So Sup Forums, what is the worst Elder
Scrolls race?
So Sup Forums, what is the worst Elder
Any of the elf races.
Are they good at stealth archery?
I'm not even joking, that meme is just too on point. How many of us DIDN'T do stealth archery our first runs?
Literally all good for nothing skooma users
>god tier
>high tier
>mid tier
Imperial, bosmer, Breton
>bad tier
Khajiit, redgaurd,
>Shit tier
Orc, alter, argonian
>inb4 le skyrim memer
I've been playing Nord since Morrowind.
anyone who plays something like that is probably a redditor or underage, everyone knows that battlemage is the best playthrough
stealth-archery-heavy armor master race
The Imga. They're so bad that Bethesda refused to allow them being in ESO and they're trying to retcon them out of existence, so they had to come up with a bullshit excuse. So they put all Imgas on the Falinesti, who got stolen by Baan Dar.
The ones that look like humans
not quite
Altmer and Bosmer are shit
kats are okay
Dunmer are goat
Orsimer are pretty good stealth archers in Oblivion/skyrim, because race doesn't matter. It only really mattered in Morrowind, because races were broken and didn't change shit in Daggerfall and nobody plays Arena anymore
But in Skyrim, Orcs make the best assassins, ironically. Their race power is to make double damage
backstabs can do up to like 32 or 64 times the damage of the dagger IIRC
>I've been playing Nord since Morrowind.
So you've been a skyrim memer before Skyrim even came out, starting with the first meme game in the franchise.
*tips horned helmet*
DAE like epic vikings xD?
Legitimate question
Do you guys ever play as Bretons?
I always hear people talking shit about all the other races but Bretons never seem to get a mention.
Does that make them the worst because they're forgotten-tier?
>play stealth archer with high CHR in every rpg, including tabletops
>always roleplay a charming bard character
>mfw the characters I've been roleplaying for decades are now a fucking meme
Nords are the best warrior class without being a green nigger you retards. Also they have the purest bloodlines unlike you shit skins.
Anything that isn't in pic related
Ay mate. Take that back.
Orcs weren't even playable until Morrowind, before they were just enemies like goblins or scamps. It should have stayed that way.
they have the best racial
I mean 50% magic res (25 in Skyrim) is pretty damn good
If it makes you feel better by 2026 there will be few things that aren't memes.
I play qt Breton Conjuration mages.
Anything furry or scaly
Bretons are like the passive race that doesn't really do much. Kind of like Sweden. Actually I kind of hope the next elder scrolls features High Rock getting swarmed by Orcs and the Orcs try to get them to follow the law of Malacath.
I'd be her very special friend.
i played spellsword the first time through
that is until you reach the point at which level scaling keeps increasing but your magic damage caps so you need to either break the game with alchemy or change to something else LIKE FUCKING ARCHERY
I always play a Breton female, typically a Knight. They're so adorably short.
I did stealth archery, but only because melee is worthless.
Just break the game with enchanting. It's fucking op.
It's canon that cute bosmeri girls have the sexiest feet
Khajiits are the absolute worst just look at this shit
Bretons are basically the masterrace in TES.
Who has the best classic portraits and why is it Dumner and Khajit?
Everyone else's is some passive stance.
Nords = Aryan
Altmer = Jews
Orcs = Niggers
Redgaurd = Mudslimes
Argonian = Mexicans
Imperials = Americans
Bretons = Europoors
Dunmer = Chinese
Bosmer = Natives
Khajiits = Indians
> playing a stealth archer in tabletop.
Dual-weilding conjuror you pleb
They're Hebrew.
Whoever wrote this shit has a hardon for archery.
I always related them closer to being Chinese because they had ancient ching Chong practices and stuff
> View Aedra and Daedra for what they are, shittier versions of the Hist
> Have a holistic view on history, where a single Argonian can give their life to ensure her ancestor will gain an advantage out of it several thousand years later
> Can see trough time by getting high on fumes from Hist sap
> The Hist literary shits out Amber plasm
> Argonians are the only known creature on Nirn that can survive bathing in Amber plasm, something the Hist shits out like no tomorrow if needed.
I always main Bretons. I love everything about them, they're the most high fantasy race in Elder Scrolls. Some playthroughs I'm a Bretonic Knight, others I'm a Breton Archmagus. Hell, I could go Breton stealtharcher and RP as a Forsworn.
oh g-d my stomach
>Nords are the best warrior class
Everyone laugh at this Sup Forumstard.
Orcs are Mongols, dude, also I always felt that the Dunmer were much closer to the feudal Japanese than Chinese due to how honorabru, xenophobic and clan based they are. They also have policemen with scary masks and cool temples.
anything else is literally a meme
Pic related, fuck redguards
It's a poke at how neo-TES players think.
Lore wise, probably either Orcs or Bosmer
>constantly rekt by High Rock/Hammerfell
>worships a daedric prince that is literally shit
>only chance of being anything other than a tribal shitter is to be frontline armored units in the empire
>Shitty tree hugging cannibals
>can't into technology or math
>altmeri dominion's personal fucbois
>get buttmad when you hurt trees but use bows and arrows all the time
Such as? Aside from some Akaviri architecture and weaponry, their culture and history mirrors the Jews much closer.
