One of the best anime of all times

>One of the best anime of all times
>Great material for video game
>Getting a half-ass DS game instead
Why Gainax? At least we have Asura's Wrath and Kirby - Planet Robobot since both of them were inspirited by Gurren Lagann.

Other urls found in this thread:

>>One of the best anime of all times
Millennial spotted.

>one of the best anime

stopped reading there.

kys reddit

haha row row brother hahaha

kys redditor

Go back to masturbate over Dougram in /m/

Nice try but I was born in 1983 and I grew up with anime like Getter Robo that inspirited Gurren Lagann.

list anniemayes you would consider "some of the best"

>two garbage gateway anime

I'm not surprised

>Gateway anime

When will this meme end?

Nice buzzword, kiddo.

>It's a Sup Forums thinks they know anything about anime thread

This will never not make me sad. Feels bad man.

I guess you're japanese then, becuase Getter Robo was never aired outside Japan.

>You know you are probably one too right?
enjoy your ban underage


Sup Forums has shit taste

You know you are probably one too right?

That said Sup Forums has seriously shit tier taste in anime to think TTGL is one of the best ever. It's not even the best thing Gainax has ever made, not even the best in the same genre Gainax has ever made. Gunbuster, Diebuster, and Eva were astronomically better.[/spoiler]

Here's your reply. End yourself.

Just because it was never aired in USA doesn't means it hasn't been aired anywhere else as well.

Millenials are from 80's to 2000's you fucking retard

>Actually implying Cromartie and Berserk are shit

What's the top left in the Sup Forums chart?

>implying that Sup Forums likes Madoka
>implying that Sup Forums likes KLK
Excellent bait, you'll probably get a few people


Where else was aired? I can't see to find a spanish dub or french/italian one.
Unless you mean Mazinger or Grendizer instead of Getter Robo

Is this any good?

KLK needs to move to Sup Forums and Sup Forums needs more generic harems.

and Jojo should be in all three slots

I haven't seen so I can't tell, but it looks good.

Name some generic harems to add then

>implying Sup Forums likes KLK

Jojo belongs in a special spot for reddit and Sup Forums


>talking shit about cromartie
>talking shit about FMA B
>talking shit about Berserk (manga>anime)
>talking shit about GTO (manga also > anime but acceptable)
just no

especially fucking cromartie of all things

Sup Forums loves Madoka, what are you talking about?

KLK was decent right up to the point where they introduced Nui

Yet you just showed Sup Forums's the one liking nothing but moeshit like obedient goyim.

/m/echa is always the way to go anyways.

But Sup Forums loves Jojo and his amazing fighting game

>>One of the best anime of all times

>>One of the best anime of all times
Is this 2007 again?

Madoka is quarantined to its general on Sup Forums because it's fans are insufferable

>/m/echa is always the way to go anyways.

hell, yes

Kill La Kill was better.

>LogH isn't in all three

that would imply that Sup Forums has good tastes in anime


all entry level and >LE SO WACKY RANDOM XD

>all entry level
and how is this bad?

Wow, people remember SamFlam?

>Not watching both Moe and Mecha
They are the pinnacle of anime
If you watch anime for anything that isn't cool robots or cute girls you're doing it wrong.

Most of UC era Gundam
Angel Egg
GitS (SAC 1+2 and first movie)
Just about anything by Satoshi Kon

Thats just off the top of my head


I used to care about muh animu cred when I was 16. I'm 28 now and still wasting my life watching anime and playing video games so I've mellowed out considerably. I don't care if it's a normie show or something only the most hardcore of Sup Forums could enjoy, if I like something I like it. I'm too old to care and if I'm going to waste my life I'm going to at least be honest with myself about what I like.

>They are the pinnacle of anime
You mean gay shit for fags. REAL men read gambling and sports manga.


You can't forget SamFlam once you've watched it
Unfortunately it flopped super hard because nobody fucking watched it

Kaiji s3 never.

just a reminder that guilty crown is the anime of the decade

I tried watching it, reminded me too much of Geass so I dropped it

Meh, it drops off pretty hard after the Bog anyways

[Heavy breathing]

GL was supposed to have an online multi-player game on PC years ago, but the beta build corrupted the user's hard drive, so they canned it.

There is nothing wrong with Madoka. It's just overexposed

Here's what I consider some of the best:
Most of UC era Gundam
Angel Egg
GitS (SAC 1+2 and first movie)
Just about anything by Satoshi Kon

I liked how it ended. It was probably the most realistic portrayal of homo love that has been shown in anime.

Fuck you and your shitty meme anime we all know that pic related is the best anime ever made

cowboy bebop is the best anime

TTGL was in SRW:

I will never understand people that like Akagi more than Kaiji

>Not linking Mahjong arc

Kaiji is a self sabotaging dumbass just like me ;_;

You fags should watch Daiguard, it's pretty good.

This nigga knows what's up.


Can someone post that one page with Michael?

When used properly, yes. I can't deny moe's cuteness, and its contrast to violence and machinery works wonders.

Oversaturation of saccharine squeaky schoolgirl shit and/or pitting them into roles up to "battle hardened warrirors/pilots/etc" just makes me cringe nowadays.

this is exactly why Girls und Panzer was shit

Moe was a mistake

Rewatched it just recently, still one of my faves. Name me some mecha action games that are not musou or Zone of the Enders.


Kill yourself

you first

>gundam 0083
christ no, at least put victory or the original if you're even gonna bother

Because unlike Kaiji, Akagi:

>Isn't a wimp
>Does whatever the fuck he wants, no one stops him
>Takes risks and never backs down
>Lives a life without any regrets

Metal Wolf Chaos

So basically Akagi is a boring gary stu and Kaiji is a relatable flawed person.

PC remaster when?

>Just like me, intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor


>Great material for video game

I absolutely disagree, TTGL is all the way about breaking the system, kicking reason to the curb you know.

A software is a system, gameplay is a system, all with pre-defined limitations that you cannot overcome.

The most TTGL moment in playing a TTGL video game - would be when you whip out Cheat engine and fuck it all up.

unless you browsed all 3 boards you woldn't be able to tell how much BS this chart is full of, it makes Sup Forums look like they just watch whatever airs on toonami, and Sup Forums barely talks about half of those shows while /m/ would shit on most of the things on this list

>Has been playing the same fucking game of Mahjong for like 15 years

>make it an action jrpg
>fight enemies on the world map like in XCX
>some enemies combine to form bigger enemies or call reinforcements
>GATTAI when enough it enough

Holy shit thanks user. Any other hilarious Kaiji metaphors that make zero sense without context you can dig up and post?

Girls Und Panzer is great you fag

babbies first super robot show

Something Something Jimmies

it looks like generic moeshit Sup Forums worships

Nah it's shit.
