Is Zarya a parody or pandering?

Hey Sup Forums i really need to know, is Zarya a parody or pandering?
On one hand she seems like a tumblirites wet dream, on the other she is surrounded by immeasurable amounts of ass and cleavage from the other female members, i need to know if i should continue maining her!

she's based on a real person

she's op is what she is

>On one hand she seems like a tumblirites wet dream
she is canonically racist against the dindu omnics so she's far less tumblr than you'd imagine

If she has no faults, or has no punchline, it's fucking pandering

Literally all they had to do was give her blonde hair and she would have blended in with the crowd, but I swear to fucking god you can pick out the feminist in an entire room with that gawd awful hair color.

Oh god, she's even Russian.

Racist against robots?

well "robotist" sounds stupid and "prejudiced" just seems pretentious

none of the fucking characters have faults

What else would you call it?

well if it's pandering they did a bad job because sjws dont like her.

I'm not convinced she's anything

>k boys, design meeting, we need a new character
>we got not-buff dudes
>we got buff dudes
>we not not-buff ladies
>what do we do now?!

>normie roommate dyes her hair bright cherry red because she likes the colour
>next day we go to the bar and some sperg starts ranting to her about feminism and how toxic it is
>she just stares confusedly and turns to me for help
i bet it was you, you turbosperg
not defending feminism but there's
a. a time and place for everything and approaching a random at a bar is not one of them
b. not everyone with dyed hair is some sjw nutcase

Social justice faggots will find an excuse to not like anything.

she's a big stronk russian stereotype that they gave pink hair to in order to make her actually fucking look like a girl

I've got a better question: does she dye her pubes pink too?

oh look another overwatch thread

Not all people with dyed hair are SJ W's
But all SJ W'S have dyed hair

She fits the big strong Siberian woman stereotype better than the SJW stereotype.

I think Sup Forums cares way too much about her.

I like to think of it more as her still trying to catch some girliness despite the fact she's a she-hulk.

>yfw maximum charge

That's a actually not true either

Almost all the characters are parodies of sorts, or at least very tropey.

The only character that isn't is Pharah.

Just like Sup Forums


god damn, yes to everything about that picture

Give me one example

it's a man.

Implying she isn't best girl next to Mercy

>Gave up her personal dreams of weightlifting to defend her homeland against the omnic plague
>Hates omnics with a passion
>Will hug you like a big fuzzy Siberian bear
Whats not to love?

And she was put in because Anita Sarkeesian did a piece on how the game had many body types for males and only the same body type for all women. Blizzard publicly acknowledged it, said they would do their best to please everyone, and then made a 21st character to an even 20 character roster.

That is the literal definition of pandering. Pandering to an audience of which maybe 1% will actually bother to play the game rather than hmph! and "well see now there's a start!" before moving onto another perfectly fine game to harrass.

>american cowboy with a cigar in his mouth at all times that talks about ranching and saddles
>swiss doctor with blonde hair and blue eyes that makes hospital and doctor puns 24/7
>chink climatologist wrapped in a winter suit with an ice gun and ice jokes
>nip yakuza ninjas that speak about honor every other word and summon ki dragons
dude really

every single character is a stereotype


Jonathan Mcintosh

no it isn't

Got a source for that senpai?

she's the biggest middlefinger to SJW's everywhere.

>She looks like a feminazi dyke
>She's the biggest nationalist, and hates robots

Do you have Google access kouhai?

You wish, trapfag

Sounds like tumblr to me though

okay well that man makes a better woman than most women do

she's actually pol and tumblr combined

>omnic-human tensions not an obvious racism allegory

What about neither? Have you gone so far down the rabbit hole that you can't accept the idea that maybe they just put in a non-traditionally feminine woman because it was interesting?

This notion that she's somehow a 'tumblr' character is just absurd. The butch archetype has existed long before tumblr. In what world do you think it makes sense that Blizzard would simultaneously pander to a group and also present a bunch of characters that the same group finds detestable? Are you imagining tumblrinas going "All these girls are just tarted up sex objects blizzard has no sha- OH PINK HAIR? TAKE MY MONEY"

This is some boogeyman tier shit.

Bring racist against genocidal-at-any-moment robots is not SJW-unfriendly.

Look, you Zariafags are free to like her but stop being such bandwagoning, underage fags about it, you can like some things that tumblr likes. Like porn.

Well for example, I have a user at work with bright-ass pink hair that I'm sure she dyes it on a regular basis.

Whether she's an actual feminist or not, there is the stigma that people with pink hair are feminists, so regardless if she is or not, he hair is associates with feminists.

So every time I have to work or talk with her, I have to walk on egg shells, less I accidentally trigger her and take the long trip to HR.

It's like how the LGBT community ruined the fucking rainbow.....

