Why do people think this game is good? I just tried it and it's the most boring piece of shit game i have played in years.
Why do people think this game is good...
because its fun
you're probably too stupid to get it.
I haven't played it yet but it seems like a crappy bluepilled game that the jews are trying to push. Fuck niggers.
It's nothing special, but it's pretty fun to player while on the train or something.
Sorry about your shit taste.
How is it fun? I's literally the same boring thing the whole way through
good thread
It's art
Shut the fuck up
How the fuck is it bluepilled?
I'm a Sup Forumstard myself and I haven't noticed anything bluepilled.
Man not every game needs a bait OP. It's okay to just talk about the game.
Suck my asshole gaymam
It's bretty good but it can be even better.
I'm serious. It's the most overrated game of the century
you get a new thing to watch out for everyday, it gets pretty intense for a puzzle game.
I said that I haven't played it yet but it seems very bluepilled. Though it's not like peoples opinions matter anymore nowadays on Sup Forums with all the shills. What's the point of the game? So I can better understand. Is it to keep shitskins out or let them in?
Because it actually has choices that matter. Your choices can and will have repercussions. Few games have that despite what they claim. And not just shit like "let dodgy dave pass the test" but actual issues that will come back to bite you in the ass or help you in the end.
I think it's fun.
There are people in the game that are not aryan
It's not, it's just a game with a plot.
it's just moving people from one post-soviet shithole to another post-soviet shithole
Anyone know if they just scrapped the vita version?
It's a good work simulator
If you suck at your job, you're likely to rebel
If you get good, you get a nice apartment and glory to Arstotzka
>security working an access gate to a corporate site
This game is literally my job
>I haven't played it yet but...
Shut the fuck up.
Shit gets intense and interesting later on.
>Jorji finally brings you a passport that passes actual inspection
How much was he paying those fucking guards? His ass got hauled out of my booth at least 4 times, and every time, he's back with a smile on his face. He had to be paying enough to just walk right past the check station.
So it is about imigration? I just want to know if I get to lock out immigrant dogs or not.
I've played it for about 2-3 hours straight until my wife or son died I don't remember. Was pretty fun and unique.
Then I realized I have to start at day 1 again and go through the first days again.
Quit and uninstalled right there. I hate these things. By the time I get to the good parts of the game I'm already sick of it just because of replaying the beginning so much.
You need to let all the minorities into your country to fuck your wife. After one of them suicide bombs the gate you work at, you're also required to address them as "sir".
>What's the point of the game?
If you are a bureaucrat then nothing changes, your soviet bloc country stays the same. If you let in the terrorists you have an uprising that changes the government. Your own idea which is better. You're just a drone at the end of the day. GLORY TO ARSTOTZKA
the investigator suspects you for being so good at your job, then it's time to get the fuck out.
>Then I realized I have to start at day 1 again and go through the first days again.
No, you don't ?
Last time I played, I could restart at any day on my savefile
Jorji game when?
There are no shitskins in the game
You're literally just a Europoor living in some commie part of a world that looks like the Balkans who has to control a border checkpoint. You become involved with a terrorist organization and can help or hinder their efforts.
You have to keep your job and your life intact by making sure not to fail at your job or be discovered to be communicating with the aforementioned terrorist group.
You must also keep your family alive.
I did not detect any pro or anti immigration message being pushed in the game (aside from certain people being terrorists or smugglers)
If their papers aren't in order, you can't let the filthy foreigners in. There are some situations like a woman warning you about a murderer, and possibly through because his papers are in order to get money, denying him despite that, or calling the coppers on him.
This is a well crafted b8
>How much was he paying those fucking guards?
Since he's a smuggler probably a percentage of what goes across. My uncle used to smuggle vodka from west germany across the border and cigarettes back as a bus driver and the guards could be bribed for a carton of smokes no matter what you drove through the checkpoints. The Soviet Union got sick fast and rotted even faster.
Hahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahaa no thank you.
I always blocked the terrorists. After glorious Arstotzka bestowed the coveted "employment" upon me, how could I not be a dutiful nationalist? Not with my family living the high life with shelter and smegma toast.
Interesting but yeh clearly there is a political statement.
They pay well.
]You get a visit from the secret police if you don't burn the first payment..
