Sup Forums says game is shit

>Sup Forums says game is shit
>it's actually great

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You're using Sup Forums wrong.
Sup Forums is a place to express your own opinions, not to listen to someone else's ones.

Will the faggot toon link shit ever die?

just remember Sup Forums hates fun

I'm a huge Zelda fan but I wouldn't call Spirit Tracks great.

It's an ok game however that definitely has its moments & at the very least it's a much better game than Phantom Hourglass

This is the board where anything that doesn't subscribe to Sup Forums ideologies is absolutely shit on

The DS Zelda games get too much shit. I enjoyed them by their control scheme alone, even if they have other flaws (temple of the ocean king or whatever that stealth shit was called for example).
Aiming and firing bow, boomerang, etc. by touchscreen is fun by itself.

>refusing to fellate the rainbow colored acceptance cock = Sup Forums philosophy

I enjoyed it, but It could've been better with regular controls. So many Nintendo games you can say that about now.

Ghost Zelda is a top 3 Zelda.

Spirit tracks was amazing
Phantom hourglass was lackluster

Here we go.
I love how you use the videogame board to try to spread your beliefs: adults don't eat it so you try your hand with impressionable teenagers.

PH overworld and sailing was better, but yeah ST had better gameplay

Spirit Tracks had the best music and was overall more fun than PH, debate me.

Is it? I guess I'll never know because there's no chance in hell I would pay for a sequel to a game as disgustingly bad as Phantom Hourglass. I mean, I fucking hated Wind Waker and its boring blue emptiness, but at least it controls like a dream. The DS Zeldas don't even have that.

It keeps happening? Thats a side effect of having lower standards. Congratulations on having a higher tolerance for eating shit.

Its ok to have shit tastes.

Let's be honest: with the exception of ALttP and LA (and even those two have some flaws), none of the 2D Zelda games are that good.

Don't you have some refugees to let into your country?

Spirit Tracks wasn't great, but it was good, especially after the failure that was PH.

You have zero standards.

Capcom's entries weren't bad, though Minish cap was the start of shit going downhill.

>yfw it turns around

After PH being so shit, playing ST afterwards felt like I was playing a masterpiece.

genuine question, what was so bad about PH besides the back tracking main dungeon?

>Nintendo controller contrarians
>and shit-gobbling Neo LoZ babies

Lets be honest, your opinions are shit.

It doesn't even have to be Sup Forums. You can find enjoyment wherever you want. Try the same with life.

I really don't understand why people listen to Sup Forums at all. Suspiciously, Sup Forums hates all of my favorite non-Nintendo games.

Everyone agrees that Spirit Tracks was better than Phantom Hourglass though. And PH wasn't very good

Nah fuck off matey-o

Oracles are great, minish is good, ALBW is awesome

I hope not, I vastly prefer Toon Link to Edgy Link and Trans Link.

Agreed, despite the shitty controls, this game was fun
>best zelda
>train is comfy as hell
>fun dungeons
>one of the more interesting stories for a zelda game

one piece of shit stinks slightly less than the other

I wish stylus controls werent complete ass

Has it's moments, but the train gimmick runs out of it's charm pretty early.

Spirit Tracks would have been great if there wasn't a basic item that is activated by blowing into the mic,

That almost ruins the whole game for me

>user claims a game is good
>he actually has shit taste

No really, the game was fucking dogbarf. What are you, 12?

somehow worse than hourglass
impressive for that reason

I would play a whole game based on driving the train from ST and avoiding other trains

will the faggot grimdark link ever die?


I like it better than the newer 3DS game personally, a link between worlds? A link between worlds feels really lazy and too easy, it might be because I am comparing it more to a link to the past because it feels like a lazy rehash to me, like worse than a ROM hack.

I bet you enjoy playing sticks in Splatoon, faggot.

*runs out of STEAM. eyyyyyy

It was good but it wasn't phantom hourglass good.

>yfw 2 of them pincer you

>being so unhealthy you can't even blow breath without getting tired

>going all "Pfffffffft" to proceed
Great fucking gameplay.

I actually fucking enjoyed Phanton Hourglass

I enjoyed both of the DS games and I wasn't sure if anyone else did.

I mean you'll hear people say they liked Spirit Tracks but I hardly hear anyone say they liked Phantom Hourglass outside of liking Linebeck.

You can't blow normally? You don't need to "Pffft" to procced.

lol you brought it up faggot

Me too I thought it made a good go of chaning shit while keeping the same general zelda vibe

Me too. I actually preferred the boat to the train because you weren't limited to tracks and didn't have to worry about overshooting the goddamned station.

