How come Bloodstained looks so good while Mighty Number 2 turned out awful?
How come Bloodstained looks so good while Mighty Number 2 turned out awful?
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There are two types of Vidya Artists out there:
The kind who desperately need a publisher/daddy to smack their hands away from the 3.3million dollars before they blow it all on cocaine and vacations
And the kind who know how to make video games.
game isn't out
If it don't have anime tiddies, don't trust it.
i want to play the demo
Because Miriam is cute
I like how she looks like Maki!
I think there are ones that try constantly and produce good stuff without constantly breaks
and those that make one decent model/image and constantly post what they made on twitter for epic upboats. Then put barely any effort into the rest of the game
IGA is based, that's why. The man didn't go anywhere without his whip while he was the director of Castlevania. A true hero.
>tfw Iga is the probably type to actually put that whip to use in the bedroom.
I would too if my wife lookd like Shanoa
It really doesn't look all that good, 2bh
But it feels good which is more important
>How come Bloodstained looks so good
Not really. The demo was garbage. It's MN9 all over again.
>"b-but it's just an alpha demo"
Yeah sure it is.
Gigantic titties on the first boss
That's true. But I wish it looked good as well.
Bloodstained? More like Cumstained.
Am, I rite guise? lmao!
If you think Bloodstained looks anywhere near as bad as MN9 you need fucking glasses.
How much do people actually pay to get someone to draw something like in OPs pic? A lot of that guys shit is drawn on commission.
It's just about how much talent your team has.
They're both corporate businessmen, but unlike Inafune, Iga actually knows what people liked about the games he helped to create.
Half the battle is knowing what people want from you in the first place. Inafune tried to reinvent the wheel. Iga's just trying to make a good NotCastlevania Castlevania game. So long as he doesn't get too overly ambitious, and all of those fucking stretch goals don't crush the project's budget, he'll do just fine. Here's hoping he knows to release them slowly, over the course of years, like Yacht Club did with Shovel Knight.
It's probably just the ship's lighting. Most of the other in-engine images we've seen of other zones look much more vibrant.
Given that people have been fairly outspoken about finding the ship drab that will probably be touched up too.
And here we go again. Here's your (You)
Go back to Sup Forums
>go to sankaku channel looking for spider girl images
>this one pops up
>spend 10 minutes figuring out where the fuck the spider is supposed to be
Hopefully they can tighten up the controls. It felt like ass!
One has a female protag* the other has a male** protag
*This only works because its a japanese dev. A western dev would make the woman look like a dude anyway
**While a robot, Beck is designed to look like a male.
The graphics are great
>cheat codes
>adds 150.000$ to fund goal
Top left hanging from the ceiling.
>creating and programming various cheats is free and ez
>Konami code copyright fees
I love the style. The post processing shader needs some work imo, makes everything look a bit washed out.
Demo looked fine. When did MN9 get their demo again?
Shitstained looks and plays like shit. only reason why people defend it is the massive backers remorse and LE BIG COLORFUL TIDDIES XDD group mementality
Kinda yeah, most of that shit is stuff thats already in there for the devs to playtest with.
If you die, do you get raped?
how much did you spend on mighty number 5.6
>i didn't spend any and i'm not getting paid, honest!
She feeds you to her sons
Not into vore, what about the other monsters?
fuck you
Bloodstained doesnt look that good. It's just a Metroidvania game, that's literally it. It doesn't have great sprites, the 3D models look Ok but nothing special.
Sup Inafune, don't you have another kickstarter scam to run?
I thought it looked fine for a tutorial level.
They are just crabs from what I remember from the demo
Since the game is UE, wouldnt it be pretty easy to make some lewd bad ends for monsters?
Inafune wanted to make money
Iga wanted to make games.
>It's just a Metroidvania game
But that's exactly what was promised.
Igarashi didn't promise to revolutionize the industry like the people behind Mighty No. 9 and Start Citizen claimed to do. He was pretty much:
>"I would like to make SOTN-style Castlevania games. Pay me, I get to make a new non-SOTN game and you get to play it. Deal?"
