>tfw still havent bought a single game during the steam summer sale
is this the worst sale yet Sup Forums?
Tfw still havent bought a single game during the steam summer sale
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I think it's more a sign that there haven't been many good games out in the past few months.
Yes. Yes it is.
I enjoyed the last sale because you could just go and buy the games you wants all in one go.
You didn't have to second guess whether a better discount was going to turn up.
>most games on my wishlist are in sale for around $10
>no money to spend on the summer sale
you could buy me risk of rain
No, you Steam users are finally just hitting overblow of your market. There are too many games and not enough time. You all have hundreds of unplayed games in your libraries and now the reality of buying more just isn't appealing, even if it is a sale. If you wanted a game that badly, you would have bought it already, the sale just works your impulses because. "hey it's only a few bucks". Seriously, you computer gamers are fucking pathetic.
>actually playing your steam games
what are you fucking pathetic?
I haven't missed anything good right? Did XCOM2 ever go on the highlighted sales?
>oh no, I haven't given money to a fat kike that has tried to fuck over PC gaming multiple times in the past year alone!
Every single fucking year
>worst steam sale
>no gud gaems on sale
>where is muh contest
>refunds ruined everything
during this years sale all the prices are staying the same for the whole duration
except this year sales are objectively worse.
>during this years sale all the prices are staying the same for the whole duration
Oh...Okay, I don't know whether I should be happy or sad
I just want a fun multiplayer game that isn't P2W shit.
What best covers that?
Are any of these MMO Survival games any good?
Sad, it's a side-effect of refunds. Highest discounts got tuned down now. If you're a slow fuck it helps, but even then you could just wait until the last day.
> like in UK
> brexit happens
> $:£ falls off a cliff
should I buy now before games become more expesnive or what?
I have just bought Subnautica.
I'm having - ---fun--- --- --- -
I don't understand you steamcucks. I abhor the idea of buying games I will never play just because it's cheap. Fuck man, just give me your money if you're gonna throw it away like that.
I bought Warehammer DoW2 Master, and my gf gifted my RE:Revelations.
I'll probably pick up another game, but my FPS craving has been satisfied by Overwatch, and the season change in rocket league is keeping me busy until I get back up to Rising Star
youre joking right? nobody actually plays their games. youre supposed to keep them in your library
Not on PC anyway :^)
How are your graphically superior multiplats treating you
>reacting to a national bullshit scenario
Give it a few months before doing anything rash.
pretty great honestly.
>Last game I bought was in 2014
>Cant sell shit on the marketplace
yeah fuck steam
There's just as many games on good sale, you just bought them all already in previous sales.
superhot is shit but wasteland, pillars and divinity are good games to consider.
no pham, games really arent as discounted as theyve been during earlier summers
Is helldivers any good?
I played it on PS4. I found it really fun but you absolutely need friends to play it with it make the experience worthwhile.
I am enjoying Xcom2 alot
I got Dragon's Dogma, topped off the Resident Evil franchise and the Castlevania series, so I think that's a decent haul. RE5 still refuses to work, though.
Is this any good? It's the only game on sale that remotely interests me.
You're gonna like Revelations. And when you can, get Revelations 2. It's a solid sequel.
Can anyone tell me if this game actually has control issue or if it doesn't?
I swear every review and forum post contradicts the rest.
Some people say it's terrible because of ledge grabbing issues and bad controls, others insist it doesn't.
The great thing about Steam is that if you buy a game and you don't like it, you can refund it.
>First time with no 75% daily deal sales cuz of refunds
This years is objectively worse, retard.
>don't like it
How would I know? I have no intention of playing it.
sadly, as a result of this, the sales arent nearly as low as they used to be
Yep reductions have been shit. Bought stanley parable for a couple quid out my steam wallet/card sales but that's about it. Havn't used any real money.
In the world of Vidya, the people talking negatively are always right.
Then just buy it. It at least looks like you have unique taste in video games. Look up a synopsis and make up some underlying plot bullshit to blabber on about when people talk about it.
>tfw you're actually smart with money
>he bought huniepop
>I am actually smart with my money
>pony island
go home toaster poster
It was good until the "you computer gamers". You have potential, little baiter.
Are you me?
>not buying a comfy bejeweled with funny meta game
>Have a fair few things I want like Jade Empire which is less than four bucks
>Jobless with little usable money
Valve would put up good sales around my birthday when I have jack shit for money.
I thought about buying call of duty games before world at war but fuck paying that much for decade old games
>"hey son what do you want for your birthday"
>"oh um just grocery money so Walmart or Target e-gift card would be fine"
>use card to buy steam gift card
I like the look of Legend of Grimrock.
Should I get the first one for €3, or the second one for €8?
Is the second one dramatically better or is it one of those games where you should really play both?
>all games that look interesting are either open access with little content or have a dead community
It's not a matter of sales. You probably bought all of the worthwhile games one or two years ago, and the newly released ones can't compare.
I got VVVVVV, Necrodancer, Blood Money and Psychonauts all for around 8 Brugerbucks. I think I did ok.
>it's a 2+ year old game that's on sale for 20%
Thanks for beta testing pc users
I don't expect gifts from family anymore.
Even if I had gotten something like that, I would have held it for an emergency or put it to use for actually important shit instead of games.
Brigador is amazing too. watch some gameplay.
If you have experienced more than three years of Steam sales and earlier humble bundles chances are you literally have ALL the vidya you're actually interested in on your steam account and even shit you never even bothered playing.
Steam sales are uninteresting by default since they often don't even manage to price their shit below game code trading sites.
Doom was pretty great!
Tomb raider was also really fun! ^_^
How poor are you?
I'm unemployed and I can still scrounge together 7 or 8 bucks for Steam sales.
>2 year old game still in early access
>no discount at all
Only thing I might've wanted was Undertale, but that's only 30% off. And maybe some bullshit like Poly Bridge, but that's only 25% off. Shit's bullshit.
I pretty much have all AAAs i REALLY want, the issue is i have nearly 50 indie games i'd be interested in that have garbage sales
Pirate it, friends.
Pirating is too much effort for what I expect of those games. Besides, I'm pretty sure I'd be able to get a good impression within the first 2 hours of it, and then refund if I don't like it.
>Quake collection bundle
>doesn't include Quake 4 or Quake: ET
Rate my choices, bois.
Do people still play ET
Probably not but I thought it was great, i'd play it on my own against bots.
>tfw your account is restricted for 90 days because of "suspicious" activity