Fallout 3 vs New Vegas

Let's settle this once and for all.

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New Vegas is a direct fucking upgrade from Fallout 3 famalam

I agree, but everyone always seems to prefer 3 to NV for some reason.


For being a faggot most likely.

>Fallout 3 vs New Vegas
/thread, New Vegas wins.

The one where your actions and choices have actual consequences

one of them has boone. that one wins

The one where you don't have to buy a DLC to unfuck the terrible writing of the main quest.

inb4 muh atmosphere faggots

They played it first.

3's biggest advantage over NV is that it was the first Fallout a lot of people played and at the time it was a big breath of fresh air for first person games.

They even fail at making a decent atmosphere, le badly done WaaAAaAaaaAAAAcky inconsistent retro-future 50's ruins it

I don't care what you Obsidiots say. Fallout 3 was fucking fun. New Vegas bored me to tears and its cowboy roman bullshit was just silly.

>better story
>better weapons
>better dialogue
>better DLC
>better companions

Not really much to discuss tbqh senpai-tachi

You mean shitty shooter in Fallout setting?

But New Vegas is objectively superior because you can play all of FO3 and NV through a mod.

There is literally no debating this.


That's the point, it's watered down and extremely casual

NV fixes it all, I bet you didn't enjoy the originals

>having fun is casual and dumb

Fuck off Sup Forums. Video games were made for fun.

This was settled "once and for all" ages ago, kys faggot.

>Video games were made for fun.

I phrased it badly, if you find watered down shit like F3 or F4 fun, then there's a problem with you

Bethesda Fallout:
>DUDE it's like the 1950s but it's not! Wow Cool! Look at all these wacky locations!! A settlement run by kids?! Wow, only in the post apocalypstic world could this happen! Hahah look, this settlement is named after its ruler, and his name is DAVE. Hahahahahahaha. Where do they come up with this stuff?! A talking computer? Hehe. That's unexpected! There are two, count them, TWO super heroes fighting over a town. Cuckoo bananas is you ask me. XDDD

Obsidian Fallout:
>A deep, multi choice rpg with deep discussions about politics and the world. Deep dialogue, deep perk trees, and deep companions.


Makes me nervous about the next elder scrolls.

The one with ED-E and Blue Moon by Sinatra
The one with shandified worldbuilding
The one with several factions with various endings depending on which one you support
The one where Karma works as reputation
you know the one

>New Vegas Ultimate: 95% positive of 39,196 reviews
>Fallout 3:GOTY Edition: 83% positive of 14,888 reviews
>New Vegas PC: 8.5 based on 2620 ratings
>Fallout 3 PC: 7.9 based on 3341 ratings

Who is this everyone you are talking about? your little circlejerk of friends?

I liked them both

>Give some water to a bum, the only person in the entire wasteland with a water problem
>Hunted down endlessly by a bunch of retards that have infinite numbers and supplies in the post-apoc wasteland
>Cannot interact with them, cannot wipe them out
>Apparently someone somewhere benefits from D.C. being absolutely worthless by some unknown mechanism so they hire these infinite permanently evil mercenaries to do evil things
>Repeat the same mysterious mercenary faction shit in FO4

What the fuck are you doing Emil

>Be Courier
>Have 10 Luck
>Play Blackjack
>Rob casinoes blind until they forbid you to gamble
>be set for the rest of the game

>not doing it the fun way and kill Legion assassins and Gun Runners guard to sell their stuff for a shit load of caps


It always ends the same way lad

Blackjack is fun you uncultured troglodyte


Always nv, but FO4 is the real good shit

>35 grand
>Set for the rest of the game

The fuck? I spend that much on every trip to the gun runners.

That pic is so accurate it hurts

What is the most comfortable place in the Mojave?

>A deep, multi choice rpg with deep discussions about politics and the world. Deep dialogue, deep perk trees, and deep companions.

I also prefer nv but could you please stop refering to it as "deep". It sounds pretentious as fuck and it's simply wrong. There's nothing deep about nv. It's just a better rpg when compared to fallout 3 black or white morality.


Fallout 4

>great gameplay
>beautiful graphics and world
>amazing weapon parts system
>incredibly fun sidequests
>dlc makes everything even better

why the fuck do you spend 35 grand on weaponry each time ?

Shallow minded fool

>There's nothing deep about nv

Cry out for 'pretentiousness' all you want, every little thing is related to real life politics and morality or event in a way or another

>Smooth shooting =/= Good gameplay

1+2>new vegas>3+4

as an RPG

If you are all about fps run&gun bullshit


New Vegas is better in the writing department for its main quest and the seemingly minor inclusion of iron-sights makes the game (seem) more fun, plus crafting, reputation, more distractions, and better companions make New Vegas better then three.

Fallout 4

>ruins skill/perk system
>ruins conversation system
>black and white "ebil guyz vs gud guyz" factions
>shit quests, the fridge one obviously taking the cake
>every other character related to main story line is invincible

Bullshit, the Mojave Outpost is the most comfy. It's all up in it's little corner of the map. There's friendly NPCs all around. You got Cass in the bar for a drinking buddy. The place feels remote as fuck and out of the way, while not being a ghost town at the same time. Nice and sleepy. It's the best place in the game.



Are you a child? Do the math. Any weapon mod costs a couple thousand, the unique weapons are all in the 20k range alone and ammo is plentiful (not to mention expensive if you have the 50 cal),.

NCR troopers complaining all the time isn't exactly my version of comfiness, but I see your point

Novac is all comfy because all the characters feel like a big family


This. I love sitting in the bar at the outpost and drinking with Cass.

>do the crimson caravan jobs.
>my character is a retard.
>can't do barter.
>can't do speech.
>have no NCR rep.
>accept the drinking contest.
>get all the whiskey in the desert.
>10 endurance.
>she signs off her caravan instantly.