You're just jealious! I bet you're jealious of Maydrawfag too!
Who here gonna play a kung fu build?
Plenty of times, cheat codes are non existent or horribly implemented. Sometimes you have to twist dev's arms to put basic shit in.
t. QA lead
No, it's more like Shitstained.
So the only thing that's actually slower is attack speed, which is probably tied to weapons again so it's hard to judge at this point. Nice.
t. people who backed MN9 and not buying Azure Striker Gunvolt,
I wish people could stop judging things based on how much it looks like another product, this is bullshit.
The head guy actually wants to make a quality product instead of a Conman playing on peoples desperation and using the money on drugs and parites.
this nigga can't draw for shit, huh?
Miriam bobs too much when she runs, I want her shoulders stay stiff and in place in true Castlevania fashion.
I don't think the intention of the video maker was what you think it was.
I'd fuck her
I enjoyed both.
Maydrawfag is a godsend. This is coming from another drawfag.
Akairiot sux tho.
Wait a minute, that face looks familiar.
When I saw the physics in action I instantly though it was spot on, but damn, that's closer than I thought.
Her tongue isn't sticking out though.
Whatever is he trying to show, he is clearly comparing the two games.
Seriously, where did the 4 million go? Did he just hire people with no programming experience, and it took two million dollars in labor just to train them?
Time to fap (slang for masturbation)
He's comparing the physics and speed.
Fuck off fag, his artstyle is bonerific.
is maydrawfags stuff posted somewhere as a collection or a gallery
anyone else feel that the demo was too cluncky and slow feeling? also it was way to easy.
>tfw the only thing going for your game is a character design, who isn't even a good character
hookers and blow
>easy demo
Course it was fucking easy, it's a demo, what did you expect?
I was 12 once too
I backed this for Miriam.
Tutorial levels are almost always easy. The speed grew on me, but I bet there will be some shards that speed it up.
Physics were on par with the ds vanias, that boss was way too easy though.
I think that was intended, although Iga talked in favor of easy difficulty levels in an interview. Nonetheless, it's certainly possible we're going to have selectable difficulty levels - one is actually outlined in the stretch goals.
Not him, but I'm expecting a game harder than the piss easy games he's made in the past or it least optional difficulty from the onset.
>mfw 2/3rds of the other Call designers were better than not Roll
>mfw they all were spared the fate of being used in a kusoge thanks to not Roll winning the polls
looking at the level design, it really just FEELS castlevania. The hallways, platforms, long walks...
and a couple of walking armors and we're golden.
I also didnt like how the character felt like they were floating a bit.
neck yourself, bruv
>being this assblasted he backed a shitty game
It sure is summer.
Wasn't Alucard floaty as well? :^)
I don't disagree though, Miriam could certainly be a little bit faster.
>Inb4 le git gud swordbackdashcanceldash is fast enough already :^^)
>Call D, the one I voted for, spared off this fate
>Call D becomes final boss
I'm okay with this. I actually like the game and thought Call ended up one of the worst characters.
I have no clue, I see his stuff posted randomly on some boorus and lately he's taken a liking to a Sup Forumscreated character called golden girl and posted a bunch of art of her in the /aco/ thread.
She looks nice but what is up with her tattoos?
So you went into a demo of a tutorial section, made by a developer known for doing easy games, and expected difficulty. And somehow this is anyone's fault but your own?
>"GOTHIC" as fuck
More like gothicc am I rite
IGA is a game designer by trade. He's been a codemonkey since day 1 and knows the ins and outs of game design, so when he HEADS a project, he can take full creative control while having the skills to pull it off.
Inafune was only ever a a character designer and artist, who went on to production. He doesnt have the nitty gritty knowhow on game design. that was usually handled by other people. And then he just kept climbing the Capcom corporate ladder until he became a pencil pusher, which also eroded his original skillset as a character artist. So all thats really left of him is an "ideas guy" who doesnt know how to properly oversee a Videogame's development now that he has 100% control and is his own boss.
also Mighty no 9 is under almost every platform under the sun, which visually, makes the game extremely weak, while IGA is just going for current platforms.