>mythical exodus preceded by their god paving the way for them
>longstanding rivalry with the Babylonian-looking Dunmer
>tribal culture vested in tradition
>occupation by Romanesque Empire
>leading religious authorities actively try to stamp out cults that challenge the prevailing Temple authority
>Nerevarine is basically Christ
>playing the game in shittiest most boring way possible
I know there's some stuff that's fun to do with stealth, but going through every dungeon at a snails pace just isn't something I want to do 100 times, especially when it's not even necessary.
This dude knows what's up
>not dual wielding mother fucking laser swords
>not using the shelves in the house you get to collect dead bodies so you can switch out side kicks and stuff
Battle mage in general is best choice, pure mage is cool in theory, but in practice just doesn't feel right.
So the Imperials are the masterrace? Sound about right.
How do you deal with the fact every race wants a Breton girl?
The following is the best
Altmer are more chinese than them.
That "altmer = jews" meme is something sputed by retards that only played Skyrim.
*Babylonian-looking Dwemer
I hadn't noticed that.
Argonians are literally Australians, think about it.
in the vanilla game there was no "fortify destruction damage" enchant, just mana cost bullshit
back on release this was an issue since compounded skills would keep increasing your damage for other weapons but not magic unless you chug potions like a cunt, forcing you to spec alchemy as a mage and spend a fuckload of time gathering ingredients
i mean obviously hitting people with my +300something deathstick worked but then youre barely a mage at all right
but argonians work
meant to quote
>He doesn't play a sneaky, sly Bard who talks his way out of every situation
I'm not the faggot here, famalam.
Hmmm the elves because they are so elitist. Nords are the best.
They're good but not terribly popular I guess, Dunmer is generally my go to race, but Bretons are more solid casters than Altmer and are just overall decent is you plan on using magic.
Pretty much a solid pick that there's not much bad to say about, and they aren't meme tier like Nords or Imperials.
Also it's been a while, but I think their starting speed in Morrowind wasn't as horrendous as the Altmer's which is another reason to like them, along with better racials.
>the elves
That's like 4 races.
Though calling orcs elves is like saying Arabs are Asians, it's TECHNICALLY correct but come on.
Argonians are terrible
bretons are literally the best class
no other class can get almost 100% damage resist AND 100% magic resist like bretons do. The only other race you should consider is altmer if you want a lot of magicka but really, you don't need it. "fucking Invincible" master of magicka breton is cooler.
The breton's got a face like he's had some sort of deep philosophical realization in the midst of receiving oral.
Actually what the hell IS the Breton doing? Why are some of them naked and some of them not?
Why does the High Elf look like a Vietnamese transvestite and the Redguard look like he's daring you to play the cup game with him?
why would reptiles have mammary glands
Khajiits can't be indians.
People LIKE Khajiit.
Bretons were OP in Oblivion as mage types. 50% magic resist off the bat, helps negate the 100% weakness to magic from the Apprentice birthsign and you get a fuckton of magicka this way. High Elves make for better pure mages but fucking nobody makes a class that doesn't use at least one type of weapon instead of spells.
I hate the lore for them though. Muh frenchies
Technically, Arabs are just people who speak Arabic as their main language.
I always thought of the Bretons as prudish intellectuals in previous games but they have the sluttiest armor in Skyrim
Bretons are more like traditional Europe.
You have court wizards and nobles, but there are also witch covens and shit.
Now thanks to Skyrim I imagine those covens full of sluts that perform sexual rituals to Mephala every night.
Imperial, Argonian, Dunmer are best race
Orc, Khajiit, Nords, and all other elves are shit
Redguards are okay
Forsworn aren't Breton, Reachmen aren't Breton.
All human races are equally the worst.
Best racials but no one wants to play the tubby manlet race
Played a Breton in Arena
It was okay
Imperials are Romans and Bretons are French dumbass
What is this meme?
Are there any Orc savants? I don't recall Morrowind having a single one, yet it seemed like every other race did.
*nuzzles you and pounces on u and notices your buldge*
0w0 whats this..?
No one gives a fuck about your shitty tastes in races, The real question is, what is the least appreciated school of magic?
The Caldera ones are so stupid they dont even care if you steal their shit right in front of them
>Actually what the hell IS the Breton doing?
You already said it
>deep philosophical realization in the midst of receiving oral
Sex, drugs and magicka is the way of the breton. They're decadent noble wizards.
Because they're actually closer to sentient trees than they are to reptiles. The hist also makes them look more human-like the more they consume as they're young. The argonians we see and play as in every game are only one 'breed' of argonian, same with how every khajiit is suthay-raht instead of any of the ~10 other breeds.
None, they are equal and have their own advantages and shortcomings. Only a nigger would think otherwise.
Mysticism for sure, to the point where it was fucking removed from Shitrim. Telekinesis is amazingly fun in Oblivion with the Supreme Magicka mod; you can cast it on people and pull or push them away like with an object, and objects held with telekinesis also can damage/knock over enemies if thrown hard enough.
Conjuration is overrated on the other hand, IMO.
The Arena Argonian's were the closest to human looking in all the elder scrolls games
I heard that each game actually has different khajiit species.
is this a meme?
that time is now user
The only evidence of this would be how Khajiits are digitigrade in Morrowind and plantigrade (they can wear shoes) in Oblivion/Skyrim, same with Argonians. But that's just a gameplay thing, they all look pretty similar.