Suggest me Steam deals

Be a true gentleman Sup Forums and suggest me some good Steam sale deals I should take an opportunity of. I like the following:

>good RPGs with actual roleplaying and character customization possibility
>strategy games, RTS and turn-based
>masterworks with original concepts that put something new and interesting on the table

Other urls found in this thread:



Youtubers Life

Day One: Garry's Incident

life is strange

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare


Are there any games about milk?

Torchlight 2


>good RPGs with actual roleplaying and character customization possibility
>masterworks with original concepts that put something new and interesting on the table
EYE Divine Cybermancy


I was going to get FF9 but then saw that it was literally the only square game that wasn't on sale. Th-thanks

Just Bought this

Both cant be pirated

Dragon's Dogma

Anyone here played Banished? Saw a thread once and it looked comfy. Thinking of getting it if it goes 75% off

It's really good until you make a really stable town, then shit gets boring as fuck, so unless you're an autistic piece of shit that enjoys making finely planned towns with decorations all over the place, it will get boring in 20-30 hours.

>RPGs with actual roleplaying
Literally does not exist in vidya

>Both can't be pirated

And both happen to be shitty games.

I played it, had fun, worth a few dollars/euros.

Is Dragon's Dogma engaging enough for the player to actually finish it, or is it just another alright RPG that the player most likely drops midway because of boredom.

Can we not start this shit this early in the thread?

Mount and blade

I'd say DD is largely a combat-driven affair. The lore is pretty rudimentary until its final act, but you keep playing because holy shit, did I just light that fucking griffon's wings on fire SHIT YEAH I DID NOW HEAL ME LOLI PAWN.

Are you honestly trying to say JC3 is a good game?

They are not brilliant, or even very good, but shitty is a bit much.

at any rate I would not pay 50 buxophones either.

you'll get bored and drop it.
I know I did

The first couple hours are slow as shit

I might go for Dragon's Dogma. Just wonder if its combat is any special.

Undertale is another I've been considering because there has been so much talk about it.

>Suggest me Steam deals
I suggest you check out the Steam deals.


Is Gothic 3 as good as they say? My funds are so limited that it will be the end of the sales for me after I buy it.Should I?

It's combat is spectacular once you get past goblins and bandits and skeletons, the first few hours can be very boring and frustrating if you're playing hard mode, but after that it's a magical journey, there's a lot of mobs that seem like reskins at first but they have whole different abilities, AI and weaknesses so you have to change your tactics and skills a lot.

You are not a true gentleman and I suggest you leave.

Who is that?

I got this sun for free.

Carnivores: Reborn
Age of Empires II HD
Stardew Valley
7 Days to Die
Cabela's (hunting game)

I'd like to know as well. I enjoyed Gothic 2 and the first Risen.

Nice deals

>Not knowing about Stephanie Mcmahon in her golden years.

may I ask the name of this mattress actress?

>cow tits

lmao. Get the fuck out of here you cyber weaboo.

Dumb pedoposter

Pillars Of Eternity

>buying the JC3 PC port
Bad move

Fable Anniversary, only 5$.
No costumization but there's plenty of RP, your choices matter.

Wouln't hurt to buy an user the same gam would it ?

Undertale is really nothing special at all. i didn't care much for the humor which made a good portion of it anoying, the story and characters honestly didn't feel that new or innovative and the moral punishment you get for straying from the "good" path is ridiculous, as is the meta commentary on it.

it's worth playing but the only route i genuinely enjoyed was genocide, not because i got to kill everyone, but for ow much it changed the whole game, how it was actually funny at times and for the two decent fight in the game.

that's just my opinion take what you will from it, but know that the hype over it was a way too much for what it is.

>saying this when the game almost didnt run on PS4 and Xbone

I almost bought it for you but then I saw
>dota 2

>2003 Stephanie McMahon

I'll give you some tips

So it runs awful on all platforms, then I wouldn't get it. What happened to you, Avalanche?

>all those times Vince either personally dominated her, or had some big greasy guy do it while he watched

Nobody can deny that Vince had the hots for his daughter and expressed it in the weirdest ways. I mean he even had Rikishi sit on her face.

Check out Age of Decadence and UnderRAIL not tale.

Doom and XCOM 2 are 40% off gogogo.

I cant find her, pls help

Remember to avoid any Denuvo-protected games.

the mad man wanted to do an incest storyline with her

I'm considering ac4 but the store page doesn't have any information regarding the ''normal'' and deluxe edition crap

Is the deluxe normal + season pass?

Why is there a buy button for ac3 on ac4's store page?

I understand nothing

>Missing out on DOOM and TW Warhammer

have fun poorfag


I'll just paste what I bought yesterday, a few are RTS iirc

Thanks a lot user!

Too bad she doesnt do porn.

nice shitpost

>call a game worth playing but also include things you don't like about it
why are undertale fags so pathetic

Man, with that money you could have bought a couple actually competent games.

I'm interested in Guild 3 though, but it won't be released anytime soon.

Is Rome2/Attila worth buying?


sorry i don't revere the same games you do. as i said, that was my opinion, if you feel differently then just say so.

>first thing in the queue
You know me so well, Steam.

I would like something that has one (or more) of the following (preferably multiplayer with persistent world):

a) being able to be a lone bounty hunter like SWG, or a bounty hunter/player killer-like character that plays solo
b) building and heavy customization of your character
c) building and heavy customization of your base of operations (similar to for example those survival games, Rift's dimensions etc)

Is there anything like that at all? Doesn't even have to be on sale, just something that I can start playing seriously because I'm getting sick of all the bullshit consoletard games.

EYE is French, user.

yes, not rome2 though

I'd recommend any of the MP survival games but they tend to have players gathering in teams just to fend off player killers.

They all suk lol.


This tbqh. In my opinion this beats even Diablo 3

>all that old shit you could have just pirated GOG versions of

I'd be content just building my own base and doing my own PvE shit and defending myself against PKs, but I know they won't leave me alone, and I know they attack in groups, so I don't think this is a good fit for me.

Ideally I'd like it to be either like SWG BH or the old vanilla WoW PvP where you could (although there was a shitload of group ganking) engage people 1on1 with pretty good frequency.

Steamworld Heist fills all of your points