>let's settle this
Sup Forums has unanimously agreed that NV is superior for years
We have new vegas threads that reach bump limit almost daily

its been agreed on that fo3 is fucking shit
in fact its worse than fo4

>[intelligence] the baby is drowning

gets me every time

there is only one thing superior about fallout 3
>link related

Never forget.





Get something thats actually damaging against them

also use AP ammo

If they get close, the AMR won't save you. Switch to a riot shotgun with the "And Stay Back" perk.


FO3 is only fun for the first six or so levels where it feels like you're actually an underpowered teenager stuck in a foreign and hostile world. You become an unflappable death machine way to quickly. I wish the modding community was more into make survival type mods for it.

>Two hundred and seventy years since the war
>People have gotten back to building radios, guns, energy weapons, nation states.
>But they still don't have cars

This is really stupid, now that I think about it. There is no way that they wouldn't even at least renovate an old car to work again.

Explosives and GRX implants son

>buy as much sniper ammo as you can carry, along with a shit for ysc/186 or tesla cannon, have a number of bottlecap mines
>have boone with you
>snipe the first 3-4 deathlaws in addition to the two who will charge you
>tell boone to get lost
>use a stealth boy and climb on top of the mine cart sloped thingy
>the death claws can't climb it
>pick off all the rest of the deathclaws
>sometimes the alpha deathclaw and mate will come out of cave system
>if not, go down and grab boone, head over, and use the mines and energy weapons to kill them

thats how i did it

Your damage output is literally too low. Sneak attacks from forever away with a hunting rifle would carry you through it, but firing one AMR bullet every 4 seconds is just gonna get you killed.

The moment you kill the deathclaw mother, or the deathclaw babies, they all frenzy and get faster.

IF you're not gonna drop your shitty cock compensator, at least put a minefield between the deathclaws and you. If even that's too hard, you can cheese the whole fight by climbing on top of the machines. Deathclaws can't jump or climb, so they'll all die trying to reach you.

get out Mr. B

99% of all vehicles in use run on gasoline.
The reason the world went to shit in the first place was resource shortage.

There's not a lot to renovate. The NCR by new Vegas has a functional railroad instead.

If you're using the AMR you really don't have an excuse. Well maybe if your sneak is low and they gang up on you. But they usually only take a couple explosive rounds to kill.




Fallout 3 would have been much better if the end game enemies were the Talon Company.
Those guys are fucking everywhere yet there's nothing to them.
If they'd been led by Colonel Autumn who was still the son of an Enclave Officer and wanted to control the Pentagon or the Capitol to make America great again or some dumb shit like that it would have made more sense

I thoguht Fallout cars ran on nuclear power???

this always annoyed the shit out of me

Ford Nucleon

Cars had already went to nuclear/electric before the war, and its definitely more reasonable to think that the wasteland yokels would be unable to repair a small scale nuclear generator than a combustion powered car
>especially when they can still produce alcohol and different greases/oils

Didn't Fallouts world have atomic craft etc? I mean NCR has at least one Veritbird doesn't it? What do they run on?

Nuclear cars only happen in Bethesdaland.

Fusion cars were super luxurious rides for the 1%.

We've had this thread a million times. We've had polls a million times where New Vegas always wins.
This has already been settled.

Impossible...the AMR is the strongest weapon in the game...it's unbeatable....


Vertibirds run on gas. The enclave could operate them because their main base located on top of the world's last oil supply.

Then Bethesda started using vertibirds like they're star trek redshirts.

All you need to know is that the most powerful faction in america, the NCR, can maintain a single vertibird to fly the president around.

climb up on the rocks on the left, they can't reach you there.
If you have GRA use Paciencia, if you dont use the Gobi Campaign Rifle.If you have Old World Blues get the special stealth suit and upgrade it fully and get Christine's COS Silencer Rifle (easier to stay hidden, even during the day, for more sneak crits). Always sneak, use stealth boys and aim for the head.
Also this , AP makes the process quicker but you don't need to use them. if you dont have many either get more or save then for the Alpha Male and Mother Death Claw.

That or if you have GRA just buy a fat man and get a fuck ton of those cluster bomb ones on groups of them.

>the most powerful faction in america


Why does FO3 feel like it doesn't fit in with the lore of 1, 2, Tactics, BoS, and NV?

Maybe it's because it doesn't fit in?

>get a fuck ton of those cluster bomb mini-nukes to use on groups of them

wait, but the highwayman ran on energy cells and the convega was nuclear (fallout 1 and 2) where the only oil vehicle other then diesel trucks were the coups

Because bethesda is hell bent on breaking the lore and replacing it with tacticool stuff

You mean normies prefer 3 to NV. Most gamers prefer NV, even the cringelords of reddit.

T-Thats really none of YOUR business kid!

Fallout 3, easily.

>user score.jpg

Reddit prefers 3
Sup Forums mostly prefers NV

I enjoyed New Vegas more overall.

bizzaro Sup Forums?

so whats fallout4's score

I like how the Courier has barely any relation to any vaults

The Vault Dweller, Lone Wanderer and Sole Survivor live in a vault

The Chosen One is a descendent of the Vault dweller

The courier just got a pip-boy from from the Doc and his jumpsuit

also the Courier THE fucking mailman of the wasteland. He had to walk ridiculous amount of kilometres to deliver packages

>playing unarmed build on Very Hard
>Deathclaws oneshot me through Power Armor and 9 Endurance


Not sure what this chart is supposed to be saying other than Fallout 4 doesn't have skills.


I just wish the reason for him getting his pip boy was slightly different because Doc Mitchell slapping you with an inventory manager and a vault suit out of the kindness of his heart because one of those things is a necessity and the other is iconic was lazy as hell