Why haven't you bought Tsubasa's game yet?

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I'm not a faggot.

Because I have sex regularly.

I'd need a reason to want it first.


Sold my Wii U. Honestly the worst system I have ever owned.

Literally no reason to buy a Wii-U. Monster Hunter is the sole reason I even bother with Nintendo at all these days. If Capcom went back to Sony I would sell my 3DS in a heartbeat.

>Not liking idols
user, I think that you're the faggot here.

I pirated it instead, some guy restored most of the censored shit.

>tiddy napkin

Stop shilling this crap SJW retard. There's 3 threads about it already. And no cares about a slut who repeated a year of school.

Going to get a newer SD card today just so I can pirate Tsubasa's game!

apparently not, given that you bought a wii u

Cause it's gay.



Nintendo has done their best to not make me want it.

Censored = no buy



I rather burn my money before wasting with that pile of shit.

Because Tsubasa is not cute! NOT CUTE!

sorry tsubasa

I want to tsubasa Tsubasa's tsubasas

Nintendrones literally starving for games.

For those who have the physical game does it require any installation size? My Wii u is only 8gb.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, dumb weeabo faggot.

You sound very upset.

I pre-ordered it. But apparently it ran out of stock before I got it.
I am currently disputing with the retailer on whether or not I'll get a copy.

Because censorship

no, but enjoy those load times
uncensored, digital master race

seriously though, hack the wii u in 5 minutes with loadiine
no joke, even works on the newest version of the wii u

>no joke, even works on the newest version of the wii u

Is this true?

Cause I have standards and I'm not pathetic enough to spend real money on censorshit. Getting the Sunday patch on Loadiine when that comes out. Been looking forward to that for a while

Too late to cancel my order

>Load times
HOLY FUCK, I've heard they range from 3 to 9 seconds, FOR RANDOM ENCOUNTERS. That is unacceptable, even a mobile game like Chaos Rings 3, a full 3D game with battle transitions only takes a second or so. Anything more than 2 seconds is UNACCEPTABLE for a FUCKING TURN BASED JRPG

very true, its crazy
i thought it would take a long time like my 3ds but its quick

this, why not "hack" your wii u?
i downloaded like 10 games already
even shit like devil's third

But I am.

>But I have.

Fixed your bad English.

You don't know jackshit, encounters are avoidable.




Two hours into the game and I'm not sure what the censorship babies were crying about.

Titties all over the place in this game.

Yeah, avoidable, if you want to be underleveled to the point of being absolutely wrecked by the boss of the level.

thats why we are pissed you retard
tiddies here and there but a fucking wedding dress is fucked

Load times aren't that bad IMO. Ten minutes into a dungeon after I've heard the music for a few loops, I put on a podcast or audio book while playing anyway.

I do this with most games. Load times don't have to mean time wasted. I got my arms pretty ripped by doing pushups during Bloodborne load screens.

God that's fucking lazy, they literally just colored her exposed skin white. They couldn't fucking be bothered to at least change the actual clothes?

>literally the 3 posts above him show what he's missing
>he still tries to deny it
Here's your (You)

>the Muslim is showing more skin than Tsubasa

That feel when you instantly dropped it when it told you to pick up your wii u tablet

>launch BB tier load times
Holy shit, how bad is this?

I found the left version is sexier, really

>thats why we are pissed you retard

I agree what they did is really dumb. Women's bodies aren't anything to be offended by. The fix for games that hypersexualize women is to not play them. Covering them up is some real middle eastern shit.

That being said though, I'm having a ton of fun with the game. more fun than I'd have trying to be a part of some social movement.

I do squats and use load times/waiting to start matches/ect as breaks from looking at the screen.

>not wanting delicious A-rank ZR with spats

hold up bub, if you took seriously some retards that said the game wasn't fun, they were major retards
anyway, i dont find the game that great since its a modified version of the strange journeys combat system instead of nocturne but this localization is fucking stupid
those fucks of noa want to make money by making unnecessary changes


I was gonna but the censorship stuff kinda took the wind out of the sails. Now i don't even want to pirate it even though it's easy. I'll just play something else.

I bought it. I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would, but these might be the most bland characters I've ever seen in an RPG so far. Also fuck not at least subbing the battle dialogue.

no, get the wii u ready to pirate and play some wii u games

I'll just emulator a little later on, not gonna waste my money on a piece of shit WiiU.

>not having a monitor next to your TV to shitpost in game's threads on Sup Forums while waiting load times

You don't usually apologize to someone for not endorsing the removal of their FUCKING PELVIS ()

>If Capcom went back to Sony

WiiU is easily the best console going right now IMO. Sucks that they're basically done making games already, but the biggest games on Xbone and PS4 are like, Call of Duty 65 and Fifa 17.

This. If they're going to try to make us use the tablet, either make it an actually unique experience that can only be done with the tablet, or optional flavor content that you can choose to skip if you please. Throwing fucking text messages on it and making them mandatory to advance is just obnoxious and lazy.

yea, hacking my wiiu made me realize how many games there are

>3 to 9 seconds
>long enough to shitpost
Apologies, I haven't unlocked the level 5 skill; Insta-shitpost yet.

Keep trying, you'll get there someday

>best console right now
>no games for the rest of the year
>only one game of consequence left at all in its lifespan and it's not even an exclusive

Yeah, what does that say about the other consoles? This whole generation has been a real downer with big sellers like;

GTA V (available last gen)
Nathan Drake HD Collection
Master Chief Collection
The Last of Us Remaster
The New Call of Duty
The New Fifa
The joke that was Star Wars Battlefront

for real those are the best selling games.


dont shitpost
hack your wii u

Different user here, that idol cancer shit needs to die. Literally no point for that type of game other than blatant fan service.

you have a fetish for girls who've been tarred and feathered?

Most games serve the fans of the game. If they're good games anyway.

It's made by the Japs.
What did you expect?

>ignoring uncharted 4, Dark Souls 3 and Just Cause 3
Nintendrone detected

I played U4. I loved it. Beautiful game. Great story.

But it is the same bland cover shooter mechanics.

But when it's only fan service then it becomes a cancer to gaming. Most idol games are just really really soft core porn with crappy story.

But it's a cover shooter game. It's like you're calling out turn based games for being turn based

As a JRPG, Tokyo Mirage Sessions is super solid IMO. I'm not really even into Idols, but I love how bright and colorful it is. Reminds me of electric daisy carnival.

>t. Ahmid Mohammed

That's totally fair.

Uncharted 4 is a huge plus for the PS4. Landscape is still pretty barren IMO.


isn't it extremely easy to pirate it now with loadine or whatever?


Post setup user.

I only heard how bad the censorship is but now that I see it for myself.

Well, it's not that Capcom and Sony aren't on good terms but I think it has to do with keeping the development costs low


I don't know FE or SMT particularly well and the gameplay didn't grab me from the trailers I've seen.

Tsubasa seems super fucking cute though.

I don't have a Wiiu.

and I have much more hyped things to spend my money on

How is this an smt fe crossover again?

I'm renting the game just to make fun of it with my friends

I don't pay for censorship & bare-bones safe gameplay overlaid attop each other.
I don't even want to attempt to shoplift this, it just doesn't even feel worth it.

it's not.

but I like calling it SMTxFE or Hashtag FE to piss off the diehard fans of this game

Because tsubasa a shit, and not worth buying a mediocre game for.

What even is the game play?

Because I can't remember what the fuck it's called or what it's about because Nintendo have completely lost the plot and are shit at marketing.