>set in the 90s for better music(britpop) or modern time for better guns
>classic cars
>less guns so it can have better fighting system, several martial arts styles
>online football(soccer) boxing, racing
>paparazzi missions,dating, assassination missions
>better humor and less stereotypes
Who else think that a GTA VI:London could be full of win?
>Not scifi GTA
>No samurai GTA
>More boring modern shit
>British humor
London looks fucking dull an police don't have guns
I'd legit play a GTA set in a major african city near some boko haram type jungle gang shit
London would be shit to drive around
>set in London
>less stereotypes
You more damn well it'll be chock full of PIP PIP CHEERIO shit.
>I dont know shit about london
you could have a game making fun of charities, have child soldiers for some complex story elements, very diverse environments and missions
it would be like assassins creed syndicate
I'd play that
i would pay for a GTA London game directed by Guy Ritchie.
That's all i really fucking want.
>Start up game
>Walk out of safehouse
>Get blown up by muzzies
>Game over
with multiple protagonists again, I mean some white south african elon musk, some african corrupt police officer criminal, some child soldier
there would be possibilities to so many stereotypical characters, replacements for M, F and T easily
There really isn't a better Comedy show than Black Adder friendo. And of course Monty Python. Then we look at America; Amy Schummer. I think you might be misinformed about humor
>GTA Hammersmith
>campaign is about trying to get a shag
>can play co-op or adversarial
>comprehensive melee system
hooligan mode + random fun cheats and it's guaranteed to be a stone cold classic
>not San Fierro in 1969
It's pretty much objectively better than american humor.
I want fem protagonist which would get raped by wild sand niggers
>better humor and less stereotypes
I don't think Rockstar is capable of such thing.
england is so atrociously fucking boring that it would be 4 all over again
Top fucking kek
>muslims everywhere
>shitty city
no thanks
>Less stereotypes
who the fuck wants this?
>less stereotypes
GTA is fucking built on stereotypes
more than the location, they need to get shit right with a new GTA
IV and V are still inferior to SA in many things, like content
Fuck you Houser bros, I don't play GTA to do Yoga and Tennis you fucking retards, the games are about driving, robbing, shooting, not boring tasks that have no place in a GTA game
gee it's almost like you're cherrypicking really hard there
>play as an ISIS agent
>go allahu akbar in the end
>GTA Peckham
>Trading/Plonker sim
>Crafting elements
>Romance quests
>The Getaway will never get a sequel
It hurts just a little.
That sounds awful.
>London looks fucking dull an police don't have guns
It's not like GTA is realistic. The cops in GTA are all bat shit crazy psychopaths and I don't see why they couldn't do the same for london.
>less guns so it can have better fighting system, several martial arts styles
So you want a new True Crime game.
I'd rather have a GTA in soviet Moscow.
We had enough over the top caricatures of capitalism and freedom. Time to turn the formula around and get some good old communism and political oppression.
Fuck that
Give me Cyberpunk.
>Cell Phone is replaced with an AR display
>GTA:Online lets you aug your character, eventually letting you replace your entire body with robotics at huge cost
>Cars can be modified to have weapons, armor, every car can be modified to be a Karuma (basically)
>harsher cops, 5-star is drones (RoboCop ED209, Aerial, robocops)
>Can run a corporation to pay for research and higher end vehicles, augs
>Mega city (Dredd style), Neon City (Neo-tokyo looking), Wastelands (Mad Max)
>The cops in GTA are all bat shit crazy psychopaths and I don't see why they couldn't do the same for london.
well that's the joke about police brutality in america
but really the environment would be kind of dull to be honest
Sleeping dogs is one of the best GTA clones of all time.
So yes. Very much so.
Set it in the early 90s and you could be onto a winner. Play up football hooligans, gyppos, chavs, junkie ravers, incompetent crooks, and basically everything from a Guy Richie film. Sold.
I hope they go back to the past in the next game, where ever it is set.
>GTA Liverpool
>One of the missions is to get a job
>It's impossible
GTA east+west germany for some communist/capitalism shit
They'll never abandon the smartphone.
Does the British pound collapse in the game?