I'm super liberal and don't agree with pol on most things. That said, shut up retard

no that game is shit. All DS games are shit.

Spirit Tracks Zelda>>>> all other Zeldas

>Blowing a raspberry when all it requires is a soft, silent puff
Are you a retard

>Linebeck will never appear in any Zelda game ever again

>people hate PHourglass

The controls were silly and it had other problems, but the legit temples were tight and the bosses were all legit. ST improved every department although I wish it had as many dungeons.

Spirit Tracks gets the hate that should instead go to Phantom Hourglass, it's a shame

>spirit tracks
>anything other than a massive chore

Explain yourself you contrarian

>ds zelda music

But it sounds fine? I like how they remaked ALTTP's cave song.


Everything that was wrong with ST.

>touch only controls. You can hold L to quick equip and that's about it
>every dungeon feels like 2-3 giant rooms, one per floor
>nearly zero exploration, you might have a hidden island or two but that's it. ST is even worse since you're literally railroaded
>heart containers instead of pieces
>nearly every puzzle is "write this on a map and use it later"
>combat with the sword involves tapping on enemies over and over, and maybe drawing circles around Link
>bland, forgettable music. Each game's overworld theme while traveling is nice, but everything else is really repetitive

PH is a piece of shit that smells slightly less worse than ST.

>5 second loop
>every dungeon in the game has it

I'm playing Link's Awakening DX right now.

Is it just an ALttP-light or what?

>a fucking demon train

Look how unthreatening this thing looks.

Most Zelda games are just lesser remakes of aLttP.


Zelda 1 and Link's Awakening had the dungeon music being very short and used in every dungeon. There's also others Zelda games that had long dungeon music, but still being used in every dungeon.

I don't get your point.

This person is correct.

These are teenagers.

Zelda 1's music was at least good, PH's is barely even music, it's more just a quiet repetitive beat.

Also Link's Awakening had different music in each dungeon

Game is okay, train parts are not.

I literally couldn't finish it because the game refused to give me correct inputs in one of the pan flute blowing parts.

>PH's is barely even music
NES's soundfont was literally just bits noises put together. How can you say PH's music was barely music?

>it's more just a quiet repetitive beat.
And Zelda 1 music isn't?

Did you even listen to that video? here it is again

It's so quiet and faint that it's basically not even there.


Yeah, right. It's so quiet and faint, that it perfectly fits in a silent peacefulness full of danger dungeon or cave.

This justifies Spirit Tracks' existence easily.

Even that theme is more varied than


for about half the fucking game. Not to mention you're in caves are less than the dungeons.

you're in the caves less than the dungeons in LttP, i mean

I liked both Zeldas on the DS a lot but never finished them because it was horrible to play on the emulator.
Cant beat that shit outta a stylus.

The ds zeldas are the worst but there's some mod for the roms that lets you use buttons.

They're still very basic Zeldas, however. The time between TP and LBW was a dark time for the series.

I'll defend the touch controls by saying that 3D, non grid top view movement with a D-Pad would feel like garbage. Playing the PH D-Pad hack basically supports this.

>there's some mod for the roms that lets you use buttons

Thats the first I hear about that. Gonna check that out then.
Honestly I cant say why I liked those games, I just remember having a really comfy time playing them even if it was harder without a stylus.

>stylus controls were bad

Way to see someone who never played on a DS. A traditional scheme would have worked fine but the stylus controls also worked.

>mfw the same thing happened to me with mighty no 9

>Game has a few good aspects, in an otherwise boring game.
>Those few good aspect just happen to pander directly to a particular player's peculiar tastes.

Spirit Tracks had fucking excellent music.

I don't. PH was a tad slight on the content, but what it had was well enough. At least you could sail any direction you wanted.

I will admit that PH was passable, but that was only because it was a new control scheme. Trying to play it again after so many years isn't fun. They should have went in a different direction with the next game, and spirit tracks would have been better without the spirit flute

I didn't say it was bad in that post. I just said there was a button mod.

Also, tapping on an enemy until they die isn't fun

Fuck off you nigger loving faggot

Yeah, yeah that's the good shit right there. I have replayed the final boss battle multiple times just to get to the final panflute segment.

Try this one on for size, bad boy:

How were you supposed to know that blowing the whistle sped you up at the final area?

it did?

>DS Zelda Music

When you grabbed some light tear that is.