>your team just massacred the other scrubs
How do you rub your wins in their faces?
>your team just massacred the other scrubs
How do you rub your wins in their faces?
Gg :)
It's all you need and feels so satisfying when fags can't handle losing.
This is HANDS DOWN the most cancerous thing you can ever say in an online video game.
sorry my little sister was playing while I was away
Wait this wasnt against bots?
gg ez
This shit gets me so infurated. Like fuck you man this shit hurts at a personal leve.
As someone who has a ton of anxiety about losing, it is funny how much gg frustrates me when I've completely fucked up a game.
For some reason its much easier to handle someone telling me that I suck in whatever colorful language they want to use.
No one ever accused Sup Forums of being an imaginative lot.
"ur out of ur league junior"
im 75
great work everyone!
gg2ez, You can't believe the amount of hate mail I get on overwatch over this. They literally go nuts and I started hearing reports of people asking to get it banned
fags get laid
Close game.
I bet you kiss girls too, huh faggot?
imo nothing makes people more mad than giving them simple tips for absolute noob
I don't. It's not nice.
"lol" or just write nothing, like never.
Hey, not bad man. Keep practicing and maybe someday you'll be good too! :)
>Playing as an elf slut
>"Ow-.. Owh! I fell over!"
>Our team drops disarms themselves and falls to the floor in unison.
"Oh! Owh! Aaah! We're completely defenseless."
Grade A Keks
Don't worry. Maybe we'll get nerfed in the next update.
I never thought of this one.