Maybe. What they need to do is a GTA London that's not actual real London but inspired of it, like they do with the other cities. So they can model it on London while still making it creating and fun.
GTA is literally British humor. The entire series. The game is British
Thailand, Moscow, Rio, Cape Town, Dubai, Karachi, Hong Kong, and Singapore would be all better choices, desu.
They said every new GTA would be set in the now.
Because god forbid they make the games have some character like in VC and SA.
No but the British pound your mum
damn this would be tight
Saint's Row 3 should've been this since they were showing signs of tech in 2
Rockstar would have to make at least one joke about Islam, and that would be a death sentence, both literally and figuratively.
Its going to be vice city set in the future imagined in the 80's with all that vapor wave crap. Search your feelings you know it to be true.
In what way?
Yeah, don't forget to add this guy.
cape town would seem the fresh choice
cyberpunk niggers need to stop shitting up every series
>main antagonist is Syrian
they could parody this so hard by making some rich white asshole make a video about Tony 2012 being some reason for him to get money
>go to the gun store icon on the map
>it's a Tesco
>guy at the counter only sells butter knives and teaspoons
>can't carry them out because I don't have a carrying permit
>they send them in the post but they never arrive since the parcel delivery guy was arrested for carrying them without a permit.
>turn car radio on
>drives around town listening to comfy music
>goes into sharia controlled zone
>population starts attacking you
>gets blown up
To be fair. It does sound pretty neat, and we haven't had a nice Cyberpunk game in ages. I'm tired of everything being modern or slightly more modern where the only difference is holograms and more chromed stuff.
I've been on a kick of playing GTA:O lately, and the more I think about it the more I want it. Session-based multiplayer, randomly generated missions to assassinate or acquire cargo. The ability to run your own corp (Like they have now, but add more than just cargo)
Giving your characters augs enough to like, jump an entire story, or run faster (but DO NOT approach the Saint's row problem of having running/jumping EVER being superior to driving.)
Plus you could have a lot more VTOL/Flying car stuff. Maybe a Watch_Dogs style hacking system.
I want an open world cyberpunk multiplayer game so bad.
>Guy Richie Lock Stock n 2 Smoking Barrels style GTA
Yeah alright
>unarmed police chasing you in minis and bicycles
>only cars are minis, rally minis and hugh lauries
>wanted level for moving improperly or looking in the wrong direction through sharia controlled zoned
>wanted level for watching TV
>no wasted penalties
>no gun shops
>no actual weirdos, just generic chavs and gypsies
Sounds awful.
I want one to. Without the multiplayer because that is fucking boring as fuck.
Because American humour is watered down and braindead so any old retard can understand it.
There is a reason they shoehorn laughtracks into all their shows so they can remind the dumbass viewers when they are supposed to laugh and clap.
imagine the days gone zombie demo but with all those mad muslims instead
Satellite Reigns all came out this year
Black Ops 3
DEHR Definitive
Mankind Divided
Tell me again how it's been "ages". Seems to me you're just willfully ignorant of games that belong to the genre
Well I'd also settle for a new RDR. Just fuck off with this 80's, 90's faux-nostalgia bullshit. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of the elbowing in the ribs with the devs saying "THAT AMERICAN DREAM, HUH. SURE IS A JOKE. LETS GO ON FOR FIVE FUCKING GAMES ABOUT HOW THE AMERICAN DREAM SURE IS CRAZY"
The story for V is well written but I'm so fucking tired of it. It's not novel, it's not funny, it's not interesting. The torture scene was so hamfisted I was just rolling my eyes the whole time
Am I the ony one who wants gta somewhere in russia?
>instead of seeing the occasional criminal running away from a police officer, you see the occasional woman running away from a refugee
sounds like GTA isnt for you
Go play Watchdogs or Saints Row or Sleeping Dogs or any of the endless GTA clones on the market instead of bitching and whining about a series catering to its primary fanbase instead of people like you
Well. The "nice" part being the keyworld.
I want a Cyberpunk game where I can actually immerse myself in the world.
it would be so fucking dull
you keep bringing up the goatfuckers, but the OP said the 90s (i think it should be the 60s) when they weren't as prevalent as today
I want a 1970s Liberty City GTA. Seems kinda odd they didn't go for that yet since it'd be perfect.
