What games are objectively better with a controller?

What games are objectively better with a controller?

Pretty much every single console port.

But as for genres there aren't that many that actually play better with controllers from a technical standpoint.

Twin Stick Shooters.

Third person games are usually better.
Platformers are better.
Some games made specifically for controllers.
Racing games.

Devil May Cry games.

Definitely racing games and other games that rely on analogue input from triggers.

Fighting Games if you include arcade sticks and hitboxes.

Better than what? In general?
Controllers are certainly better than keyboard and mouse for, say, driving games, but for those the best option is a wheel. For 2D platformers they are as good as kb+m, but maybe not better. For fightans as well, though fightsticks are best for those.
Maybe controllers are best 3D platformers and beat em ups, like DMC or Ninja Gaiden. Maybe.

lol no

So. They aren't better with a controller is what you meant to say essentially.

honestly can't imagine rocket league would work well on keyboard

Dark Souls

Fuck you. Go play DMC4 with a keyboard and then stop and go play it with a controller because playing DMC4 with a keyboard is awful.

Controllers are still better than a keyboard. I'd argue arcade sticks and hitboxes are better than controllers still too.

>tfw I liked playing DMC4 on black knight difficulty on keyboard more because it was easier to charge the gun while fighitng

Agreed. I find the steam controller a little clunky for these and usually wind up using a wired PS4 or wireless Xbone controller for them.

By the way, coding controller support into games is super easy with some of the new engines, but actually thinking out the impacts such a control scheme can have on gameplay requires a little planning.

For example, a Mouse & KB player will have relatively digitial (on/off) control over their movement, but will be able to place a reticule very precisely. A controller player will have very granular analog control over movement, but their aiming won't be as precise.

I kind of wish someone would release a sort of one-handed analog controller for the left hand for movement control that could be used with a mouse for aiming. Would be the best of both worlds.

dark souls i cant imagine people playing dark souls with k and m

>What games are objectively better with a controller?
Gee I don't know, how about the games that are designed for one?

Stuff like Nero's Back->Foward+Attack moves are painful and almost impossible to pull off without a stick at certain camera angles. Keyboard is an objectively inferior option for that game.

Third person games

I'm not so sure about that. I think that's mostly just that we are conditioned to play fighters with a controller because we are so used to it.

Think about it, a keyboard is basically an arcade stick without the joystick. With a controller you are only really using two fingers, one for the d-pad, one for the action(unless you claw it or some shit like that). With a keyboard you can comfortably use five fingers for actions, and three for movement at the same time.

>I kind of wish someone would release a sort of one-handed analog controller for the left hand for movement control that could be used with a mouse for aiming. Would be the best of both worlds.

That has been a thing for more than a decade you know.
What you gain in analog movement you lose in having a fuckload of buttons, which is why I don't think they never really caught on.

>Think about it, a keyboard is basically an arcade stick without the joystick.

No that's what a hitbox is and unlike a keyboard the hitbox has all buttons ergonomically aligned to fit the layout of your fingers.

I guess this is a nice place to thread to ask.

Witcher 3; controller or m+kb?

Oh. Didn't know that. But a keybaord still a lot more like a hitbox/arcade stick than a controller is what I'm saying. So in reality I think they are probably better if you learn to properly use them.

Platformers, third person type games, arcade racers, fighting games, shmups etc.
Basically anything tailor-made for consoles.

You don't HAVE to use WASD you know. Plenty of people use wacky layouts that better accommodate their hand. Regardless of that there are hundreds of ergonomic keyboards out there in the world to use.

Are you implying people know what they're doing when some of the biggest franchises are console shooters?

Depends, the combat is a lot better with a controller, but the menus are so disgusting with one.

I went with a m&k in the end. Because the combat is still functional, while worse, but the menus were just awful, awful with a controller.

Those are all quake ripoffs and quake was designed for KB&M so yeah

Pretty much everything apart from

Point and Click Adventures/Visual Novels etc

And TPS, and Racers, and Fighters, and RPGs,

Pretty much the only thing controllers do better is third person beat-em ups like DMC, and 3D platformers.

Don't steering sticks and fight sticks count as controllers?


I think OP meant "traditional" controllers. Like in the pic.

I mean, technically M&K are controllers.

(compared to m+kb)
action, rpg, racing, gta, fighting

I play kof xiii on keyboard and only use six fingers (3 from each hand since i dont use my thumb or pinky) and i can definitely say that its better for 2d fighters but not so much 3d fighters

Racers are better on controllers, because of analog input.
Fighters are better on controllers, because of button placement and sticks.

It doesn't even matter what you use for an RPG. Its not like they require heavy inputs or anything. It could be argued that it's best to play RPGs as comfortably as possible, and most people agree that using a controller is more comfortable.

Mouse and keyboard is really pretty shitty when you think about it

Keyboard plus flight stick is ok though

Racers are better with a wheel and fighters are better with an arcade stick.

>Its not like they require heavy inputs or anything.
Yeah, modern shit ones like Skyrim. It's not a whole lot of fun to play Neverwinter Nights with a controller though.

Mary Oh

And still they are better than controllers the majority of times.

Were controllers a mistake?

Its good for archer builds even in PvP, it was pretty good in DS2 pvp since you could trace movements and rolls really easy.

Orc Souls, 2D platformers

>inb4 cancerniggers say third person shooters

Why are 2D platformers better?

Literally the only thing mouse and keyboards do better is fps accuracy which only matters if you are a try hard autismo
Controllers are more comfortable and more immersive

>more comfortable
So comfortable you need auto aim to even use it.

>KB+M is better!
>no, controller is better!

Why not both?

all of them.

Auto-aim does make it more immersive, I'm not some crack-shot supersoldier, so it's nice if the game makes me feel like one.

>doesn't even realize he is proving the point exactly

Oh. Sorry. Maybe I'm just more comfortable while playing games rather than watching them.

You still have to aim
Have you even played a game with a controller before

Yes. Which is why I fucking hate using one for stuff other than third person action games.

mario party

first person shooters of course

Platformers, never played one without a controller so I'm not sure

They are fairly niche games but I think the wrestling games like WCW/NWO Revenge or WWF No Mercy would play terribly using KB+M

I did better on Ninja Gaiden with a keyboard than a controller.

>scrolling down the front page
>see pic related
>Oh great, it's either Bait, a jizzing penis, or an ass shitting
>scroll down
>its a controller and what looks like a console shitpost, since it uses the word "objectively" and is in the form of a question
>so basically, it was all 3: Console kiddies circlejerking themselves, while shitposting and posting bait questions