Sup Forums spends weeks shitting on nuDoom

>Sup Forums spends weeks shitting on nuDoom
>Says it's awful horrible garbage
>Steam Sale
>Literally the top selling game on Steam
>MP has lots of people playing
>Lots of threads on Sup Forums talking about how good it is

Why is Sup Forums so contrarian to the point of being faggots?

>popular games are not shit
yeah whatever, then LOL it's the greatest game of all time

A turd is a turd no matter how many people like sticking their dicks in it.

>"12 year olds that never played the original like it so it must be good!"

It's pretty good. Wish the multiplayer wasn't so basic. Can't wait till they add the weapon wheel to snapmap

You can't even aim in the original. The base game without mods is nothing special honestly.

>imageboard with a ridiculous amount of people who all have different interests and views

Is this your first day here?

It's mostly piratefags getting mad that they cannot play it.

To be honest I wasn't feeling the idea of a new Doom prior to release and Bethesda made it seem pretty bad, but I was very surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I don't even play the Multiplayer


Easy (You)s

The new Doom isn't that good, I don't know why people keep saying it is. Who the fuck plays Doom for RPG player progression with shitty underwhelming weapons and melee?

>>Sup Forums spends weeks shitting on nuDoom
not true. If you look at the previous archived threads, every fucking doom 4 thread is just a variation of this OP post. This game has been shilled back and forth

t. Pirate fag

>get locked into an arena every 5 seconds
>imps take 2 shots with the shotgun at close range and everything is a bullet sponge
>denuvo spyware
>multiplayer is just as bad as cod ghosts
>soundtrack is just a bunch of noise
Betheda just took a giant shit on the original

No worse than Carmack did with Doom 3

He meant before launch I assume.

After the first few days of the game being released , many in Sup Forums loved it .

Before day 1 everyone and their grandma hated the game.

so? they're both bad doom games. whats your point exactly

>>Sup Forums spends weeks shitting on nuDoom

NuDoom haters :

" Only Carmack and Romero can do Doom properly . Id is a shadow of itself, fuck this Bethdum "

> Carmack did the borefest that was Doom3
> Romero made the shitshow that was called Daikatana.

If they are trying to look stupid , they are doing it too well.

>Sup Forums spends weeks shitting on the nuDoom beta
FTFY. The beta was dogshit and the final product or at least the single player component was fantastic

>I'm 12 the post

thread was over in the first reply. pack it up, people.

>implying literally 90% of the original demons weren't fucking bullet sponges in shooting areas

go fuck yourself you 10 year old.

>" Only Carmack and Romero can do Doom properly . Id is a shadow of itself, fuck this Bethdum "
Who are you quoting?

Actually bought it on G2A, it isn't worth full price

I was regular on the steam forum . There is a retard who to this day says this.
Many kept this as a meme there, until they became a minority and the people shilled the game.

I played the demo from PSN for like 20 min.

>It was terrible.

90% of the demons died relatively quickly, the "bullet sponges" were literally bosses or minibosses and were sometimes found in amongst the squishier enemies so you had to prioritize which to spend your shots on or make you want to switch out to something with more spread.
>There is a retard who to this day says this.
Great, why aren't you replying to him instead then?

It has been this way for many years

Daikatana wasn't meant to be anything like Doom so this is a specious argument. Romero hasn't made any attempt to recreate Doom's style of gameplay since Doom itself, and when he did make new maps for Doom recently, they were tremendously good.

A wall will answer back with more maturity. I just ignore him.

if enemies were still made out of glass with the new weapons you'd be bitching about the game not being hard enough

>Tfw everyone shits on the MP but it's actually fun

I just played the demo and wasn't particularly impressed.

same people who loved the previous lukewarm shit, like Wolf:TNO and SW2013, obviously are going to love D44M.

I personally called all its shit shenanigans months before release, and the final version did not prove me wrong. On the contrary; it was even worse at times than I'd anticipated.

The game's a schizophrenic, consolized mess, that does nothing well. But apparently, being able to get 60fps and have almost non-regenerating health in an FPS game is sooo amazing, that it makes the game instant GOTY contender in the eyes of the standard-less masses.

only one level, right? arena get larger with a greater number and variety of enemies later on. and, as with every bethesda game, it makes better when you turn off the bullshit in the options

wolfenstein is trash. at least nu-doom doesn't treat game design as an afterthought

>at least nu-doom doesn't treat game design as an afterthought
except they do.
The """secrets""" all feel like literal slapped on things, as if the devs realized that people dig these hidden items, and had to quickly fill some "secret quota" before release. It's extra bad considering most of them are stupid collectibles.

Similarly, the constant re-use of lock-down rooms and empty filler between them, be they just corridors or FP platforming, really do not fit the game's nor series' style. Nor does the RPG elements.

I bought it and it's very polarising, the good parts are damn good and the bad aparts are god awful. The maps and combat is up there with the best FPS games out there. The health and ammo system is retarder, worse than regenerating health. Not going to bother with PvP, got bored of it during the beta already. Game is also full with bugs.

>literally has a sale on it within the first month or two of release

kill yourself

To be fair, being a good game never fit doom's style either, so nuDoom breaks the mould for the series in many places.

And before you event try to rebut
>dude damage sponge cacodemons lmao
>dude secrets that are 90% an obviously different tinted wall lmao
>dude expansion pak that jams damage sponge hell barons and cyberdemons into every level lmao

Then with 2
>dude what is cohesive level design dude lmao
>dude platforming in a game with no jump button dude lmao
>dude lets make a shotgun that is literally better in every way to the first shotgun like we did with the chaingun vs, the pistol in 1 lmao
>dude lets make an enemy with a charge up hitscan that can almost kill you in one hit and blocks up your entire fucking screen rofl lmao

In closing
>b-but muh 20 year legacy

A 20 year log of shit is still a log of shit, just calcified.

>dude damage sponge cacodemons lmao
they're barely any kind of sponges. You can literally pain-stun them with a saw, berserk pack or minigun, or just pop a couple rockets and be done with it.
>dude secrets that are 90% an obviously different tinted wall lmao
how long's it been since you've played Doom? Seriously.
I found 100% of E1M1 for the first time just couple years ago.
>dude expansion pak that jams damage sponge hell barons and cyberdemons into every level lmao
the 4th episode? Yeah, it sucks. And no wonder, as it wasn't made by ID themselves.

>dude what is cohesive level design dude lmao
Doom 2's level design is goddamn brilliant. I love when devs are actually playing with the players.
>dude platforming in a game with no jump button dude lmao
Is it even platforming if you do not jump?
>dude lets make a shotgun that is literally better in every way to the first shotgun like we did with the chaingun vs, the pistol in 1 lmao
Not a bad thing in any way. Plus, the OG Shotgun still works as better sniping tool.
>dude lets make an enemy with a charge up hitscan that can almost kill you in one hit and blocks up your entire fucking screen rofl lmao
How about you try, you know... getting gud ?

Way to end with the mark of clear homosexual faggot with no taste whatsoever.

Skyrim went on sale to 40 bucks a month after release too new friend.