I made a magnet wall to display my PS4 steelbook game collection

I made a magnet wall to display my PS4 steelbook game collection

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Breddy gud

Thats pretty neat actually

That's really cool man, it's great to see a little bit of positivity around here.

For once on Sup Forums I'm actually impressed

Arent you scared to scratch the steelbook by removing it feom the wall?

That Uncharted 4 is better than the game.

>Not displaying nothing in it for maximum shitposting potential

In all seriousness, that's pretty neat.


what did you mean by this OP?

Neato. Are those gold and silver ones in the first row FF games?


Are these all from Limited Editions or something?

That's actually pretty cool.

>suspicious filename
>reverse image search
>it's from reddit

why won't reddit scum fuck off
We can't up vote your shit arts and crafts project you faggot op


I already know this is a reddit post I dont even have to search for it. Show and tell doesnt belong here unless it involves putting something in your anus.

Reddit or not, that looks pretty damn cool.

Doesn't that damage the discs in some way?

So what are these boxes? IS this the aluminium special edition of every game? If so I didn't know so much games had a aluminium edition

What with some of them having the full name of the game some just having the symbol others just having some drawing.

>Thought this was cool
>decide to magnet my discs to the wall because I don't have steel cases

>The Order
why would someone proudly display how irresponsible with money they are

No need to remove it. Just open it, take the game out, and close it.

Wish I can justify wasting my money on that.

it reverses the polarity on the discs and then they won't work unless they are spun the other way

The order was a good game. It just had no reply value. The story was good. I can say it should of only been a $30 game thats about it. Then after a few months should of just drop to $15

Not op but i got the limited edition for 10 bucks. And it's an okay game. 4 hours for 10 euros isn't too bad.

Aluminum is not magnetic.

It could be the same guy.

Get off my board reddit scum.


Found the ledditor

That's retarded.
Magnetic waves are going to fuck you disks up.

reverse image searching brings you straight to reddit

It's like a shrine to marketing but not terrible.

As cool as that looks, that's a lot of wasted money.

>The order was a good game
no, it was not a good game

Do all ps4 games come with a steelcase edition now? I swear I haven't seen one of these in ages.


both you and OP have to go back

If dubs OP puts all of them in his anus.

>I haven't seen one of these in ages
seriously? they've not waned
but I find it strange that madden got one

Epic thread!

How do I upvote on Sup Forums?

Put the Far Cry one in the middle, the color palette draws your eyes to it.

Keep it up OP, i want to see the whole room filled. A reason to live

type sage in options

>giant magnet on your wall
Enjoy your cancer

Why do cats do this? Mine does it all the time. Keeping half the face behind cover and starring at you with one eye.

no games


>owning any bethesda game after morrowind
>owning any PS4 exclusive besides Bloodborne
>all those games you could have gotten on a superior PC instead of PS4
>owning any EA or Activision game after the year 2003
>putting your games on display, not hiding your power level
>posting the same thing to reddit and Sup Forums

please do us all a favor and KYS yourself

lost it

To be fair, I could tell it was a Reddit post and I never go to Reddit. The tone and premise are enough to signal that it's a Reddit post. A 4channer would never made a thread about just this, they would include this in a battle station picture or something and post it in another thread. At the very least they will ask if you, the reader, have something similarly interesting to share. Reddit posts never ask for additional input because the way to interact with posts on Reddit doesn't always include an interaction, you can simply 'like' a post without saying anything about it or adding any thoughts. The same thing doesn't work here.

my shelf is 100x times better

They're usually exclusive to certain retailers

>nintendo shit
>harry potter shit
>anime shit

no your shelf is about the same (trash)

It SEVERELY damages the discs.

In the 90's it did, it doesn't work that way anymore because it was a problem.

2 seconds on google

how you enjoying your first week here redditors trying to fit in?

That's hell of neat OP.

I have all these steelcases lying around because they totally clash with the rest of the boxes on display so I just use the regular one.

>PS4 Games* + Dude Raider

Go back to the Gaf faggot.

never seen this done before. Awesome job. You need the FFXIV steelbook too, it's gorgeous

Looking online people claim that it doesn't harm them...

Since I keep my DVDs in the same room as my computers and external harddrives. I'm far too paranoid to allow a magnet that large anywhere near my house.

I actually laughed at that image, but not at your message.

Wouldn't a magnet that size screw around with the electronics in the area?

That looks really cool actually