How do we fix horror genre?
How do we fix horror genre?
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remove weapons of any kind
focus on atmosphere and dread instead of jump scares
what was this faggots purpose for hijacking the channel anyway.
Exterminate jaded people.
Hey, user
Limit movement/resources
Get away from jumpscares and focus on environment and atmosphere. Using RE7 for example there is undoubtedly atmosphere that adds to the horror but at the same time it's just one jump scare in the dark after another.
Completely wrong, look at Alien Isolation and Penumbra in comparison to Amnesia and Outlast as examples, look at Pathalogic and Silent Hill. Jump scare walking sims aren't good horror games you dickhead.
Horror games are fine.
People just shit all over them because they
a)Are so insecure that can't admit something scared them.
b)Play the game in a well lit room with a tv on in the background. Never full immersing themselves fully into the game.
c) Don't realize that yes jump scares are gonna happen in in a horror game otherwise the game is all bark and no bite.
Because he knew he could get away with it
less jumpscares more paranoia
>not knowing it was a proto-MK Ultra
hey they were pretty cool guys
Get more games as different/surprising as FNAF 1.
Seriously, that first game was fucking great. I miss those first few days on Sup Forums where that one single guy was streaming it and everyone was fucking horrified.
The rest of the series is shit though.
fuck you
we need weapons with very little ammo.
it needs to be 3rd person so you can see shit creepin in from offscreen.
monsters need to look spooky again.
in theory, i think nemesis in RE3 was the most scary thing, fixed camera + bad controls + appearing offscreen + incredibly strong + scary looking + noises.
Very little ammo is a crutch, a good or conservative player shouldn't suffer for the poorer players.
3rd person horror is very difficult to pull off, games such as RE3 relied on tension and jump scares more than anything.
Enemy appearance is important but remember that this is down to the player. Some people find grotesque monsters laughable. I find audio/appearance is the most important combination for an opponent and they need to be able to unsettle the player. Fear needs to be created, not forced.
Finally people I can agree with. I'll never understand the complaints for weapons in horror games. When ammo is abundant yeah I get that but so many people say any weapons at all kills the tension just like the guy you both replied to. RE for example still has enemies you can kill and others you have to run from so you don't always know what to do encountering a new enemy. Horror games that have no guns are always the same. See enemy? Run. Personally not very exciting and less tension when you already know exactly how to handle every enemy in a game and that way is literally the same.
Spot on, like I mentioned earlier they are hide and seek walking sims. Nothing kills tension and suspense more than having to sit and hide in a spot for a while, while the big bad walks his route.
Weapons are fine, but they have to be balanced in and accounted for with the games enemies. Seems like too many devs are too lazy to bother.
So much this
Its sad how legitimately fucked up shit that screws with the player is near-impossible to do today with such a PC culture and paranoid people.
Manhunt had psychos looking for you in the dark , screaming and claiming your anus, and your task was to film a fucking snuff movie by brutal executions while the Director was allegedly masturbating to the whole thing and demanding you to be harder on them by earpiece.
Fuck you Rockstar. Your games are shit in the edgy and shock you built yourselfs upon.
Typed that wrong.
I meant rockstar CURRENT games are shit.
Not sure what you are getting at with the fuck you modern edgy Rockstar comment. The game you posted was edgy as fuck and an overall great physiological horror game that fucks with the mind of the player. GTA 5 has some seriously fucked up stuff in there as well not too far from Manhunt. One could argue it's even worse because of its sandbox nature since you are not forced to kill. I don't think they've lost their touch at all but just times have changed like you mentioned. After the fiasco that was Manhunt 2 and all the shit in the news about the first I seriously doubt they want to run that route again at risk of the game getting canned.
this, its the only renge that is not fucked by sjw and feminist in the west, because faggots and womyn dont play them.
That game was good. Couldn't be made today as it would be banned for being a murder simulator among other things.
Get the devs to watch this and tell them to take what Jeremy means movies should do and use that to improve their game.
The 10th step can be skipped
I have high hopes for re7.
You must first come to the realization that horror is not a genre, it's a theme.
too early for a horror thread, come back in 5 hours
>remove weapons of any kind
Please end this meme, having combat and resource management only adds to the tension in a horror game, if you take it away you just end up with a glorified walking simulator where you occasionally hide or run away from the spooks
This game seems really interesting but I'm a pussy and more importantly this game doesn't seem to run on Windows 7
I want this meme to die.