Find any good games?

Find any good games?

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Call of Juarez is half off and that's apparently pretty good.

AOE II and it's expansions are super cheap.

Not really. Is Far Cry 3 worth buying?

Age of Decadence. You can start a cult and sacrifice people if you feel like it!

For 4.99, yes. It's pretty fun and you can definitely get your money's worth for a fiver.

Fair warning though, the protagonist, Jason, is a faggot.

but he's supposed to represent (YOU)

find? its the same games as always, but the prices aren't artificially high like they are most of the time


Fallout 4
Age of Empires II + Expansions

that's all i'm getting this year. total

Should I buy Red Orchestra 2?

no. honestly familia, just get Rome: Total War.

any other RTS is shit.

Space Beast Terror Fright and Helldivers
Pretty fun stuff with buddies.

Yeah. Pathologic and system shock remastered. Im planning to play through the classic version of ss though



You seem like a reliable source.

>smug anime poster....

>muh rtt

fuck off nigger. it's strategy.

Got CoJ Gunslinger and Hover revolt.I'm liking both of them.

I'm between hyper light drifter, hyper devotion noire and Xenoverse, I can only buy 2

Warhammer 40k

Chivalry for 3 bucks

it's not dead guys, right? right?

HD edition? If so, how long?

Are you actually thinking of the same game you think you're thinking about, because to me it looks very much like a FPS.

Good choice, that's one of the best I've ever played, even though it sucks fucking ass as a game

I'll gift you that shit, I have a spare

Are the mouse/keyboard controls any good for Dead Space 2?

I have the first one and they're pretty awful.

Can someone rate?

On the fence on One Piece and Kenshi, most likely getting rid of one of them, not sure which one

Everthing else I'm almost 100% getting

yeah I bought a lot

Right now I'm playing Sniper Elite because I pirated it some time ago but the devs are actually cool and I really like the game so I decided to not be a scumbag

Lords of the fallen with all the DLC is at 10 bucks.

>the Phantom Pain

Don't, it sucks.

Unless you're a diehard One Piece fan, I wouldn't play Pirate Warriors either. Musous aren't good games

I have $59.05 left in my entertainment budget.

$26.47 for:
Wolfenstein: Old Blood
Plague Inc. Evolved
Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Reborn

What should the other $32.58 go for?

Many steam games don't even have a retail version. When they have retail it's just an activation cd that works through steam and it costs more than the digital copy

Warhammer DOW games. Or Hotline Miami is always great for both games. But if I were you pick up the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Games

>even though it sucks fucking ass as a game
How come?

>I'm a salty fuck
Get the phantom pain,it's fun as fuck.He's probably salty because

Is it good?

Don't listen to this fag, Musous are fun as fuck

Can confirm, im a mgs fan who really enjoyed tpp. In most cases its probably best played if you arent a fan, but dont play the other games expecting them to be the same

>summer sale starts
>haha, time to check my wishlist
>none of them under €7
>go to g2play and buy far cry 4 instead
Miss the daily and flash.


Yeah but I don't have any money till next friday

Which in my wishlist would be worth getting do you think?


>This profile is private
Come on, neon knight.

Both yes and no.It's myplayer story is truly shit,if you want the game for that buy the last years game.If not,go on,rest of the features are good as ever.

I'm new to this hold on.

It's an absolute slog to get through with it's horrible open world, it's lack of any level design whatsoever, the downgraded stealth mechanics from 4, the weapon limit and lack of variety.

I don't give a fuck about the story.

Calling it rough wouldn't begin to describe the game. For instance, when you carry a weapon your model doesn't actually hold it, instead it floats in the air and your character kinda holds their hand out towards it.
It does a lot of things wrong, but there's absolutely nothing else like it. The story is absolutely incredible and, alongside The Void (another Ice Pick Lodge game), it's probably the only case of a game actually worth being called art.

Is Downwell any good?

Maybe if you have shit fucking taste. You literally could not design a more braindead action game if you tried.

