Dark Souls 2

What exactly is wrong with Dark Souls 2? After making progress in Dark Souls 1, I can't wait to try out 2. After getting more familiar with the first game, what was once walls are now simply hurdles that take a few tries. Feelsgood. But yeah, um...question?

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Levels are shorter and more linear. I don't personally think this is a bad thing because it makes it a breeze to replay with a different build, but people expecting DaS1-style mazes were disappointed.
The soundtrack is objectively the weakest in the series.
The story is a bit shit and blatantly unfinished. DLC and SOTFS fix this to some extent.
ADP and Soul Memory are dumb.

That's about it really. People bitch about MUH DOWNGRADE but if you play SOTFS on PC with a few Reshade filters it looks better than the E3 trailer.

Its kind of uninspired but if you just want more dark souls its good, especially scholar of the first sin

The main problems people have are
>Soul Memory
>Graphics downgrade

I don't think ADP/ Agility are all that bad, but they're not perfect.

SM is shitty, but it's manageable with a ring (not the best solution, but SM isn't as big of a problem in practise as you might think until you get to higher brackets, at which point you may as well make a new character).

The graphics are the worst in the series, no doubt. The PC port is apparently really well-optimised, though.

The game is also a bit derivative with a lot of shoe-horned fanservice, but I think DaS3 is a much worse offender on that front.

Not a whole lot. If you like 1 you should like 2 just fine. I would even say its the better game despite its flaws

It fundamentally feels like shit to play. The controls are imprecise and less snappy and responsive than in DaS, so coming from that just makes DaS2 feel like you're in molasses the whole time. Walking, rolling, swinging a weapon, blocking, and everything all have awkward windup/action/recovery time balance, it's just awful.

It also looks like shit and isn't nearly as fun to explore, and there are so many bosses and they're all so mediocre that there's no impact to them. They're not terrible or anything, but it's not the same. And the level/world design just suck compared to DaS.

Maybe all of that doesn't matter to you, it's still the same basic concept I guess, and maybe that's enough for you, but it plays like shit. The combat sucks, the exploration sucks, and getting to and defeating a boss isn't rewarding. It just sucks.

It just feels different. It's slower than DaS for sure, but I prefer it to how DaS3 feels. Some of the bosses are the weakest conceptually, but they introduced the multi-phase fights so you have to give them that. And yeah, some of the areas are shit (Shaded Ruins is terrible), but The Bastille, No Man's Wharf, Shulva, etc are great.

There are not many things wrong with Dark Souls 2. ADP simply punishes idiots who don't know what it does, and soul memory can be countered with the agape ring. 2 has the best replayability potential in the entire series, the most weapons and builds, and the most balanced and fun PvP.
In comparison to 3, it's a masterpiece.

Everything about it fucking sucks

it's like playing a chinese knock off

WEBM triggers me so hard.

This is why DaS2 is shit.

This is the sole reason. I'm still baffled at what the fuck they were thinking and why it was never fixed.

They made it frustrating rather than challenging

>There's actually people who hold this opinion
Completely incomprehensible

Nothing. It was fun. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

DLCs' was dope.

>DAS2 introduced multistage fights
You what?

Also I haven't played Bastille and No Man's Wharf in scholar yet but they weren't very fun to me in the base game. Giant's forest was pretty cool actually, as was that area around the executioner's chariot.

>ADP simply punishes idiots
Ah yes, a stat you literally need and is never explained. Very good game design.
>soul memory can be countered with the agape ring
Even better! Lets just fix this broken mechanic that punishes players who pick up their dropped souls too often by turning off soul gathering all together! No more level ups or buying consumable equipment!

It's the best souls game

>The PC port is apparently really well-optimised, though.
SotFS's port looks really good, not amazing, but definitely far better than the first game.

its definitely better than the first one

It's unresponsive and slow, most bosses are boring, the level design is shit, the story is uninteresting...

Just skip to DaS3 90% of the DaS2 story was ignored with 3

Play Scholar if you're going to play DAS2 at all and don't let people here convince you its a shit game. It has its problems like soul memory, weapon durability and ADP but it is still a good game. It was the last game I preordered though, my hopes were very high for the DAS sequel since DAS was my favourite game in recent years. I don't think the main game is as good as DAS but the DLC is supposed to be quite good.

What is this? I don't get it.

Outside of O&S, what bosses in DaS changed as the fight went on? BoC doesn't count. Sif technically counts, I suppose.

It's not.
DaS > DaS2 > DaS3

Turn radius isn't as smooth/ responsive.

