Q1, Q2, Q3A, QL, (soon to be) QC

Quake Thread.
HUH GAAAH edition

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Whenever I see the GAAAH I hear it in my head.

Playing through the DOPA mod by machine games. It's pretty intense, but there's some monster pocketing happening and each map contains very cheap secrets, some are impossible to be called secrets. But there always are harder to find ones so that kind of offsets the former.

Here's it btw


>the q2 burning in lava screams

Do you prefer the more original 320x200 toaster rendering in Quake to higher resolution modes? Anything starting 640x480 and upwards feels completely different. Even the gamma seems to behave differently.

>monster pocketing

What do you mean by that?

Areas are separated and contain their specific monsters. Like it's there's water you start expecting zombies. I wouldn't dare to call this arena style mapping, but it's partially apparent.


Not my screenshots, but I tried playing it like this in Dosbox, got quite dizzy because setting fov beyond default 90 removes the weapon. Now playing at 640x480 in TyrQuake at around 110 fov.


I only played the first map of that machine games thing, but the way it was structured seemed really formulaic, it was basically a straight path with minor deviations full of the same generic grunt enemies. A lot like the first couple maps of The New Order.

Oh, yeah that. I did find the areas and encounters in each level to be predictable and heavily compartmentalized. I honestly hated this episode, I think a lot of its design is both shallow and antithetical to Quake.

Whats the best way to play quake? Any link to a torrent?


Anarki made me feel like I was playing a kid on Xbox Live whenever he gibbed me

Here you go user



Thank you.

Post the past

I miss you, buddies.

left is better, it seems more otherworldly and deranged.

fap fap fap

clink clink clink clink

>this screenshot is over 14 year old
>most of these guys have kids and shit
>1 person from this is undoubtedly dead
>i'm still pretty much the same neet

how could this happen to me

You've been neeting for 14 years?

>The New Order.

one of the most overrated game ever

So I just finished Quake 1&2 and all the mission packs for the first time. I still have Quake 3 on my backlog though.

Are they worth playing? Are they MP only? If so are they totally dead, and if there are still players would I get my ass handed to me by elite gods?

nah, i've done lots of stuff. just not in a good place in my life.

one of the guys from my team who was better than me is now an investment banker. stuff like that kinda makes you bitter.

of course, he worked his ass off throughout his entire 20s while i did more things i wanted to.

I wish I could play some good old 3wave vs. these new age Sup Forums kids who think Doom 4 is a good game and shits on anybody who tells them it isn't.

Quake champions is going to be a very big surprise for a whole generation of kids who have no idea how abysmal they are at FPS. I can't wait. fucking 35 with arthritis and im going to shit down some of your necks.

Single is just deathmatch with bots. It's not bad.

MP you are better of playing Quake Live.

anyone playing q3 at this point would probably be elder god tier ppl who couldn't let go. there are a lot of them with any game.

quake live is populated but is a garbage, reduced, easy-fied version of quake3 with blood and gore removed.

Has there been any news\info about Quake Champions other than its not a MOBA?

No loadouts. Weapon pickups. PC only. Characters have passive and active abilities but they are balanced so the characters don't intentionally counter each other. Will have some advanced team mode. Deathmatch confirmed.

I think the DOPA episode from Machine games is viral marketing. What are the chances of MG developing a single player Quake game?

>quake3 with blood and gore removed
eh the gibs don't make quake 3.

We know it's designed around some new gameplay mode, not duel.

Who's up for some Quality Internet Dramaâ„¢?
The project lead of ioquake3 has beef with "GamerGate" for using GGAutoBlocker

The mapset was done by J.F.Gustafsson. He has done Quake mapping back in the 90s.

Machine Games is closer than any other dev to do a Quake game, however then it's questionable what id is doing as QC is partly outsourced to a Russian dev.

>reduced, easy-fied version
how so, I think the only difference in a duel is the lg damage (6 instead of 7) and the rail damage (80 instead of 100).
If you're referring to load-outs, they are optional and only active in dm









fucking 19 year old newfag who loves Quake more than his own mother
>try me old man
in all seriousness, Quake is my favorite game, would love to Deathmatch you to see how we stack up against each other

Duel is confirmed
this desu

It's not that duel doesn't exist. Only that the game it's not the premire mode anymore. And that mode now is a team based one.

my favorite speedrun of Q1

You shouldn't be envious user, as long as you're happy. If not, work harder

Don't lie to yourself. People on Sup Forums love this gossip stuff. Otherwise we wouldn't have threads of that nature hitting bump limit every day.

Which Quake are you all playing? Are you hyped for Quake Champions or no?
>I am hyped out of my mind for Quake Champions and cannot stop myself from making Quake threads

Once I get some weed I will host a future vs fantasy quest server in the next week on east coast.

Future vs Fantasy quest was a first of its kind thing. It is a class based mod where classes have extreme strengths and weaknesses. Quest mode allows you to coop through the game against enemies that have like 16x, 32x as much health as default.

It saves your character progress to a file, you level up and get new weapons etc. It would feel extremely rudimentary to many people now, but it was the first of its kind for a shooter game

It's just fun too. You have classes like a ninja who has a grappling hook and exploding bombs, poison darts etc

played the machine games dopa episode yesterday it was kind of average but at least it's something
playing through quake 2 again and probably mission packs too since i have never touched them
inb4 the quake 2 is bad meme
i dont care for quake champions just from what i've heard in interviews etc but i'll wait to see what they have to show at quakecon
reflex is a much better modern quake imo nothing is gonna top it

a game with people playing it would significantly top it


I liked Quake 2 the best out of all the titles.