>i hate good mechanics
>i need a strict environment and my autism compression vest to have fun

sux 2 b u

Yes, a stealth game does need a strict environment to be fun.

I picked up pillars of eternity for 20 and have been enjoying it quite a bit

Hey that looks pretty good, mind sharing?

Someone recommend me a multiplayer game.


So are there different price changes every day?

It's much better

>he thinks metal gear is a stealth game and not tactical espionage action based off 80s action movies, james bond and a wet dream about kurt russel having sex with multiple forms of david bowie

What kind of multiplayer?

Lethal league iof it's with friends

Yes I do

GTA V (probably only for GTA Online)
LA Noire complete edition
60 seconds!
This War of Mine
Blood and Bacon

I think that's about it

Until July 4th, like everything else.

Well you're wrong then

I agree, LL is fun as fuck.

AoE 2 HD + Expansions

I dunno bud, it sure tries its best to reward you for stealth

So does Batman

Just tried Huniecam, it was shit

I expected some casual slut management game
but no, I already died fuckin twice
I had no idea where the sudden increase in the slut's salary came from
One day I pay less, the next I get 10k deducted
fuckin women
And I sure as hell didn't level them in the strip club or boutique

According to a Steam "ULTIMATE" guide, you had to memorize the mechanics. Like what each woman stats are, how much their salary. What items you should use on which women at which given time/day. It's like I'm playing fuckin Dota.

As an avid Hentai game player, this is fucking shit. I don't want to spend my time pretending to be Trump trying to think of strategies to increase my slut sales. If I wanted I would play Adventure Capitalist

Also, the art style is fuckin disgusting. Why didn't they use the same art style from Huniepop. I'm not saying Huniepop's art style is good either, both are shit but Huniecam is worse. Western people are fuckin terrible at drawing moe girls, one of the reason why western porn games are trash. They should just go back to drawing burgers

I requested a refund and said "this game is inappropriate for my son" with 98 minutes clocked


Metro redux pack bioshock triple pack dead space pack and mass effect bundle like 40 bucks plenty to play

Should I get CSGO?

I've bought the stuff I wanted and still have some funds left. What can I get for around 3 bucks?

Something with team-based action, or is one of those survival-based games like Dayz or Rust legitimately good?

Dark souls 1 is 5 bucks

everything remotely worth buying right here

It's usually -75% (and has been on bundles fora dollar)

Guys how long does this sale last?

In other words, you don't like it. Doesn't mean it's bad. People really should stop this "musous are objectively bad" meme.

Yeah, the HD edition, and both expansions for 6.99.

I need your advice Sup Forums: dmc or darksiders bundle?

mechanically there's no reason to play a DMC game other than DMC4 SE

DmC is shit, so Darksiders

Does anybody know of any good single player RPGs or Dungeon Crawlers that let you customize builds and let you change names/appearance/portraits of your party?

I love these types of games and I didn't even know you could do that with This War Of Mine. I have Grimrock as well, anything else?

Huniepop is far better. It actually has porn.

no, they are objectively bad

you literally mash square and watch as you win the game

stranger of sword city apparently

Never played a Farcry game. Is Farcry 3 great?

I don't think you know what objectively means.

>you literally mash square and watch as you win the game
I don't think you've ever touched a musou in your life either.

Here's a game for people like you:

It's okay, they're all okay

2 is the only one that took any risk

>smug anime boy poster

just get the most recent one or none

nice smug anime girl(male)

Which one Sup Forums

Currently thinking about getting either Witness or Stellaris, along with Endless Legend and Banished. Any thoughts on these? I have a ton of hours played in Civ V so I'm told Endless Legend is pretty good along those lines. Don't know a ton about Banished; it was an early access game a while ago, right? Has it been fleshed out since then?

which shadowrun game is the best?


I can't be bothered arguing with anyone dumb enough to think musous are good

P.S. I've played about half a dozen of them, and they're all the same shit. Some of them have a bit of map control stuff on the side, but that just boils down to mashing square at different spots on the map

rate my cart

Origins is better in general,but legends has those musical levels and playable hotties

top two