Do you think the Sheikah will have a bigger focus than ever before in BotW?
Comfy Zelda: BotW Thread
That's hardly something to debate about, it's plainly obvious
Where on earth did you get that in such high-res?
And yes.
It looks like it'll be the Sheikah being given focus, but it'll actually be some other thing entirely that's related to Sheikah that's going to try and "explain" the Sheikah more, but it'll probably be handled poorly.
Previous games had lots of sheikah stuff too. But they still never really delved that deeply into it in spite of it.
Skyward Sword is absolutely full of sheikah stuff, yet Impa was the only sheikah person in the game and they never really addressed the sheikah at all.
And it's ironically Twilight Princess that has the most on the sheikah, even if it's almost all by proxy from focusing on the twili.
What do we know about towns and villages?
Wish list:
>grappling hook
>pegasus/hover boots for short bursts of flight (in b4 hurr durr glider, flight and gliding are two different things, fuck off)
>a master variant of all weapon types that involves a process of some sort to get
>property where you can store shit
>more types of mounts than just a horse
>a dark link fight
>crafting your own weapons/arrows/armor
>meaningful npc interaction
>a town with gorons/zora/deku/people living all together
>a town that feels alive like clocktown, where people interact with each other
>a cool instrument, not some faggy baton
>a bear companion
>a hover-shield
That's dumb, you're dumb
Do I think something that we've already seen?
Will Sheik be in this game?
Hopefully not.
Nintendo loves to repeat stuff, but Zelda turning into the same character every time kind of takes away from the magic of it. And not only cheapens the idea of Sheik, but the idea of Zelda in general.
She's been a ninja and a pirate and all kinds of stuff. If she is to be transformed as something I'd like it if it was something new.
What a faggot
That they're in the game.
How far do you think they'll push "technology" in the game?
And do you think we'll see anything relatively modern/realistic or do you think they'll stick close to the magitech throughout?
shes going to be transformed into a man and there will be a subplot with male zelda and link featuring uncensored, hour long unskippable rape cutscenes
Hopefully fucking magitech, I fucking hate it when fantasy gets butchered with actual tech
Zelda is the old man!
I hope they go all the way in, having a halfassed tech that is only enemies and is not explained would totally ruin it for me.
BotW takes place after Zelda 2.
Screencap this post.
why would anyone screencap a useless, unoriginal predicition
What are the chances of the Twilight Realm/Dark World/Whatever existing in the game at all?
>your face when you are suddenly warped into the twilight realm and has to face off an overworld boss to get back
I'm sick of Zelda having some kind of alter ego.
b-because my dad works at nintendo...
is steppe talus the name of the area or the monster
Agreed. I'd much prefer if Zelda was just Zelda.
I am just saying that if they insist on having her transform into stuff, let the transformation magic stay transformation magic in the broad sense and not just transforming into a specific form.
Any of yall do the Miitomo Drop? I got the hoodie
My dream for Dark Link, is while you're exploring in a mountainous area, you find a lake in the mountains, which form a circle around it and it's small beach. You get closer, and realize the lake is pure black. A ripple appears in the middle, and Dark Link slowly rises up. He has no clothes or weapons, similar to how you start, and suddenly your equipped items flash onto him. You fight, and he vanished at the end. So now Dark Link is roaming the overworld, and whenever you get an item, HE gets that item too, and his equipped stuff is always the same as you.
Magitech is perfect, at least it will still be a fantasy game.
If the fucking Voyager pulls up to Hyrule though, I'm out.
it's a fantasy game not a sci fi
comfy ghibli zelda
I say the chances of that are the same as getting hints about Majora or the Firce Deity in the game, so next to non, which is a shame.
Also, you can find him in settlements, destroying crops, forcing everyone to hide so you have to fight him off before you can get in any houses(without some crafty hookshotting, but he'll be able to hook shot into homes too, so you'll have to look harder to find him), etc. and yes, he can burn shit.
>If the fucking Voyager pulls up to Hyrule though, I'm out.
