What do modern games look like on a 4:3 monitor?

What do modern games look like on a 4:3 monitor?

I don't understand what you mean.
Most games have support for 4:3, 16:9 and 16:10 aspect ratios, not to mention that 4:3 was the default one 10+ years ago

wtf that's one weird looking monitor

very letterboxed

I tried the 4:3 option for CS:GO and it was stretched

i'm still using a 1280x1024 CRT monitor and have been getting at least 100 fps in every modern game

Shit Fallout 4 for example has no support for 4:3

yea by default it will stretch it. If you want true 4:3 it will have black bars, so to get those you'll need to force it through your gpu.
For NVIDIA I think you just need to set the "Perform scaling on" to GPU

>tfw 16:10 didn't become the standard

why? it's clearly the superior aspect ratio

looks great anytime honeybuns

how young are you?

Just got rid of my old one.

Letterboxed with a few exceptions.

maybe I'm just not some poorfag who can only afford square shaped second hand monitors from the 90s

the question is not how young he is but how old you are


assuming you can find one with the same vertical size as 16:9, the image would be 75% the width and 75% the height, giving you a total area 56.25% of the 16:9 display

Because HDTVs got popular and used 16:9. The 720p and 1080p thing didn't help either.

if you are 20 now you are either supposed to know these monitors or you did not see a PC unilt you were 12, and even then 4:3 monitors were still common.
School computers now still have those.

If you play old games then set them to 1440x1080 if you have a 1080p panel
Mostly because many old games have vert- picture instead of hor+, so playing in 1920x1080 is like playing in 1920x1440 cropped vertically

>School computers now still have those.

you would know

op's picture has a 5:4 monitor, not 4:3 one

Very bad games, letterboxed.
Most games yo just adjust the resolution and aspect ratio.

It does feel pretty weird now to go back, even though I use 5:4 monitors at work.
Shit its been 10 years since I bought my first widescreen.

when someone unexpectedly gives you their 10 year old vga only panel and you have to pretend your thankful even though you picked up more modern ones dumped on the street

thanks, i guess