Aaaaand refunded.
Shitty combat, lifeless map and boring gameplay. Masterpiece my ass.
When was the last time Sup Forums lied to you anons?
Aaaaand refunded.
Shitty combat, lifeless map and boring gameplay. Masterpiece my ass.
When was the last time Sup Forums lied to you anons?
I never told you it was a good game faget, The Witcher has always been about graphics and sex over gameplay
If you can't appreciate this game, that is a very unfortunate thing indeed.
If you can't enjoy The Witcher 3 you should just legitimately kill yourself. There must be something fundamentally wrong with you.
You have objectively bad taste.
>Buying a game and refunding it (or not) just to post on Sup Forums in an attempt to troll anonymous people that will forget the thread existed 10mins after they stop looking at it.
Sometimes I wonder about the people on this board.
I'm sorry for your brain damage.
Anyone with half a lick of common sense can see that only plebs liked this game. It's like going to Sup Forums and being convinced Game of Thrones is good.
We told you it has shitty gameplay, not even Witcherfags argue this point.
Fable TLC. Pretty shit game desu. Also as expected of western devs it's PC garbage. The last time I buy one of those generic fucking western games on Steam.
>Wahhh people online don't share my opinion
It feels good. Big improvement over the last two
try alchemy, it's the most fun skill tree of the bunch
>shitty combat
It's still really shitty.
The first two where really really shitty
>waaaahhh i need moor explushions and aktchun
>wheres micheal bay!?!?!
I bet you've seen every transformer too you knuckle dragging neanderthal.
Did you even play the first two games?
>mfw 320 hours, 1 gameplay and haven't touched BaW yet
OP I hope you find a game you can like as much as I do TW3
>Not getting into Velen
>Not starting the Barons Questline
>Only fighting by mashing buttons and not fighting like a Witcher.
>Not exploring every corner of a gigantic map
Ok friendo, have fun with that.
>it's an All Pacino thread
>3 types of quests
>Combat mastered in half an hour
>Horrible interface
>Death March way too easy
>Potions can be largely ignored
I wish I had shit taste in games so I could enjoy the witcher 3.
>lying on ze internet
I want to say "get a life" but you should instead end yours.
I like it, but for storyfag reasons. The combat is weak and 90% of the follow-the-colored-line quests are as bad as shit in DA:I.
>The game that many people love and is getting several GOTY rewards is bad because i say so.
>Cisquisition is a great game because it got GOTY awards and people liked it
CuckDPR go offf yourself.
>3 types of quests
>Combat mastered in half an hour
Wow so you unlocked all the bombs, and potions in 30 minutes?
>horrible interface
Way to show you havent played the game since release.
>death march is too easy
Thats a load of horseshit and you know it, you get hit 5 times by anything and your dead.
>potions can be largely ignored
Well obviously you never did play on death march.
I wish I had a shit life so I could spend all day on Sup Forums shitposting about a game I havent even put two hours into.
I don't know if it's funny or sad that the game nails everything other than gameplay, the thing that makes up a huge percentage of what makes a game. Everything other than the gameplay is great, which is why this particular game is so controversial.
It's definitely not a masterpiece, I don't understand how it got so much praise, but I still think it's an 8/10
I think the gameplay, while not great, is pretty solid
You fell for the Poland Shilling Force. Be glad you managed to refund it before it was too late.
My game of the decade.
If you want the real reasons why the game is perfect, I can spoiler the shit out of you and you would understand.
But experiencing it yourself is much better.
The only thing shitty here is your taste.
CDPR shills are on Sup Forums 24/7. If you look outside of Sup Forums and the Witcher 3 subreddit, the game is pretty much forgotten everywhere. Even Fallout 4 has greater number of online players at any time than Witcher 3.
>I hate a game because it had a gay man and no one is allowed to like it.
You are really trying hard to fit in among Sup Forums a bunch of anonimus fags who refuse to use even fake online names.
Play more games you fag.
Then how about you go back to fucking reddit you retarded piece of shit.
So is it basically skyrim?
Looking forward to 10 years in the future when I will start over with new game plus and play through the entire game again having forgotten most of it.
It was a huge improvement over 2. I'd recommend using more signs if you feel like the combat is stale for you; they're much more useful this time around and 2/5 of them are straight-up broken.
It's not good at all. Perhaps I'm spoiled from playing dark souls, and therefore prefer my action rpg's to have actually good combat and be fairly challenging. The story in witcher 3 is god tier for sure, but this is a video game, not a movie. Gameplay just matters more.
Your argument that popularity = good ousted you as a huge cocksucker. Don't even name to try hard to expose you.
Souls games have shit combat too. No idea why people think either of those games have good combat.
I got tricked with Dragons Dogma when it came out.
Refunded that shit in an hour.
>he actually fell for The Shitter 3
holy fuck
I stopped playing after the wuest where you go to the witch hunter place with the red head
I liked the game but i got distracted, hiw far was i into the game?
>mfw Withcher 3 when being a M&B fan
Shit ass gameplay
shit taste thread?
I don't like STALKER or Dragons Dogma.
Because Steam online numbers are a pure reflection of how good a game is? So Football Manager 2016 and DOTA 2 are the best games of our time. user, you're stupid, please go and take your shitty taste with you.
I hate when I get (you)s from people like you. Don't ever reply to my posts again
M&B does mounted combat better, thats for sure. Other than that I'm not sure what you mean.
Always go for the opposite of what the vocal majority of Sup Forums says... its not rocket science
Pong is more fun than TW3 combat
>When was the last time Sup Forums lied to you anons?
Right in the OP.
I remember when the Witcher 2 came out and people who didn't enjoy it were shitposted to oblivion.
Then Witcher 3 comes out, improves on 2 in almost every way, and then gets shitposted to oblivion.
