Do you guys really consider this game good or it is just a meme...

Do you guys really consider this game good or it is just a meme? Im close to the end and so far the game has been being pretty boring and not scary at all

it's great

Its whatever you feel it is.

Thats what an opinion is after all.

This and Silent Hill 2 were the peak of survival horror.

it's like an adventure game but spooky with bossfights and shooting.
what's not to like.

Lets see

>everything is blurry and not scary, it feels like I am in a painting not in a mansion
>b horror movie story and dialogue
>its survival horror just because the combat is awful

Yeah, its a bad game

I like it but I think of it as more of a puzzle game than a scary game or a survival game.

>everything is blurry and not scary
I'm pretty sure the original Exorcist isn't scary by todays standards either.

I'm affraid you have shit taste

I dont know what you were expecting user? Pyschological horror? Maybe try Silent Hill. No one actually thinks RE games are scary. They are fun body horror gorefest. Some games have their moments with the atmosphere but generally speaking they aren't scary and almost comical. People like them for the same reasons they like those horror films of the 80s that were shit on upon release but have gained cult followings since.

why don't you run with your own opinion you fucking retard

The first half of Remake is legitimately scary thanks to atmosphere and shit like Crimsonheads, and the second half has Lisa goddamn Trevor, but otherwise it's not very scary imo.

That game scared the everloving shit out of me as a kid. I love the series (I'm talking about 0-3 but not necessarily barring 4) but I don't think they're objectively good.

>can't appreciate the atmosphere
Sucks to be you dude

>>b horror movie story and dialogue

Is it even possible to like horror at all if you can't appreciate b movies? The two basically go hand in hand.

That and also the Aqua Ring part gets me every time.

your taste is shit, and the game's great.
literal pinnacle and prime example of the survival horror genre.


That thing was the worst for me first time through. I've had an irrational fear of sharks since I first saw Jaws as a kid, that thing was absolute nightmare fuel.
>Have to run through the fucking water tank with them swimming after you
>They fucking smash on the window while you try to train the tank, putting a time limit on you
>Oh, you drained it? Guess what, you still have to face the biggest one!
>Fuck up and it insta-kill eats you
Absolutely horrifying.

How can it be nostalgia when the first time I played it was when it was released on Steam

No one said it's scary, it's a survival game, with inventory management and bullet control... Don't play on easy

Maybe you are just retarded

Didn't touch this game until last year, when the HD remaster came out. Mechanically speaking, it is so tightly designed that anyone who wants to go into game design should play it and take notes.

The level geometry, the camera angles, the lighting, the enemy placement and movement patterns, the item placement, the player's movement speed, the combat mechanics, the pacing, the soundtrack, and every other "game" part of this game fit together and feed off each other so goddamn well that from minute one I was amazed with it.

Then I'm happy to be one since my retarded mind has one fine taste in video games

Im playing on the latest difficult available

>No one actually thinks RE games are scary.
speak for yourself. Especially REmake is atmospheric as fuck.

you too, fuck off.
I replayed this game twice just months ago, and watched a total RESI first-timer play it for the first time a bit earlier. She got so hooked, that she replayed it 3 times afterwards.

The game's awesome. Period.

Try Real Survival if you want an actual challenge.
Invisible Enemy is pretty tough if you play on the harder difficulties too.

You have to be over 18 to post on this website

Right back at you, summerfag.
gb2/leddit/neogaf/fchan/ what ever the fuck you came from.

>combat is awful
translates to
>I don't understand mechanics and game design

I heard the HD backgrounds look weird, I played the Wii port and it looks better than the weird filter they added.

>b movie dialogue and story
Oh boy that sure sounds like something that doesn't matter to video games.

That was exactly how I felt.
Even the Jaws shit.

>they make you walk RIGHT up to it to grab the key

Those fucking chinks knew exactly what they were doing.


Sup Forums hates fun.
That's why they love snoozefests like New Vegas.

Your post makes no sense

I'm glad survival horror is dead.

Shitty meme genre

Shut the fuck up loser. I didn't say you could reply to me.

bruh, Resident evil as a young teen/kid was the scariest shit ever

we're all jaded adults now

Had the same myself OP. It might have been scary of the lack of resources was a thing for longer than 2 hours. Had 15 Magnum bullets and a shitton of shells by the end of it. Didn't expect the last boss either so I had to kill him without the Magnum.
Fun game, but not particularly scary.

>the game has been being pretty boring and not scary at all

You mean something fictional that isn't really happening doesn't scare you? Holy shit what a bad ass.

Silent Hill is just as scary as Resident Evil. Actually, the more dangerous enemies and the gory deaths of the main characters of Resident Evil make it scarier to me.

This is the correct answer.