Ape Escape thread

Post your favorite:

>things you would like to see in a new AE platformer if there would be one

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hmmm... not sure, although I do remember enjoying playing Wabi Sabi Wall recently
AE1 Sky Flier. Shit's great.
Yumi. Spike is pretty cool too. Fuck the AE2 boy, can't even remember his name.
Monkey Blue.
>things you would like to see in a new AE platformer if there would be one
AE4 still keeping morphs, but making things a bit trickier to offset how easy they made AE3

The morphs did made the game a bit too easy

Álso hope they bring back Terada

mesal gear solid
Hula hoop
I don't remember, but there was one monkey I particularly liked when I played the games.
Less shitty voice acting.
I wish I remembered more about the games.

Do skeletons still have brains inside their heads? maybe thats why you don't remember enough.

>Less shitty voice acting.
I thought the voice acting went well with the game.

It had that saturday morning cartoon feel to it.

But Spike's voice in PSAS can get the fuck out.

Spike in PSASBR was horrible, i can't believe they fucked him up, but then again, has Sony ever cared for their games?

I dunno how they managed to make Spike sound more retarded than he did in AE1.

but no, PSASBR and the PSP version of AE1 manage to be fucking awful

Poor Spike

Why can't Spike sound like a normal kid?

Maybe they couldn't afford for a better VA


Take your pick

I almost forgot to include this

> AE 3
> Mesal Gear Solid
> Monkey Pink's Song
> Howl's Immobile Castle
> Monkey Suit
> Yumi
> Monkey Blue
> Existence.

> already got siren, wild arms 3, okage and dark cloud on ps4 psn


I wish there was localization for Million Monkeys, Big Mission and AE2001.

I can tolerate how he sounds in AE2 even though he sounds even more like a fucking man.

An AE thread without Yumifags? Hope I don't jinx myself.

Or shotafags, fuck them even harder.

Im leaning towards Richard Horvitz actually.

I'm fine with all of them, But holy shit anything other than Yuri Lowenthal voicing him. PSAS Spike was just ass.


I thought it was Bob the Builder who voiced him? He doesn't really sound like Yuri.

Never, i hate this too.

I've never seen an AE thread taken over by shotafags.
but that's mostly because AE's boys aren't really that cute, they've got nothing on the boys in Level-5 games
whereas Yumi (why the fuck did they change her name from the equally Japanese sounding Sayaka?) is needlessly, unboundedly cute

you dun goofed

I actually think they're cute but maybe that's just me, maybe Sony could make them cuter.

Oh, whaddya know he is.
Well whoever told me that was Yuri was a 'tard. But still though, that voice was ass and i hate it.

>american specter VA in AE1

Those god damn voices

I actually witnessed some AE shotafags, one even kept posting that video of the anime where Spike was dressed as a girl, there was also one popping in the drawthreads.

>used to play Ape Escape games with my younger brother when the PS1 and PS2 were still a thing
>only last year found out that Ape Escape 3 is a thing that I never found in the stores back then
>play it and had the time of my life again
>now feel like shit knowing that shit like Mario and Sonic are still a thing when Ape Escape was easily the best platform game series

3 was fucking amazing and Yumi a cute so I guess its my favorite now.
Still have to play that japanese one that apparently never got localized too.
Yet another great series that Sony just left to die.

That MGS crossover sure was crazy

I've heard the voice of Spike in that game is just some commercial producer brought in to do some lines, he produced some commercials for Crash Team Racing too.

I always thought that AE deserved to be in the same room as Ratchet, Sly and Jak but for some reason it isn't because i think it has to do with Sony wanting it to be a multi-genre series

british specter is at least tolerable and fits the role a lot more

british or american? it doesn't matter, they're both awful

>Still have to play that japanese one that apparently never got localized too.
Download a PSP emulator and play Big Mission right now. You get to play as the monkeys and capture other monkeys.

What I dont get is how that game actually had representation, As a stage hazard, in PS all stars, despite it never coming to america.

Kinda like how Spike was based of Million Monkeys, that game was fucked up with representation at the point where a Parappa stage and a LittleBigPlanet song

That rival thing with Spike and Parappa was shit too.

American, and I found his website(?) with the Crash Warped commercial.


With his MobyGames page, his connection to PlayStation and the fact that he kinda sounds bored playing Spike, I'm highly convinced that this is the guy.



