The devil challenges you to a battle for your soul, and he allows you to choose any game you like to play against him. If you win, you keep your soul, if he wins, he takes your soul for all eternity.
Which game do you choose?
The devil challenges you to a battle for your soul, and he allows you to choose any game you like to play against him. If you win, you keep your soul, if he wins, he takes your soul for all eternity.
Which game do you choose?
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Sneaky Assassins, an arcade game on Mineplex.
Hopefully the devil is so disgusted by my shit taste that he sees no value in my soul.
Russian roulette. But we use a water gun disguised as a revolver, and it's full of holy water. I let him go first, and he squirts himself and goes back to hell.
I refuse the challenge.
If I don't get anything then I'm not accepting the challenge. The devil can fuck off.
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2
street fighter alpha on gameboy color
This is dumb. What is his overall powerlevel with video games?
Got about 10000 hours in this game so I'd say it's my best bet
Megaman Battle Network.
Any of them, you choose horned faggot
Ironically enough, Guitar Hero 3.
PES 2008 back when i was good :/
define soul
and also the prize of the victory, otherwise I just deny challenge and keep my soul anyway
Doesn't that game have a Tenacious D song on it too?
Is The Devil Went Down to Georgia on Guitar Hero?
the metal, no belzeboss
ye, final battle
Yes to both of these questions.
I'll fucking wreck that nigga in Tribes: Ascend.
The death game.
Whoever dies wins.
RuneScape. First to max all skills to 200,000,000 XP and collect every item in the game, do all quests and get 2.7BN of every stackable item. And also first to 999,999,999,999,999 wins of Duel Arena, PVP, Castle Wars and other mini-games.
That'd keep me happy for ever. :)
I know I'll lose, because he's the devil and doesn't sleep, but it doesn't matter when you've already just played through heaven.
Well that's an easy choice.
We'd both agree on playing the best game ever made.
Fallout 4
We'd have so much fun playing it that BeezleTodd would want me to keep my soul and hang out playing it and all other Bethesda® til the end of time!
He's the devil faggot, what do you think
duel me outside org faggot
>If you win, you keep your soul
Why would I accept a challenge if my only reward is what I already supposedly own?
So if I lose he gets my soul but if I win he gets to go back to hell with no repercussions? Fuck off, Satan.
Well, I think we all know the answer to this one. I challenge him to a contest of who is less powerful so that he either has to give up his power to take my soul or give me my soul.
Posting a pic of the devil for informative reasons.
It's a winnable battle, who you don't want to be pitted against is Satan...
The game of sex
It means you won't suffer in Hell for all eternity.
You have a strange concept of "devil". The devil is jesus, he just wants to cheat you of your soul by pretending he's some saviour.
The guy of the happy fucking? That's God, whose name is Satan. Says so in the bible, the true saviour will be called a prince of demons and beelzebub.
Kill yourself
It doesn't work like that Devil, you can't just be like I'll take your soul if you lose, you have to offer me something if I win.
also you suck shit at playing the fiddle.
p.s. kill yourself
My effing n word. Came to post pro skater 4 or a speed run through the story of underground on sick
Halo 3: ODST firefight on the nature preserve with team scoring turned on
>marry the devil in exchange for your soul
>divorce him and take half of his property
Congratulations, you successfully increased your net soul worth by infinity percent.
Pic related, this is a healer, nevermind that she also looks sexy as fuck, not only will she heal and rez you but she looks like she likes kinky stuff.
People who claim to be saintly though... we just never see 'em do miracles, as if they were deceivers...
OP here: I should have specified, in this situation, you are dead and the Devil wants to claim your soul. If you win, you get to keep it and you return to Earth.
The Devil doesn't just go around taking souls, though.
You're not fooling anyone, Satan.
Still sounds like a shit prize. Does he even have a valid claim on it without this challenge? What happens next time I die? Do we just go through the same crap all over again?
I'm already going to hell so why not have connections before I get there?
>spend eternity in hell
>go back to the hell you just escaped from by dying
The only winning move is not to play.
I play Stardew Valley so I can become immortal, playing against him forever
10/10 idea user
Good taste, user. How do I get good in defcon?
Dark Souls 3, Melee or Tr4sh
Stronghold Crusader
Using my superior tactics, I wont even need food production.
Brutal Legend
I'd bust a massive monster jam and get his horn to blow smoke out of
>I'm already going to hell so why not have connections before I get there?
user, I like the way you think.
Dark Souls
I spent like a thousand hours playing this shit, I'll just chain backstab him to deathwith the power of banana sword.
So what video games does hell have?
*pulls out fiddle and plays "devil went down to Georgia"
You know, people love roleplaying and shit like that, but hear me here for a moment.