The next payment is small enough that it goes unnoticed and can help with screw ups, or if you're stashing money to abandon the country.
The developer said the only political statement he was making was a real life case of what he went through as a white dude that was a Japanese citizen who travelled during the 80's and got stopped by every country he went through who found that combination was weird, which was all of them. He go so used to the scrutiny he wanted to make a game about what it's like to be a legitimate traveller being given the third degree by border guards chasing political ghosts.
>clearly there is a political statement
The political statement is Eastern Europe sucks
That's it
an incredibly outdated one because it takes place in a fictional soviet union esque environment. there's no real relevant statement other than "your actions have consequences". the game purposefully throws things at you that pull at your emotions to see what you'd choose. that's all that really matters about this game.
It's ok, Jorji take care of you family
That's just an excuse to cover up the political statement. There IS a message user. It couldn't possibly be more relevant I mean Europe? Terrorists? Come on man open your eyes.
It's not as if immigration is a current, trending subject or anything.
>not picking to leave the Commonunist shithole for a better country
Oberstan above all
game came out before this was really a problem. whatever message you're taking from it is one you're making up on your own. not necessarily what the developer intended to say.
I'm really curious. I'm gonna buy it and rekt every fucking dog trying to get into my beautiful country.
Don't bother. He's going to call you a jew now.
honestly, the game gets you really immersed. i hope you enjoy it, brah. it's fun as fuck
Why are you doing this
This shit has been a known problem for years just not by anyone.
Go back to Israel you D&C
It's not like the game isn't 3 years old, or anything.
He says the world through Sup Forums tinted glasses. Pull wool off your eyes, sheeple!
It's an indictment about overzealous security about dead politics. My passport which was valid for 10 years constantly got me in trouble because I was travelling to Indonesia when a bunch of drug smugglers got arrested who were from my country. And so every border guard who sees that stamp and date thinks I'm part of that crew that didn't get arrested. I'm not used to bag searches because of that. Including a country I was citizen of.
I didn't deserve a bro like Jorji
I am used to "random" searches I mean. Years after the Bali 9 I was still getting pulled aside on both sides of the Tasman by security officers.
Wowowowowow you 'play' as an immigrant?
You're an immigration officer that can either do their job to the letter and get paid or as someone that isn't dead inside and has to take a penalty for not being a perfect machine. You juggle your and your families needs versus your own humanity.
the gameplay is nothing special (i could sum it up that it's just a "find the difference" game like in one of those puzzle magazines for kids) but it really helps with nailing the atmosphere of living in a dictatorship, and that's what it makes it good, it's a unique concept that use it's gameplay to sell you on the setting of the game
It's okay OP, feel comfort that the the large majority of people in the world are stupid, barely conscious human dregs.At least you aren't lonely.
you are an immigration officer stationed at a border and your job is to catch people that try to illegaly smuggle into the country by checking if something is wrong about them
so their document might says they come from the wrong city, or it might be an inconsistency in their data, or they look wrong (for example one thing that can happen is a document says the person is female but it's actualy a dude in disguise)
and as you progress the bureucracy involved get more and more complicated, cities starts getting code, more document get involved, it's a bureucraut simulator basicaly
and as you know bureucraut are ruthless so sometime there are scenario like a woman has no documents but claim someone is stalking her and wants to kill her, do you let her in anyway and take a penality or just do your job? at a certain point a rebel force starts to try to recruit you, do you obey and risk getting killed by the dictatorship or do you ignore them and risk getting killed by them?
this dude here is hilarious because the first time he appear he shows with a piece of scrapped paper and ask you in and as the game keeps going he keeps showing up until in the end he actualy brings proper looking documents
This two sum the game nicely.
Jorgi rocks.
the game is not for everyone
I loved it. I got sad when I did 100%. There is endless mode but without plot is kinda pointless.
Two bombs were truly not enough.
Intense shilling and sociopolitical agendas. It hardly even compares to some free Newgrounds games.
Also, "artsy" cunts going
because they're 17-25 yo manchildren.
The ever-popular "boy Eastern Europe under the Soviet Union sure sucked" sociopolitical agenda
More like just the fact it's about immigration regulations and terrorism, a topic of interest in the entire west.