Just dropping this here

I never played an ape escape and only own a PS3, 4 & vita

Am I missing out badly?

I honestly believe AE should still be alive.
I wonder if it sold bad or something because if not then I really dont get it.

>Big Mission

Another one I never heard of till now.
I was talking about the Million Monkey games for PS2.
Shame Sony never brought those over.

There was also Ape Escape 2001, a spin off to the first game where Spike uses a vaccum cleaner to suck of dirty pants from the monkeys

It's a series that has a lot of charm

Is Ape Esape to PS what Metroid is to Nintendo?

you are missing out somewhat
the games are pretty easy, but they're fun and have decent stages
it's a rather solid series

As in them both being dead but good series?

Sadly yes

Although metroid has a better chance of reviving compared to ape escape

Sad, so sad.

At least Metroid has like fanmade projects i think, someone should do an AE project like what would they want in AE4

Unless its porn.

>someone should do an AE project like what would they want in AE4

>no coding skills
>only have animation skills
>don't know anybody who'd commit to it.
>I won't probably even commit to it because I pick up so many projects until i lose interest in one

Its not fair. So many abandoned projects, I was going to do some fan art of Ape Escape weeks ago, but Instead i decided to do Klonoa instead.

If only someone was devoted into doing it.

I would kinda like to see an Ape Escape crossover with Gravity Rush

Imagine all that Kat/Spike SS

Man fuck that.

>monkey shifting gravity everywhere.
>might actually be difficult to catch.

Shits great

Man why does AE1's soundtrack completely shit on the other 2?

They could at least be friends

Because Terada, that's why.

I'll buy that. I noticed a distinct drop in quality from AE1-3

Who composed 2's music anyway?

Same guy who did Cho-Aniki, funny enough.

He did music for Smash Bros too.

I did a quick wikipedia look and it says a Koji Hayama was the composer.


Why are her very few pictures so attractive

Because Yumi gets all the attention, we need to change this where everyone else except the professor gets some love too.

Here's a comparison of his music, you can even hear the "ERNGHH!" from Cho Aniki (0:41) in the Punch-Out remix.




Never played any ape escape

Would this be a good first?

That's the first game but on the PSP, not sure if you'll mind the controls.

It's pretty much the same game as the first, only some stuff have been changed to fit only one analog stick.

Sounds better than I thought than knowing its AE1. If it has camera controlled by L and R i could probably change that to vita's right stick

As long as the controls are better than mega man legends 1

She's a good milf

Pumped and Primed for PS4 when?

It had no right being that damn good.

Snake Monkey > Sackboy Snake

Sounds like a good doujin title

>Rape Escape; Pumped and Primed

Surprised everyone cares so much about the characters. As a kid, I only noticed the levels. AE3 had some damn good levels.

please no
i hate monkeys and rape

I like the characters because they feel a bit comfy and make the series feel more alive, this is why i don't like most of the spin offs because the monkeys aren't that interesting.

No arguments here.

Would you own a pet monkey?

Which one of you is this?

Is that ape escape anime worth trying?

It has this moment.


thats the scene i saw on youtube that made me want to try it

for whatever reason I put in a lot of hours into the PSP game where you play minigames as a monkey, I dunno why.

>there's an ape escape anime
what the fuck I haven't been this shocked since I found out there was a parappa anime.

>I found out there was a parappa anime
Nigger what theres an anime of that?
Shit sony whats with these animes. Gravity Rush ova when?

I haven't heard GR anime news since i heard of it.

it was probably some rumor bullshit sadly

also this thread
>15 posters
n-not many really likes AE anymore huh

But Soichi Terada made the OST for 1 and 3.

>Ape Escape is about to become more forgotten than ever.

Life sucks.

Aki best girl.

Also, what would Ape Escape 4's theme be, videogames? 1 was time periods, 2 was locations, 3 was TV and film.

Cartoons and anime?

That'd just go with TV and film man

Maybe extreme sports?

it hurts thinking about AE having any kind of future

They could make a reboot that could change the charm.

Imagine Unteralterbach with Yumi

>people will eventually forget that Ape Escape is what made dual analogs happen.
>They will all think that dual analog sticks was just something that happened.

Personally I think it deserves better than this

This too, which is why i hope Sony brings back the series into its glory state or we could just mention it to people who never heard of it, even if it means pushing things too far.

Am I the only one here who spent an endless amount of time trying to get Ape Ratchet in the US release to no avail