Maybe I'm just not cool enough to be contrarian.
What about your wife's son's posts?
Because Fallout 4 has mods.
The muh gameplay shit baffles the fuck out of me.
Its gameplay is a massive improvement over the last two titles, which are also classics. TW3 also shares a genre with the likes of Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim/NV/FO3/FO4/DA:I, etc, etc.
It has by far the best combat in the "open world" genre. The hate this game gets is very bizarre considering how much the devs gave a fuck.
protip: all games are more fun when you pirate.
Sup Forums told me Final Fantasy was shit
On the whole, FF is fucking great
Hey cuck posting is always funny
You are the cancer killing videogames.
It has by far the best combat in the "open world" genre. The hate this game gets is very bizarre considering how much the devs gave a fuck.
Dragon's Dogma is better
>god hand
>fallout 1&2
souls arent bad but the wank over them and the fact that some faggot has to mention them every thread and how every game should be like them is pretty annoying
Maybe, just maybe, its not that theres a conspiracy happening right under your nose and instead people are just still talking about the game because gheyve released 2 expansions both of which take a long ass time to finish. People are still talking about it because theyre either still playing it or they just started after getting it in a sale. Jesus.
You roll when an enemy attacks you
Hows that different from Dark Souls again
And it took you less than 2 hours to realize that? Sherlock Holmes would be proud of your analytical skills.
the combat is fucking abhorrent and you know it
W3 is not the same genre as any of those games you listed, excep DA:I.
Witcher is linear Sony game with a big map.
DD is not even in the same league as W3 in terms of open-worldness, ie content, quests, size, exploration, etc.
Still a good game, though. Yes, we can have more than one good game at a time.
the witcher 3 is a very high quality game.
but if you don't value story, lore, immersion and character, you won't like it. those are by far and away the games strongest aspects.
Witcher 3 isn't an RPG. It's an action adventure on par with Ass Creed.
>DD is not even in the same league as W3 in terms of open-worldness, ie content, quests, size, exploration, etc.
Not what we're talking about though, we're talking about gameplay
This desu senpai. Can't even flirt with lolis in that game. What's the point?
>its another TheBull witcher shitposting thread
truly the barneyfag of the witcher series
he says while posting an image.jpg of an objectively shitty game
>dark souls
sorry for your brain damage,
Must mean fallout 3 and bioshock infinite are also good, right?
The enemies, weapons, animations, variety in builds and playstyles, bosses and magic are all better and more varied.
I like W3 but the combat and gameplay is its weakest point. Theres no point arguing about it, nobody bought the W3 for the gameplay alone. And thats fine and all but pretending that the gameplay doesn't have its flaws is just stupid
Not that the story/characters are perfect, they're just better.
Me too man, though 10 years, I can't wait that long even though it would be pretty glorious.
I'll play through BaW and then probably replay the trilogy in 6~ months or a year, choosing opposite paths.
>DD has good combat
Please user, did you play the game or just watched those Webms
>make a game
>botch the ""game""play
Why didn't they just make a movie?
op here
thanks for all the (you)'s
>Please user, did you play the game or just watched those Webms
>we're talking about gameplay
And Witcher 3 is a sword combat game. Apples and oranges, dear shitposter.
Its nothing perfect but its not OMG ITS SO SHIT
Haven't even played Blood and Wine yet. I'm waiting on RX480 and will start a new
I honestly can't think of an ARPG with shittier combat than Witcher 3. It was far worse than Witcher 2 even.
>best combat in an open world game by far
>top 5 story in any video game in history
>10/10 graphics on PC
>interesting lore and well-written characters
>Multiple endings and paths
It's a fucking 9/10 RPG. A true 9/10, not the meme IGN type.
Sup Forums just sinks their teeth into whatever they can hate - and theres very little grip on TW3 considering the summation of its parts it is an extremely exceptional game.
So they just stick to biting the weakest point and barking a lot.
Honestly - can you imagine what if we had some 10/10 gameplay ?
What the game would just be perfect?
In my eyes definitely - but Sup Forums would just blow something else out of proportion, most likely the downgrade because that is the only other piece of exposed flesh TW3 has.
You can't get (You)'s as OP you fucking moron
>And Witcher 3 is a sword combat game. Apples and oranges, dear shitposter.
You can play DD as a sword combat game, or not, and the fact that you're given a choice AND the sword combat is better in DD says alot.
never because I don't see games as a fine wine
>When was the last time Sup Forums lied to you anons?
They said it's the best game in the series.
What they really should have said is that they like the story, tone, and customization best in Saint's Row 2, but the gameplay mechanics and controls are absolute dogshit, and if you actually care about playing video games, Saints Row 3 and 4 are infinitely better.
> I never played DD and am just shitposting the post
But I never made a decision in AssCreed except the decision to quit and uninstall.
And even that only happened once.
woah so this is the power of CDPR shills
>I exposed someone for a fraud for considering a popular game good because Sup Forums tells me all popular games are automatically shit.
OH my god if Sup Forums had a physical form you would suck its cock and probably only live of the nutrition of its semen if you could
>on par with Ass Creed.
So it's stale shit with even worse optimization and best part of newer entries are ones that have nothing to do with core of gameplay?
No, it isn't complete shit like people like to meme about.
The combat is serviceable at best and its plagued by a lot of things, big and small, but it does its job 90% of the time just fine. And thats it. Its not amazing, its not horrible, its just okay.
When you stretch your game time for over 100 hours, that okay turns to serviceable at best. It serves its purpose which is to continue the story.
You can't be this retarded
What's funny is that I never said that and you're making shit up because you got ousted at a retard who jumps at popularity bandwagons. Bet you think Avatar is the greatest movie of all time aswell.