What went wrong?
What went wrong?
I wish I knew, this was the first game I've ever bought full price and took it back to the store the same day demanding a refund.
Shit PC port. Zero support. Hacking ruining the only staying potential the game had, Ubisofts refusal to do anything about it, and lastly FUCKING UPLAY.
grindfest with nothing but bullet sponge enemies
>Start off strong
>Patches are literally nothing
Still a better game than Destiny though. God is Destiny awful.
They really don't work along
I didn't know it was out.
Yes you did
No support
it tried to be a better destiny yet somehow became worse than destiny
The game has absolutely no fucking things to do. Its a glorified shooting gallery where there are 10 missions that you have to grind many times to get to the level required for the next mission.
The game had an open "beta" so everyone got to see what a steaming pile of shit that game is and dumbfucks STILL bought it?
These people actually had to buy the game to leave reviews. They only have themselves to blame for buying such obvious rubbish.
They had hopes that the full game would have more things to do. Serves them right for trusting Ubisoft.
Unless its farcry strangely enough.
AAA marketing machine strikes again
Didn't the trailer show a huge map but then the actual game on launch was a lot smaller? Did they ever add in new locations?
The only good thing Ubisoft does anymore is Splinter Cell.
Sad thing is that it probably sold well enough to warrant a sequel in a few years.
I wish I could shill for this game because I am honestly having fun, but the game is fucking awful, and you need to endure its bullshit before you can enjoy yourself.
Graphics wise:
They need to increase the draw distance, and imrpove the reflections, and optimization. It is ridiculous.
Hackers have been banned but the game is so fucking stupid, and a lot of people cannot understand why they get demolished in the dark zone, and looking at some Gear stats, the RNG is retarded. You can get God gear which makes you virtually indestructable or gear with a similar high level and be pretty much worthless on all fields.
The community is one of the worst, but not the worst. There are decent people, and one can feel that co-operation is much more valuable. It is more like a casual entry "Team Work" based game.
That said expect to see some real assholes, but you might make some friends.
Gameplay wise:
It is retarded, it is marketed as a tactical shooting game, but all you need is to rush enemies with a smg. The SMG is absolutely broken, next week update is going to rebalance the game so I will see about that.
The main issue and why this game is garbage is because it is not a tactical game at all. Cover is worthless most of the time, because enemies flush you a lot and there is not enough cover, not that it matters, DPS > Everything. You don't actually need to enter cover until post game Dark Zone, where enemies can kill you if you stand in the open.
The game also lacks "dungeons", Missions are okay, and incursions are a welcome addition but that is how the entire game should had been, but it is actually post-game stuff, and it does not last very long.
There are good ideas, and I would honestly want a sequel if they can fix this shit, but it feels they just launched an incomplete game, and the other thing is that entirelly PVP based.
The map is pathetically short small, they should had focused on the PVP aspect, and make PVE enemies bizarrelly strong.
MMO wannabee game made for consoles with non existing end game, topped with literally no consideration for PC players who suffered from cheaters the most, icing on the cake is developper pushing the crafting meme harder than any other game I ever played
there is your recipe for failure
I enjoyed the beta but wow I feel good about not buying it at launch now.
$75 and I got a shirt.
I thought the beta was okay, I wa splaying a lot of Sup Forums core games and I ahd not tried a casual game in a while.
Turns out it was fucking PVP based, and there are a lot of edgelords in the game. On the other side defeating said edgelords provides some joy.
>people here actually bought Destiny 2.0
Why do you even ask? Of course its dogshit.
>Did they ever add in new locations?
Yeah but they are super short gauntlets with some gimmicks.
Falcon Lost, you need to disable a APC as you dodge constant grenade strikes.
Clear skies, you need to disable a SAM turrent by doing objectives while people shoot at you.
Clear skies is literally 15 minutes short, while Falcon Lost is a stupid gauntlet that last 20 minutes.
Ubisoft being maximum jews decided to put the rest of the game behind the season pass.
The game is honestly shit.
Sleep tight, porker.
I got both humble bundles, Siege was surprisingly great, so I got the Dvision since it was Massive + Red Storm, looking at the interviews they honestly tried, and they do regular content and updates, so I cannot say they are the average AAA developer studio which launches and a game and forgets about it...but it seems that working for ubisoft must be very similar to working with EA or Activision.
I enjoyed Destiny, I got it 4free
This guy understands it propably better and I mostly agree but I still want to add some from my perspective.
First of all, I play it for free, so I'm propably way less critic towards it.
During leveling phase it wasn't too bad, just seemed kinda shallow. I expected it to get better, but never did.
There are barely any mission. Dark zone is pretty small.
Gun balance is nonexistent.