So... speaking of Satan.
First off, I'm not claiming that he is evil, or that demons are evil, I will claim however that I am his son and one of his demons (and you don't know what the word demon means exactly, trust me in this one).
Do you wish to make a pact and live with us? You will remain in our house forever. We treat ourselves like family, we fuck like animals, we enjoy.
I'm inviting you, incase "heaven" was a place with temperature problems.
Gonna help you a bit more with this choice, this is straigth from the bible:
Matthew 10:25
I, the master of the household, have been called the prince of demons
You should also lookup Jeremiah 8:8: The law was rewritten with lies
So... are you sure God looks down on sex and that a God deprives himself of sexual fun?
These morals seem retarded instead of good...
Tribes 2
Devil can team up with God the archangels and the four horsemen.
Get to train for one eternity.
Playing on quantum computers with a magical internet connection.
Sandraker scum
I'm with a team from Sup Forums hastily scrambled together 30 minutes before the match.
Playing on toasters connected to 56k modems.
Bloode eagle master race
And I must insist, a God that designs his sons from scratch with tailored sexuality that he then absorbs is obviously the devil taking you for a fool.
This is akin to you hating videoconsoles and loving pc, and never building a pc and keep buying the same colecovision each console generation.
It's no longer a good or evil problem, this is just plain retarded and proper of the devil.
Melee. Pick Jiggs on Final D, get a rest and then ledge stall for 7 minutes.
>he believes that Christianity is dictated by a man made book that can be edited to manipulate the people reading it
>he thinks that God actually doesn't want people to fuck
>he doesn't know that it's just propaganda to keep birthrates low
Let me guess, you also think that The Bible says that God is a super nice benevolent God too, right?
Oh ye of little faith, you have absolutely no idea of what you speak of.
>tfw you still play on mineplex every once and a while.
The multiplayer isn't super good, but I know for a fact I could whoop his ass 1v1 with very little trouble.
That's some Joseph Joestar shit right there.
I am actually preaching the God that should be in the bible. I am his son, a son of Satan.
Way ahead of you.
Be sure that you pump galo sengan when you make the comeback of a century
>10000 hours
This is actually a reverse psychology scam to trick you into winning your way out of the good Yazidi afterlife.
Quake 1 duels on dm6 dm4 and aerowalk
Demon's souls
Any console game
But he has to use a Mad Catz mini controller
>Not siding with edgy Satan
DOTA2 because after playing this game for so long I doubt I even have a soul left so fuck it
You faggots never learn your lesson, do you? You keep repeating the same lie as if for the millionth time I was finally going to pay any attention to you.
This, and I will wreck his fucking console peasant ass.
>implying Satan is on the same level as God
God felt pity for him so he lets him "run" hell.
You could force a draw, who knows what would happen.
And I take it you can prove there's another God whose name isn't Satan?
Actual proof, not a bunch of lies and books suggesting that this is so, I could present you a spiderman comic book and pretend it's a police training manual, we both would be lying and nothing would have been proven.
No. Hell is reserved for him and his fallen angels to suffer in. He only runs Earth, actually.
>believing the bible version of that story
look up satanic bible version of the lucipher story. god was actually not powerful enough to do anything to satan and satan created hell to smite god. god is being contained because of satan.
>1v1 mid
>he picks viper and only attacks you
Mighty No. 9
>tfw one day you see a thread with a guy saying he needs a Tribes team to play against Satan in 30 minutes
Game of the century right there.
>Believing in God and Satan
Doesn't Satan suffer in hell just like everybody else?
Underrated post
>the satanic bible
>credible in any way
>literally the fedora of religions
>can't be a member of the church without paying money
I'm not saying the Bible is credible either but you're a fucking retard, kek
Something like Overwatch or Call of Duty where the skill ceiling is so low that even a god couldn't be better than the average human being.
And in fact, I am more able to prove my words than you.
The bible is a book that describes a religion where a devil is trying to fool the elect of God into worshipping the devil, to do this, bible says, the devil has most of the people of the whorld, whom are his son, preach a false saviour.
So yes, what I say is actually pretty much standard issue biblical religion.
According to Dante, yeah. Most Christians traditionally believed the devil could still influence events on earth though.
Assuming he's got ungodly motor/controls capabilities, isn't the only choice like Mario Party that runs off RNG so that you stand a chance?
Don't fall for the trick, tell Satan to fuck off and accept Jesus as your saviour.
Playing Satan's games is a sin
I'm sure Ahmed would love to hear about it while decapitating you, infidel. He'd be REALLY scared.
>accept Jesus as your saviour.
What if you are a cheater of souls? Show me these miracles you are to do in his name like move mountains? :3