Someone can link a torrent if SoTFS pls

because das2 takes place way after 3 silly

There's nothing wrong with it. It's basically just a better more hardcore version of Dark Souls 1 and it pays omage to Demon's Souls in how it works. It's basically the closest thing we'll get to Demon's Souls 2 despite what bloodborne fags believe.

how the fuck are you supposed to know that i-frames are tied to agility?

its on sale senpai
buy an original copy
it will be extra fun with the multiplayer feature

You see how the DaS2 character walks in a square while the DaS one can turn in place? That's because Dark Souls doesn't have precise controls, you CAN'T walk into that square from where you're standing. If you want to get there, you have to walk away and come back from a different angle. There aren't a lot of times you need to do that, but you can feel it all the time and it sucks when you're moving around and your character doesn't control right. Wouldn't be as big a deal if the rest of the game wasn't just as imprecise and shitty.

Story wise it's probably the weakest in the series, but by SotFS I found myself really enjoying the feel of the game, it feels faster and more refined than 1, and compared to 3 it's not as fast but not sluggish. Plus power stance was great, never understood why they got rid of it.

No, there are plenty of references to DaS2 in DaS3. That guy's an idiot, though.

>It's basically just a better more hardcore version of Dark Souls 1
No. It's got a lot more bullshit, that's for sure.

It's just worse than the other games in every way. I can't really explain it but it's true.

DLC was honestly the best and hardest part of it, the bosses were ruthless when I first tried them when I was on NG+4

>A Souls game being hard is bad
Cry more

SoTFS has the best story in the series by virtue of Aldia being there. It does more with the concept than "fire's fading, go fix that or don't".

manus & gargs

It's a solid sequel. People complain about the minor details, but if you loved the first one, then the second one is generally more of that.

Souls games aren't especially hard, you just fell for the publisher's marketing.

I suppose if you play co-op all the time or have autism they're not that hard. Not everyone has friends or sees the worlds in numbers.

>What exactly is wrong with Dark Souls 2
Nothing. It's better than 1 in every single way. The only people who say otherwise simply couldn't get good at the game and are looking for an easy excuse.

>i-i'm not bad, it's everyone else that's autistic


>hardcore version of dark souls 1
you seriously think that more enemies is good? the combat system is obviously designed for 1v1 combat

Is the game still alive? Is the MP Worth it? Ill probably buy it if its alive

Nothing wrong, its better than the first one.

"Nothing", it's easily the best game in the whole series.

There's plenty of things wrong with DKS2, just like there were even more things wrong with DKS1 and even more with DKS3.

Don't listen to the memespouting faggots, go in with an open mind and you are bound to love the game if you liked the first one.

That is ofcourse if you are not a circle strafing backstabbing casual trash who expects the second game to have the same shit gameplay as the first.

>tfw the guy you're arguing with has to resort to name-calling

Theres nothing wrong with the game. Stop letting retards on video game boards dictate your opinions


kek, nice excuse faggot

Other games have been doing it literally since NES but in DAS there are some bosses that gain new attacks at half health. Artorias changes his moveset I believe. Bellgoyles get a second gargoyle plus firebreath. Honestly you've got a good point, I thought there were more that gained new movesets part way though the fight.
One thing I miss from DAS1 was body part cutting off during battles.

rose-tinted glasses
DaS is extremely overrated.
2 is superior, and so is 3 for that matter

Soul Memory was a stupid fucking mistake, other than that, it's a fine game, slightly weak level design and enemy placement though. Covenants were good.

Get good then i've never really had trouble with enough farming.
Prove you're not autistic. Checkmate.

>the combat system is obviously designed for 1v1 combat
Not it isn't, not at all. The game gives you plenty of tools to deal with multiple enemies. If you're too dense to use them then that's your fault. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a game asking you to fight more than one thing at once. Dark souls 1 and 3 did it just as much, if not more. This is one of the weakest and most invalid complaints I've ever heard about a video game.

Artorias gets stronger if you let him: I consider the buff part of the same moveset.
Forgot about the Gargs, though.


I always felt like DaS1 was a lot like Zelda, DaS2 is like Golden axe.

The levels are linear path. But they is more gear, weapons, and character variety than any of the other games.

Main problems are gank squads, and shockwaves. One hit kill grab attacks are worse in three, being as tons of regular enemies can do those. I revenge 100%d the game for being to easy. Took at least 150 hours for me.

>get good
epic argument friend
I've completed all souls games solo several times
one enemy with good dmg, speed and a varied moveset is objectively better than 6 cannon fodder enemies at once

>a stat you literally need
Except some players might not need it. It rewards people who will not need the extra iframes by allowing them to spend their levels elsewhere.
>is never explained
Like everything else in the series?
>punishes players who pick up their dropped souls too often
Yeah, you have no idea what you're talking about

DaS3 has boring as fuck PvE after the first playthrough, and I don't much care for the PvP for a bunch of reasons.

DS2 was a treat after DS1.