But worst thing for me- small amount of gear and abilities/talents. All they had to do was to make it shooter diablo with tons of interesting and different effects. At the very least they should've copied borderlands with few dmg types (fire, toxic, normal, electric etc) instead of just normal and incendiciay and explosive bullets. Also lack of enemy variety.
I can deal with enemies being bullet sponges but at least give me loot.
And just like earlier user said, you can be 'unlucky' and get some 214 gear score set early (which happens to be SHIT) and it puts you in higher level dark zone, at this point other players can 2shot you and you are FUCKED.
Incursion missions looks like horde mode, kinda dissapointing.
Overall it looks like typical AAA game. Concept was ok. First few minutes can be nice, but then you notice how shalllow it is.
My biggest issue was the dark zone. You got the best equipment there so of course you have to go there, whether you like PvP or not. They allow players to take other peoples stuff and steal it from them. I stopped playing the game when I was dying and some guy refused to pick me up, and stood by me waiting for me to die and then stole my stuff. I wasted all that time getting stuff for some other guy to benefit. I didn't bother playing it for a few months. Then couple weeks ago I thought I'd give it another go, got some real good stuff went to pick up point and some other guy was there. We didn't attack each other, all was peaceful, then helicopter came we put my stuff on there. Then I realised something I hadn't seen before, to 'hijack' his stuff. Then he killed me and took my stuff.
I literally wasted so much time and effort getting high end equipment, for someone else.
I turned the game off and haven't touched it since. You could say it's the 'community', but it isn't, it is the game giving the players options to be that way. And it's all done to piss people off so much they use real money to get stuff instead.
The non-dark zone stuff is just copy/paste missions.The missions are awful, AI is awful. The game is just made to annoy and infuriate.
sleep tight porker
I actually found rouge system to be nice after all casual mmos nowaday that don't let you pk players. Unfortunally in division it's extremely unbalanced. At some point it even allowed rouge to change their internal server so he can safely time out.
Hijack system might've been decent idea, but it's way too easy to perform.
>All they had to do was to make it shooter diablo with tons of interesting and different effects. At the very least they should've copied borderlands with few dmg types
Although some weapons do add Toxic, and Electric damage, but they were added as an after thought, as weapon talents.
I wish I could just mail these post to massive and tell them to simple rip off the fuck out of diablo 1 and 2. There is potential here.
The amount of dickery in the DZ reminds me of Diablo an awful lot, the first one from back in the day, the amount of dickery could make people mad at direve you off a wall. However it is a little more fair now that hackers are gone.
I am doing a second PVP character now that I beat the game, to complete it, because why the fuck not, I have 100 hours in that sucker.
I went through all the shit you have descirbed and then some. People shooting me the back, people aggroing me for no reason, two jerkwads who team up to kill me and taunt me (This is the moment where I decided to git gud, and I did), but then if you meet the right people you can just fuck with everyone, I was destroying people in a group with one guy who did a retarded amount of damage, and it was super fun. The plan was simply to revive him if he went down and sticky bomb whoever was in our way. Then another time with one dude who teamed up with me, he was unstoppable, after he left the entire server went down to hunt ME down, because they could not kill him, people literally spawned to get killed again.
People hate DZ dickery, I say it is the only thing the game has going for it, I say it should embrace the dickery, make the next game or expansion DZ based. I wish they also stole Dark Souls idea and have invasions enabled in the world.
It is fun as a social game, I made a lot of friends playing it, and the amount of assholes make it feel very distinct.
>bullet sponge enemies
basically this. why did they thought it was a good idea!?
>got Destiny license-transferred to me on 360
>racked up about 20 hours of play
>realized the game only got more grindy and repetitive as you continue
>the MP is just as boring
I really, really hope it's not better than Destiny.
I mean worse, dammit
>The Division
>Better than Destiny
Good joke m8. Destiny has better everything; better setting, better guns, better customization, better dungeons, better boss encounters and mechanics, and better multiplayer. Not to mention the fact it has more content just from the fact it's been out longer.
Modern destiny is not a bad game, it beats borderlands, but it is a long way from being the game Bungie wanted to create.
The Divison is pale shit in comparison, but I am having fun.
As usual with ubisoft, it got potential, but damn do they need software developers, it seems they got an unnecessary amount of artists, and a few software engineers n board.
dark zone is really crazy and fun,I have lost count of the amount of times some dickbag just wiped our entire group out and stole everything, at first you rage but then you laugh about it, the entire time you are playing with some random people and expect them to shoot you in the back the moment something good drops
the funniest thing was some guy getting real happy about a weapon drop and literally every other member of our group killing him and then killing one another over the drop, fun times
>Story just ends
>At launch there is only the dark zone grind and nothing else
>first incursion drop and people aren't geared/bitch about difficulty
>dark zone grind changed for worse
>barely any new items added
>NYC seems empty after story mode and people just rush challenge/hard mode for phoenix bucks
Potential wasted. Shame I love TPS