instrumentation) women who played a sexualizaed version of Lara Croft in Tomb raider had lower general self efficacy, the context of the game (platforming in a dress) was incongruous. In context, sexualized armor should mean nothing.

tl;dr Fuck bad science

You can create a male character so what is the problem

This, how could more than one person have such a horrible opinion that doesn't agree with mine?

>a development studio at Electronic Arts
>not interested in profits

you're killing me user

If female Ryer is default, why are they still calling her "FemRyder"?

Checkmate, SJW :^)

samecuck with VPN

In regard to voice acting, yes. Mark Meer's directed monotone delivery was looked down upon in comparison to Hale's husky, forced whisper. Both were shit but some people preferred having a FemShep specifically because she at least had inflection in her voice.

The problem is Sup Forums needs to get triggered by at least 5 things every hour, and Bioware deciding to put a woman version of their main character at the forefront of their new game is one of those.