You wouldn't approve of Link being beamed up and having a dungeon in a UFO?
yeah, I'm getting the feeling Link himself might be part of the bloodline this time, I know he's always Hylian, but he might be a mixed-race this time, shouldn't be out of the question...either that, or the Sheikah were very 'aware' of the legend this time, they'd need some reason to have Link like that...actually, if this takes place before Wind Waker, what if this is an alternate path to the era without a hero, and the sheikah have him preserved from a previous era, so as to have him present when he's needed.
Yeah, Steppe Talus is the area name and the boss is called Great Plateau.
Are you retarded?
There's been magitech stuff since Link to the Past. Dungeons had mechanical traps, electric devices, lasers, conveyor belts. I agree that there's a point where it could go overboard and become scifi more than fantasy, but I'm not seeing it so far. Yeah, the fucking pokedex could be a little much, but it's not going too far.
how it's written i thought steppe talus could be a sub area within the great plateau. don't be mean to me
I am still not sure myself.
Open world concept goes directly against every design tenet that made Zelda popular.
Prove me wrong.
It's essentially the design tenet that made Zelda popular in the first place.
Open world Zelda is just zoned zelda without loading times
the first zelda had this design and its what made the series popular
Non-linearity and free roaming are the design features that defined Zelda. 'Open World' is distinct genre with its own tropes that run against some of the formulaic elements of the old games.
Not the guy above, though. I'm cautiously optimistic abot the game, myself.
Zelda INVENTED the open world concept in 1986.
You've been proven wrong. Have a nice day.
>Non-linearity and free roaming are the design features that defined Zelda.
>'Open World' is distinct genre with its own tropes that run against some of the formulaic elements of the old games.
No. Zelda just did Open World before people dubbed it "Open World". And just because lots of developers have done a horrible job at it since, does not mean Zelda wasn't still/still isn't Open World.
i doubt the game is truly open world like you described. it is non-linear like the original but people are using the phrase open world synonymously with non linear.
I really want BotW to have tons of lore, tel me user, will they make everything clearer?
What's your best shield surfing webms?
Post webms!
Are there any good true-form-Midna/Zelda lemons? Link can come too.
>Zelda goes /x
Best sidequest.
Would Midna have been better if her grown form was still relatively imp-ish like in this concept art?
most zelda games have an alternate world in them, whether it is a dark world or not.
I actually think with the size of BoTW we may only have one world in the game, but that does not mean the other won't be mentioned.
I think there will probably be a big time element to the game.
maybe travelling back and forward through time
She is kinda ugly, but I would still do her. I don't get the hate of woman midna.
That concept art is ok though, but kinda misses the point of the shadow people, as they where hylians but cursed, so they should look like people suffering.
Yes, because grown Midna feels absolutely nothing like the waifu I fell in love with throughout the game.
This has got to be my favourite webm.
>Open world concept goes directly against every design tenet that made Zelda popular.
it doesn't go against it, zelda has always had an open overworld, but you are limited in accessible areas because of lack of gear, which I assume they will be doing in this game.
using the cold that damages you as an example, they might have a desert area where you need something to keep you from burning up.
areas you need to float into with the parachute, ir breath underwater, so you have to find all this gear first. some may be in dungeons.
the first TLOZ was not the first open world game user. though it was probably the most popular one.
Everyone knows that we can jump onto wild horses and ride them.
But what are the chances of us being able to find non-horse mounts?
I hope so.
Will Fi be in the game?
Human Midna was only around for like 5 minutes at the end, but she did seem a bit different. Which is odd, since they're supposed to be the same person, but she suddenly becomes mature out of nowhere after teasing you the whole game.
probably not. unless the now rusted master sword talks
They didn' t want to spoil them, because they' re closely tied to the story. Calling it now: The towns are named after the 7 sages, which would put BOTW in the downfall time.
>my first game was a 3D Zelda
Are you twelve?
I'm not even memeing, you genuinely don't seem to understand Zelda or its history.
I actually really appreciate that they didn't feature any towns or anything.
When I first heard about how they would only demo Zelda, I was legitimately frightened at the idea of Nintendo just spoiling way too damn much a full year prior to the release of the game. With two days full of treehouse streaming.
