Lol look at him

lol look at him

Other urls found in this thread:

what do video game duck eggs smell like? just curious hehe

Thanks for the duck gif, user. Your thread was not made in vain

What are some games where I can play as a duck?

So this is a duck thread?

A video game duck thread. video games make it ok.

Video game ducks keeping this thread alive

this is an epic thread


My top 3 duck games would include:
>Duck Game
>Duck Tales (for NES)
And the classic
>Duck Hunt


delet this


why do ducks make the best bass guitarists?

Why would I delete memes of epic proportions?
You sir, are not a gentleman or a scholar.

this is offensive

because their quacking

I'm a mother fucking gentleman, I am incapable of being offensive.


If we work together and try our hardest, we can meme harder than the Queen. Come on lads, let's get to it. Post your video game ducks.

you wouldn't a video game duck
I might

We need a duck's revenge game. We got deer's revenge after all.

This thread is full of unholy beasts that must be purged from our mortal realm.

show us your video game dick

I want to split those cats with my dick

Why are geese so worthless?

I will not stand for this post! There are no ducks in it!
I humbly request that you remove this sick filth immediately.

geese are not useless, they provide an example of how not to be a duck

guys im drunk why is this thread so popular?

Some geese made ia nest next to the fucking road to my apartment. Whenever I walk to the store, one is there. In the middle of the road. Waiting.

why did sega mega drive look so much like the brazzers logo

do the right thing and erase the malevolent fowl from the world

Is this a duck?

thy will be done


Gunman Clive. You play as a duck with no attack and have to survive the whole game

Ducks have bills and teeth, jackass



Please don't sexualize the cats.



hoho I imagine they emit a luxurious smell.

>duck thread

>not sexualizing the cats
they are literally made for the fug


who the fuck is this goofy ass nigga

How very rude of you. Please remove yourself the premises, immediately.

Ducks are rapists and cannibals with corkscrew penises.
Ducks are disgusting

arent we all

Rapists and cannibals with corkscrew penises?

Ducks sound like scholarly gentlemen. Just like all of the fine meme-masters on the internets.

Fucking wish I had a corkscrew penis



god damn i remember that show. that one episode about the "wereduck" who had teeth and ate aligators, shit was spooky.


Are there any games that involve geese in some way?

>Search for dogs with duck beaks
>Get this nightmare

That goose is reacting to self-discovery. He realized that he is in fact a goose, and not a duck.
It is ashamed of its existence.

Shortly after that picture was taken, it committed suicide. RIP in peace, sweet child.

I don't think that's accurate


Duck in a gamestop.

that is not a real gamestop, it has no shadow

I prefer creatures like this. Is that okay Sup Forums?

Dude I see Republic Commando back there

that looks like a tasty duck


Fuck off

Geese are our brothers

sure but i'm pretty sure is no match for a duck


i love it

>Be working at Gamestop
>Duck waddles in like a smug motherfucker
>Picks up KOTOR 2 and starts waddling towards the exit
>Sir you have to pay for that
>"Put it on my bill."



This makes me miss my ducks :(

i got a duck for you right here

Sorry ducks but you taste too good.

I got that game with the remaining money on my card, fun cheap game

They're made for gaming. This is a gaming thread haha



Geese are the Lu-Bu of birds.

Just a reminder that canadian geese are push overs and you can literally chase down their offspring and pick them up and the parents will do nothing but hiss at you.

i dont get it


I've been debating trying to punch one nearby here in the face. Can't they break your fucking arm with their wings or some shit though?

>It ain't me starts playing

Peking duck > any other duck preparation

it's beak looks like a dog

The fuckers have been breeding like rabbits in the backyard at the house I grew up in every summer and I have been harassing them since I was like 10. In my experience they will run from you if you charge them even when their offspring are still small, flightless and yellow. I have never had one try to do anything more to me than hiss, in my 10 years of fucking with them. They are also pretty fucking small so I doubt they can do any real damage to you. If anything wear a thick jacket and grab them by the neck if they are more aggressive.


haha xD funny

On another note, dont fuck with the big white domestic geese. They are the kind to try to peck your eyes out.

is this the birth of an epic new meme?

>Duck thread
>On a vidya board
>No mention of Duck Game
I'm disappointed in all of you.

Looks like a mini Shoebill Stork

Hey everybody nice duck thread we got here