I'm trying to find this game but I have no idea what it might be. All I have is this one photo
I'm trying to find this game but I have no idea what it might be. All I have is this one photo
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Alien Isolation
never played it but looks like alien isolation
>60fps cap
That's a big gun
Die. __
Extraterrestrial Seclusion
For you.
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
>Bigass revolver
>Completely bounces off the aliens hide, doesn't do a lick of damage
I know the Xenos are dangerous, but they're not fucking superman. They're dangerous because they're fast, sneaky, and deadly as hell ambush predators, not because they can no-sell bullets.
I get they couldn't have you just killing the alien with a few well-placed bullets halfway through the game, but it doesn't even drive it away. It's like shooting spitballs at it.
should I play alien isolation on hard or normal? i don't want to die so much to the alien that it removes all tension of survival, but I don't want a cakewalk.
doesn't really matter, it's about hiding not about how many bullets you can take. and difficulty doesn't affect aliens ability to find you so normal is kinda optimal
In normal, even though it makes human AI completely retarded, the Alien won't be as much as annoying as in hard. Also it pretty much tells you in your fucking face that there are more aliens, given that the faggot is always hunting YOU, essentially throwing the stupid twist to the trash
Play on hard. Androids and humans become complete pushovers on lower difficulties.
>I need story mom
The game flatout tells you to play on hard.
>difficulty doesn't affect aliens ability to find you so normal is kinda optimal
It sort of does - theh arder the difficulty the more sensitive the alien's senses are. Hearing range is increased for example.
Don't play it all because it's fucking trash.
maybe you're right I don't remember it that well I played on release
I haven't played the game at all, but even I can tell that it's Alien Isolation.
Shame so many people couldn't into the stun baton. Even on hard stun baton + hammer to the face solved nearly all your non-gribbly problems.
OP trying to shill this shitty game once again
You can't kill androids with melee on hard right? You have to use emp grenade on them and then bash their head in with a hammer
The stat requirements in this game are fucking retarded. Like why do you need strengh for a pistol. I guess it has to do with the fact that you have to replay the game twice to get the real ending. But that shit seriously pisses me off.
You can certainly kill them with baton + hammer. The industrial versions later on though you can't.
I played through on hard and it just became a pain in the ass about halfway through. The alien never fucking leaves you alone so it takes forever just to do anything. Androids also take forever to kill. I don't know if normal makes it too easy by comparison, but I do know that I had long grown tired of it hours before beating it and the alien was a tedious nuisance rather than scary for most of the second half.
This game is cool but it's totally doesn't have any replay value.
Why don't alium kill androids? They acknowledge alien presents, but then nothing happens, i don't hear combat like it happen with humans
You can finish them with melee, but it doesn't do enough damage on its own and if they aren't stunned they always block it anyway.
It knows they aren't alive and they aren't a threat to it because they've been reprogrammed by Weyland-Yutani to protect them and the nest, that's why they started attacking people.
It's a big gun, user.
>It weighs 2.1 kilograms
>When a Colt Python can weight 1.4 kilograms
free crew expendable code. first come first serve.
>why do you need strength for a pistol that shoots rounds powerful enough to down medium-sized aircraft
Your guess is as good as mine, user.
>tfw sequel never
It's not fair, by far one of the best horror games released in recent memory.
It had the beginnings of some metriodvania concepts which was intriguing as well.
I got one like the OP. It's a game that's probably early access. You're a chick with huge tits and when you look down in first person you can see them, it's not trespasser. It's either horror or fps.