PS4 games look fucking amazing


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*when running on our PCs

it'll look pretty good on 4.5, promise

>bullshots look fucking amazing

>oh hey, a biker game. this isn't too common, it actually looks kinda coo-

>linear cinematic movie shit
>flashing lootable objects for retards
>Poor FPS
>Inevitable downgrade

Kill yourself

>all those jaggies
no ps4 games have AA?
>that resolution
I'm sure i will be great

-1/10 you're not even trying
little bitch



Nothing wrong with zombies

Playstation always win babe!

Show me PC exclusives that look this good.

The zombies in that game looked like plastic caricatures that just fell over like boards when shot once.

>Scripted trailer looks good.
It's gonna be shit, user.

Google ARMA3 you faggot

That would be two different angles, so, I'm not sure what you're showing here.

Looks about as good or a bit worse than PC GTAV.

which is fine considering this has literal hundreds of fast zombies and otherwise you might as well not have any guns in the game because shooting would be pointless

It could've been Ride to Hell 2

I think we dodged a fucking bullet there


The left shot is all in engine. They just added a variety of post-processing effects.

>hundreds of zombies for the sake of it
>as if hundreds of zombies would be around every corn irl
>a fucking warn out rinki-dink farm has hundreds of zombies

It looked fucking terrible and it was really goofy. Stop making excuses.

Prepare for shitstorm of assblasted PCucks.

Oh wait, it happened already.

>not posting the after comments
>"g-graphics dont matter!"
>"its all about the story!"

different angles doesn't change how HDR works and particles in screen.

Except in the Last Guardians case, THAT IS LITERALLY TWO DIFFERENT ANGLES OF LIGHTING, so that's why the light goes farther into the cave in the second photo.




>doesn't know how post proccessing criitically impact to performance.

The first PS4 game I played, Infamous Last Light... I think that's what it was called. It looked fucking gorgeous.

A technical demo is just that. A technical demo. Games will never appear the same as they do in the tech demos later, for a variety of reasons. Optimization is primary.


Depends on where this is, and I would say they clearly followed the first guy's motorcycle noise to the lumber mill. This is 2 years I think after the zombie stuff happened, so they would have left the city by now.

It's honestly a bit sad that nodded crysis 1 looks better than that and had more fun gunplay.


No that just wouldn't happen.

>playing Monster Cucker


Crysis looks awful by today standards and is boring as hell compared to Uncharted with same copy and paste enviroment and repetitive gameplay

>Optimization is primary.
finally someone who understands and talks sense.
when you see vids talking of the "downgrade" meme, when actually they have optimized the game for hardware, which is a normal process of game creation.

>calling a game sony lost to nintendo monster cucker

i think we both know who really got cucked

It's open world silly

yeah but immediately becomes a survival story and the trailer was fucking generic

ride to hell retribution might be more your style

They lost it to whoever decides to pay the most money, and China clearly cares more.

and its a shitty grindy piece of shit worse than normal MonHun

>Digital Floundry

Apex kek

And it has a lot more variety in how you can approach situations. Uncharted is always the same shit hiding behind cover and shooting and then running to the next piece. You can use your auit abilities in crysis to completely change your entire approach. Not to mention you can attack from different directions and go stealth and everything.

>All that motion blur
>15 fucking frames
Jesus christ.

>baiting this obviously

>2010 graphics
>amazin in 2016

>he didn't play the game
why shitpost about it then?

>digital foundry is suddenly lying because it makes me mad :^)
Crysis has no variety, it's just running through the same jungle whole game and shoot everything with ugly character moel as fast as you can. No melee, no platforming, no different action sequences, no various vehicles.
>but you can attack from different direction in 3D game...
Whoa user.

Pretending that Uncharted doesn't have attacking from different directions and stealth while it has the whole climbing stuff going on is pretty retarded

Looks like a mosaic its so fucking jaggy.

Both are totally shit games but the chink MMO is better than uncharted.

All new games most likely will be looking "good" only on the new PS4 Neo because of the more powerful gpu and oc'd old cpu which will result in more stable frames overall. Memeory is basicly the same but with more bandwidth.
Native 1080p/60 might be real this time for console peasants even tho in 2016 its coming very late but its good sign.
The new meme with upscaling 4k content could end up being decent aswell rather than the current 900p upscaled to 1080 and silky smooth cinematic 24 fps.
I just need something to play my blurays on.

Bootiful gaem

digital foundry in console right now.

>I've never played crysis.
Don't make me laugh user in uncharted if you want to reach A point from B you just have A-B path.
In crysis if you hae to reach B point you can get any route you want, you can jump rocks and reach, choose a way under a river, etc...
Uncharted is linear linear linear nothing more.

Wait, is that the end game nova (?) armor from UYA? Man, this game keeps disappointing me.

it was played live at E3


tricked by bullshots in 2016, really the retardation has no limit here

what MMO is that?


Just like Halo 2 was played live before they scrapped it entirely and rebuilt it.

Bootifuw gaem

Dead Rising 3 looked better.

>digital foundry in console right now.

There is no path in Crysis since everything look the same and you do exactly the same thing in every path unlike Uncharted. I can choose multiple paths in Uncharted too going with your theory, especially in multiplayer.

FF XV was played live in a pc in e3 in microsoft conference

>PC Version of Dead Rising 3 from 2013 looks better than a PS4 exclusive

>i've never played crysis
Are at least trying crysis isn't linear, at least play it but i hink you like linear linear linear cinematic shit like uncharted.

>those jaggies
>that framerate



Running their games on PCs is nothing new for E3. Why do you think the games get "downgraded" (scale back the settings) so hard for release when they're "clearly" running so well during the live demos? Because they're not running on native hardware.

Crysis is not a good game.
It looked nice once, but not now.

Wait, I don't get what's the purpose of dumping magazine after magazine into these hordes if you're just going to run away half the time?

Like, is there going to be a dead end where if you didn't shoot them you're fucked?

The idea of using the gun in the chase sequences is just baffling for me.

Yes, you never played Crysis if you think it has variety and it's non linear game. But of course enjoy running through jungle with shooting every enemy along with "other" things you do there

What jaggies? What framerate?


>ride to hell retribution with zombies
just give me dead rising 4

look at the image and watch the E3 gameplay

>made for toasters
Who made this shit?

Look at this and go back to bed to cry till you fell asleep.

I did and don't see any jaggies m8.


Look at all these 2018 games.


Uncharted is not a good game.
It looked nice one, but not now.

Not him but you have to be a huge autist to even notice or care.

Well enjoy your lineal games, and if you payed crisis as a linear game then you're a normie who doesn't like exploration.

>having functional eyes means you're autistic

I wouldn't even mind at that point

jaggies might not seem super obvious in screenshots but they are quite blaring when you're actually playing the game

Yeah but thankfully Uncharted 4 play pretty nice.

>boast about amazing graphics
>can't even do anti-aliasing
>"b-but you're an autist!"

why do you make this threads like this then nigga?

user why you lie you self, i've looked to gameplay and literally the game start after 3 hours of literally nothing.

The Last Guardian: October 25, 2016
Horizon: Zero Dawn: Early 2017
Kingdom Hearts 2.8: December 2016
Gran Turismo Sport: November 15, 2016
Gravity Rush 2: ??? 2016
Yakuza 0: Early 2017


Still don't see any jaggies just some red circle you drawn.

>E3 Reveals look fucking amazing
Not trying to be a faggot here but take a loon at ANYONES E3 Reveals in the past...and you will find that Ubisoft isn't the only bullshitter but Sony too that downgrades their shit.