>nobody obeys traffic laws anyway
>cops can just be bribed immediately instead of having to deal with stars
>getting drunk doesn't do anything
>once you hit a certain money threshold, you just stop generating wanted level
gta in 90's russia is a win
>we haven't had a nice Cyberpunk game in ages
What fucking planet are you on? We've had plenty
Oh I see, you're just moving the goalposts.
All of those games (besides Black Ops 3) are excellent. Not only are most of them very immersive with great music, If they don't immerse you then you just aren't a fan of the genre.
I nearly 100%'d 3, VC and IV, and I've played V for at least 300-400 hours across the various platforms.
I love GTA, I just want more from it. I mean, what the fuck are they going to do next? Go BACK to NYC again? Reallistically speaking, this London shit isn't going to pan out.
And of those you listed: Saint's Row 2 was the last good one. After that they just cranked up the wackyness just so they didn't get compared to GTA anymore and it's all dildo bats and super powers. It's a dumb, fun ride, but it's definitely not as immersive or deep.
Sleeping Dogs I enjoyed for the brief time I played it, but something about it didn't keep me coming back. The environmental melee options were fucking cool, though. I'd like to see that in more games.
That sounds fucking terrible, not because it would be bad, its because it would be by rockstar, so all that shit would be unbalanced and a tedious nightmare to play
eh it would be dull like GTA IV
Maybe I am, but I don't really give a fuck. I want a GTA clone Cyberpunk/sandbox RPG game is what I'm hinting at.
if we go to fantasy territory, neo tokyo from akira would be cool
Cyberpunk 2077 from CDPR will probably what you need. I'll need to wait longer for my cyberpunk open world multiplayer fix.
I still watch the cinematic like once a month.
>this London shit isn't going to pan out
Why? A gangland GTA would be fucking amazing.
last time i posted that pic i got banned! :-(
The series by nature is a satire of America. It just doesn't work in other countries. The london expansion for GTA2 doesn't disprove that because GTA2 SUCKED.
As been stated in the thread, at this point the "Grand Theft Auto" series is pretty consistently about the American dream. Obviously it wasn't in 1 or 2, but since 3 onward it's been a very, very consistent theme.
So to take it back to London would be really strange.
I mean I've been one of the people going on about Cyberpunk in the thread, but at the end of the day I know it's a pipe dream because they're so stuck on that idea
>GTA 2 expansion
Proves what you know.
>every car is shit
>weather system never changes beyond either gray or rainy
>instant 1 star when you pick up a plastic knife
>only on 5 stars do the cops actually use guns
>random chance of being killed by bomb or arab with machine gun
In case anyone had any doubts
I love that you can't turn this joke back around on what GTA actually is, because it actually is what it is
>eat cheeseburgers
>get fat
>walking down the street
>get shot
>able to walk down the street holding a machine gun
>Cops shoot at you at 1 star because you bumped into them
Won't be British for very long.
I think if they made it like a Guy Ritchie movie it would work. Elements from Lock Stock, Snatch, and Rock n Rolla would be super cool. Focus more on dialogue options, bantz, melee fighting (hard to get guns) and the occasional big, quick shootouts during heists and double crosses. Seems fun to me m8
Not really? III and Vice City are about revenge, San Andreas is about family.
IV indeed is about the American Dream, but V is more about the characters' relation to each other than a single overall theme.
Honestly, it touches on the theme a lot because it's something that is always closely related to crime dramas, but I don't think a game set in the UK would change that at all.
III and Vice City and V could take place literally anywhere. Only San Andreas and IV actually NEED to be set in America for the plot to work.
We still haven't had GTA: Texas yet. I want to play as a morbidly-obese 30-something black guy living on government handouts whose only vehicle is a scooter who spends all his time at the drive-thru, Walmart and the gun range.
Wouldn't british GTA be too easy? The police there are so busy with real crimes such as pic related, they have no time to deal with the petty bank robberies and drug distribution seen in GTA.
Just play far cry 2, 3