The Xatrix expansion, Reckoning reuses a lot of the original game's models for it's added content, only creating new models for like one enemy and 2 weapons, a handful of swamp textures and new skins for regular enemies to show that they're "upgraded" with a power shield. Map design is OK.

The Rogue expansion, Ground Zero is much better all around.

people do play it and there are plenty of shitty games that have a lot of players / sold a lot of copies so that's hardly a factor to judge the quality of a game on
i'm keen on reckoning, i mgiht be in the minority but i really like redneck rampage which xatrix also made back in the day

>people do play it

No, user, nobody plays Reflex and nobody ever did. It might as well not exist.

Why tell a lie when I can just automatically factually debunk it in front of everyone? What do you gain? In real life you'd be embarrassed out of the room right now.

>You will never experience Quake for the first time ever again

He's not lying when he says people play it. It's mostly veterans though

Same, I wanted those characters from Q3A to have abilities from the start. At the time I imagined that only in a specific gamemode though. QC is pretty much a dream game to me.

I'm replaying Q2 and I'll try Team Arena (singeplayer) after because it's the only official Quake thing I didn't play.

Then it'll be Q3 mods I played at the time to make a nostalgia trip before Quakecon (Bid For Power, Western Quake 3 and other weird ones if I find them)

Why does /vr/ have such a love boner for Doom but not Quake?

>le steam chart
people do play it not hundreds of thousands but it's not dead like hundreds of others and has an actual community
go back to jerking off over overwatch fanart

>You will never live in the 90's again


more accessible and a larger mod community basically

Doom is a much, much simpler game with much simpler possibilities. Quake starts getting way harder than doom real, real fast, and most people just can't handle it.

Just wait, within 30 minutes the guy will show up who says quake is based on "bullet sponge" design. He comes to every thread.

>a larger mod community basically

Quake mods can do exponentially more than doom mods and the quake community is far larger than the doom community in terms of quality content produced all time.

However the level design editor from what I've heard is a bit more harder to create levels for

like this guy said it's just a far simpler game and quake communities mostly revolve around the multiuplayer aspect rather than singleplayer there are loads more doom singleplayer content than quake

What are some top tier mods for Quake? I only know Arcane dimensions

Anyone with half a brain that can draw squares that connect to other squares can make a doom level.
Quake editing is far more complex since you need to build the rooms wall by wall, sculpt the brushes (walls) the shape you want them, place them so that there aren't any holes, make the designs interesting enough to catch the eye, place lighting objects everywhere so you can actually see, compile the map, run the map over and over etc.

Of course it is, doom is basically a flat 2d world. Quake is real 3d.

It's why Quake is inherently far better for playing years in the future. Doom simply can't do the same things, not even rudimentary shit like rooms inside rooms.

It was called "Niflheim Souls Feast" a MP mod where the characters were demons. They could fly and had complex and flashy abilities.
It was quite fun and with the console you could add normal Q3 bots that didn't stand a chance.

It doesn't seem to be downloadable anywhere anymore though, it's just an old screenshot I found.

Zerstorer was a big deal when it came out. Most of the most significant quake mods are multiplayer though.

because it's 3d
most people don't realise how much time goes into making a really good level
trenchbroom is pretty easy to use though
go to quaddicted.com and download the map jam packs


how long before we see an indie clone of outcast multiplayer?
i'd probably buy it desu


outcast is trash cause no staff/dualies

Does anyone have this?

A retail product, released by id software, with some of my artwork in a mid on there. It's a small thing, but I'll forever be proud of it. People bought my shit at retail.

You make a big room and put a bunch of imps in it with a few other monsters you've got a half way decent room for your level. The same thing doesn't work for quake.

If they make a lightsabering game you just know it's going to be BAMHAM combat. People build ideas around games, they don't build games around ideas anymore.


I bought one myself, actually.
I always thought that design was cool. Is it just rearranged and tinted x-rays?

>barely touch edge of lava for a split milisecond

think so.

I made the Mr. T skin for Action Quake 2.

They told me that it was a favorite in the id software office. Still makes me happy. Lol.

I looked at the Quake2 guy with his giant neck life preserver thing and the idea just instantly popped in my head to do it as chains

>turn on god mode.
>Strogg coolant liquid still kills you.

>Knights have the same death animation as Doomguy
>Night Sentinels from D44M are similar in appearance

We'd have been playing at 320x200 on a 14" or 15" monitor, the pixel density is completely different because you're playing on a huge display

I'm very pro-original-quake and I play it at 1920x1200. It doesn't diminish the intent of the art at all imo.


I knew ID lore goes even deeper

deepest lore

What about animation smoothing?

So how's that episode machine games released?

*ting* *ting*

That is a big Big Gun.

The level after that one is my favorite.

off, absolutely.

play quake as quake. all original settings. resolution isn't a part of that, though, you better believe we were all scrambling to get away from low res. there was 0 desire to keep it to be "authentic"

What settings/sourceport are you using in Quake 2 user? those models look pretty neat.

modern level design that doesn't work for quake. not really good. tons of better stuff out there

Strike? Strike is the best level in q2. Fucking ebin level. NOW THE TABLES HAVE TURNED

4 u

It always looked like Quake 2 player models were hugging their guns.

Some guy on /vr/ dumped a bunch if his GOG games here.
All the Quakes, All the Dooms, etc.
Go nuts you guys:

is it worth to buy the Quake package on Steam? it's 15 dollars

Reminder that this was the ad.

Reminder that is still the truth a hundred years later.

no shitting filtering and some kind of cel shading effecting on the models (I think it looks cool)