But they kept it to just one area, and they kept towns and NPCs aside from the old man out. And I am really happy they made that decision. Otherwise I feel like I wouldn't had been able to actually watch much of any of the demo footage otherwise.
overworld =/= open world
LoZ and AoL had an open overworld where you could go almost anywhere.
Compare that to Skyward Shit where literally every segment of the "overworld" is behind a specific lock and key, be that plot point or item.
Minecraft isn't the only kind of open world.
Again, there is a reason why no one defined the term open world before GTA. There are tons of games that had a map with entrances to dungeons in the 80s.
Over World is just something people have started to call games with worlds that are bigger than what they have content to carry said worlds. But there is honestly no reason to treat the term like that.
At the start of Dark Souls you can already access the vast majority of the entire game. In spite of there being some locked doors or whatever.
Who is the say that Dark Souls is not Open World just like Morrowind or whatever?
They both allow you to go towards just about any direction of the world at the start of the game.
>Who is the say that Dark Souls is not Open World just like Morrowind or whatever?
I quit. Also Morrowind is not an open world game for fucks sake, what kind of a fucking thread is this.
In what way is GTA an open world while LoZ isn't?
The word you're looking for is procedural, or even sandbox, linearity has very little to do with open world when it comes to plot structure.
I thought I wouldn't have to explain where the focus on the open world came from in BotW but for those that looked closely, the gameplay shown emphasized varying degrees of approach to encounters outside dungeons and making your own playground when wandering.
If you claim that looks anything like NES Zeldas you're fucking retarded.
like this guy
Post some BotW gameplay webms please and let's pretend no one claimed that NES Zeldas were open world
explain to us fucking retards how it's different to the original, o wise guru
>want a definition of open world
>complain about semantics
look up emergent gameplay
>Also Morrowind is not an open world game for fucks sake
Are you for real?
I guess I fell for the bait by responding.
So every game with an overworld is now by definition open world? Any game where you can go outside?
>making your own playground when wandering.
So Zelda is now an open world game distinct from its NES roots because the devs included some bonus content like shield surfing? You're fucking retarded.
ok. how does that apply here?
They literally introduced mechanics that have you lift up trees, rocks, arrange them, pull chests from water, start fires, roll rocks down slopes, ignore or attack mobs at campfires and surf and fly around.
Just to add, they introduced all this and made it not relevant to the main plot.
I still can't believe I'm being called out by a retard who thought that going from Balmora to Shitvale while assaulted by birds in Morrowind represents an open world game.
So are you retarded?
I've played every Zelda for 1 to 2 hours and lost interest every time. I know they're good. I don't know why I do it. I'll probably be really excited before doing the same to this one.
How can a game be any more open world than Morrowind? Do you consider Skyrim to also not be open world?
The Elder Scrolls games from Daggerfall to Skyrim are all open world.
Please compare the TES games to a game or games that you do consider to be open world, and then explain why one is and why one isn't open world.
But do know that your idea doesn't mesh with the common idea of the public.
Just about any list of open world games or description of the Elder Scrolls games mentions the games and describes them as open world.
you can burn trees in the original zelda. so because it has slightly more experimental mechanics, BotW is an open world game and the original isn't?
All of that shit had a heavy impact on the gameplay. Climbing has been shown to be pretty fucking important to get around, as has making bridges out of trees, gliding across chasms, and rolling down slopes. Campfires are essential for cooking which is essential to recover your health.
Nothing you've mentioned is purely for goofing around like some sandbox game.
>I know they're good.
That's a misconception. Many of them are bad.
Hahaha NO.
The existed far before even SS. since the cking origin story of the series has time travel and the stones have a symbol far to similar to the skiekah.
BotW is far after SS and the shiekah were already gone by then.
UNLESS the shiekan merely adopted the ancient technology and learned magic that way. Either way chances are low.
and thats your opinion
Enough open world definition bullshit. Let's get to the lore!
And it's his opinion that Zelda games are boring.
What's your point?