I love them both and DS1 is probably better designed but I had a lot more fun with 2, and I think you will too, OP.

Even with how shit 1 is compared to 2, it's still above 3 at this point. But, after a the DLC, if it keeps the trend of being the best part of the games, and a few patches that they might not be willing to make it can easily be better then 1.

Multiplayer is fucked for good though.

dark souls 2 is an extremely slow game
the combat gets more tedious than hard when there are a lot of enemies on screen


Spotted the circle strafing backstabbing mongoloid.

Managing multiple threats is always more engaging and challenging than fighting a single enemy, because a lone enemy is always dumber than the player so it becomes a cakewalk. Unless the player happens to be especially stupid, which is probably true in your case.

are you seriously saying it's the players fault for not searching up stuff on their blind playthrough?
I'm falling for obvious bait ain't I?

Is DS2 well optimized for PC?

I want to do SoTFS but don't want to buy it for PS3/4
I have an old Geforce 310M which may just about handle it

2 easily has the best PvP. So much variety and things that are viable. Plus, the game has poise! imagine that, what a neat feature, surely wouldnt be stupid to remove such a vital feature!

Yes, it blows 1 and 3 out of the water when it comes to performance and optimization. It's shocking how bad the other two are in comparison.

>y-you're just bad
not an argument. I'm not having any fun when I fight multiple enemies. I have no issues with them, I just don't like it. I personally think it's bad design

1 is understandable because lol japs but 3 is inexcusable after SotFS

Only if you're the world's biggest shitter.

Pass on it in favor of literally any other Souls game op. It's a mediocre game on all levels, and downgrade from DS1.

I played with KB+Mouse so I guess I never noticed.

no, I think that's one of the biggest issues in DaS 1

*stabs you with a rusty spoon through your full havels and then stagger you as your starting your swing*

No Bell Tower in 3 was a crime. Literally the most fun thing keeping people from reaching the top

>No. It's got a lot more bullshit, that's for sure.
DaS1 and 3 are pretty easy compared to 2. DaS1 is too easy to cheese, DaS3's roll makes the game a joke.

Ds2 pvp is trash lmao

how that ubiquitous phantom range treating you

the only crime about it is that it is the only reliable way to farm chunks and thats not good now that the game has been out for a long time and is not as populated

It's not vital, that's his point
it sucks it's gone cause there is no reason to pump vit and wear heavy armor
but poise is not vital at all

better than 3's dark sword/estoc phantom range fest

What the hell are you talking about? 2 has the least amount of phantom range in the series.

No, I'm saying that if you find rolling so hard that it's making you lose enjoyment in the game, you'd look up online how to make rolling easier so you can justify your purchase.

all DaS games have phantom range

Thanks for the reasonable conversation, this thread is kind of shit.

>3 is inexcusable after SotFS
This, jesus. SOTFS I could run at 1440p and around 60FPS most of the time, but going to DaS3 is fucking stupid. To get decent FPS I'm at 1080p with some effects turned off, it's some bullshit.

I just thought the game had insane lingering hitboxes and dealt with it. it definitely made the game less enjoyable, and I thought that adp wasn't important

>What exactly is wrong with Dark Souls 2?
Not too much. Shitters and casual will whine about it and use buzzwords like "tedious" or "hitboxes" or "unmemorable", but the truth is Dark Souls 2 is an active effort to improve upon and surpass DaS1. It mostly succeeds on the mechanical front. DaS1 is trash compared to DaS2's mechanics and systems like Agility or Wet/Tarred status

I just looked up the soul memory mechanic and you're right. That makes it leagues better, I still don't like it but its not quite as egregious.

They're equally shit in pvp but at least ds3's pve was acceptable on the first few playthroughs

still nothing compares to Ds1s layout where you can take a million different routes

The thing that bothers me the most is the fisher price colors and thematically confused levels. The world feels like a bunch of random zones designed in isolation and then slapped together.

Dark Souls 2 does a lot of things well, just none of them fall under the game design banner.

There is nothing wrong with 2, Sup Forums is just full of contrarians.

nah in Ds1 on solid connection the only weapons with consistent phantom range are halberd 2h r1s and scythe r1s and those aren't nearly as egregious as EVERYTHING in the sequels and since the game is slower it's not such a phantom range r1 fuckfest

>just none of them fall under the game design banner.

You actually like a stat that just gives you more iframes?

you may be right, but it had so many other issues, so I didn't bother with pvp in 1

Better than DaS3 which gives you too many, then a ring that gives you more.

The areas are all bland and forgettable, enemy design focuses more on "how do we kill the player?" instead of "how do we make interesting enemies?", there isn't one boss in the whole game, including the DLCs, that are even half as good as the worst from Dark Souls 3.

DaS2 has more PvP problems than phantom range, and the net-code was trash on top of that anyway.