>she seems like a tumblirites wet dream
She's incredibly racist, nationalistic as fuck, and serves in the military. She's basically like the Bizarro world version of a tumblrite.


anita made her announcement 2 weeks before zarya's reveal

that's not enough time for a full development process, and blizz had replied "we have something along those lines being developed RIGHT NOW, funny enough"

also this

will shit talk zenyatta, genji, and I think she even has a line asking about mccree's arm

you sound 18 though
>genocidal at any moment
yeah man mondatta and his buddhist friends are TOTALLY gonna go genocidal at some random moment. you called it

She's not "incredibly racist", she distrusts androids that you can't trust not to go berserk at any moment. Calm the fuck down and just like who you want to like without being a self-conscious faggot about it.

>she distrusts androids that you can't trust not to go berserk at any moment
did you even play the game
that's not how the lore works at all

She's a Russian nationalist who hates and distrusts the ALGORITHMS OF PEACE that the rest of the world is holding hands with.

It's unknown how well Futurebuddhism works to completely correct that. She's completely right to be wary.

You seem to hold 18 year olds in a lot of esteem.

there's been absolutely no indication whatsoever that they'll go rogue at some random given moment

stop projecting about your age and just admit you didn't fucking play the game and you made a mistake about the lore

just fucking move on, holy hell. i'm sick to death of you faggots trying to 'prove' something on an anonymous messageboard

>there is the stigma that people with pink hair are feminists

>yeah man mondatta and his buddhist friends are TOTALLY gonna go genocidal at some random moment. you called it
Considering Master omnic's can take over any omnic in their immediate vicinity?

Doesn't matter how spiritually mastered he is if he becomes a literal slave to his programming.

She distrusts them yes, which is not unreasonable. All of this is too far-flung from shit that actually triggers SJWs. You guys are trying desperately to paint her as triggering to lefists, when the proof is in the pudding that she isn't. Just like you fucking like, self-conscious betas.


What are you doing?

oh shit that's totally a reason to distrust every single robot
guess we can't trust humans either since widowmaker got similarly brainwashed

>Bring racist against genocidal-at-any-moment robots is not SJW-unfriendly.

Yet being 'racist' against a genocidal at almost all times religious dogma is considered SJW unfriendly. :^)

So if I walked around with a t-shirt with a rainbow on it, you're tell me people aren't going to think I'm gay?

Sorry that you wasted that gif on such an asinine comment.

>Hates others
>Believes in nationalism
>Military vet from a country that outlaws gays
>Pop pink hair on her and tublrites cant tell the difference

Its hilarious just how blatently steryotypical the game is. But since SJW's dont play games, they dont know the fucking difference. They literally see anything not white and say "WOW HOW PROGRESSIVE!". The game is some of the worst assumptions on race and its great:
>Koreans must be good at startcraft
>Brazilians are all about dancing
>Japanese people are all walking samurai and ninjas
>Mexicans are all about murder because cartel
>Every brit is a cockney jibbering monty python skit
>Indians are all about religeous Vishnu worship
>Australians are wacky mad max croc hunters

Personally, the stereotypes add flavor to the game.

>You guys are trying desperately to paint her as triggering to lefists
maybe some anons here but i'm not
she doesn't line up with SJW mentalities or reasoning though

>there's been absolutely no indication whatsoever that they'll go rogue at some random given moment
You've got it completely backwards. We know there is the potential for random violence and we don't know that their religion completely offsets it. It's literally life or death, forgiveness is not the smart default.

And it's Zariafags trying to prove she's anti-SJWs in order to make their fandom more palatable to other anonymous strangers.

I'm not sure if this is relevant to the question, but I think some of her design choices came about as consequences of others. Like making the strong woman archtype, they wound up making her look too manly with the short hair and almost square jaw. Which is why she has the bubble gum pink hair and nails to 'offset' that with some more traditionally girly colors.

little bit of both.

If you look at her legendary skins, you can see there is a definite sense of tumblr parody going on

>paint her as triggering to leftists

That's an incredibly strange projection. I don't really have a stake in what leftists think of a video game character, but I saw you from the front page keep trying to paint a character in a manipulative way, by implying all Omnics are rightfully treated like wolves in sheep's clothing by the entire in-game world when you're clearly in the wrong.

What in the world made you think I was self-conscious about liking the game?

which characters aren't stereotypes?


Agreed... fucking pink haired feminists...

I feel like she is parody, looking at the recent doping acusations against Russia.

Yeah man, too bad Russia isn't already in a 2nd omnic crisis in the games lore or anything. She's totally unreasonable for distrusting these robots waging war on her country. A war so bad that they're using giant fucking mecha to contain it.

not him, but legit:
>humans take 14+ years to reach fighting age
>omnics are produced by the thousands with hundreds of years of military knowledge daily in a factory
>Humans must eat and breath to survive
>Omnics now want the rights humans have while needing 90% less
>Omnics can work jobs 24/7, outclassing humans

A robot society would destroy humanity.

One is a widely recognized and institutionalized symbol. The other is a hairstyle that you're projecting meaning onto based on a gut feeling.

The point is she doesn't NOT line up with them either, nationalism is okay for all non-US citizens and robots are too separated from current events. Meanwhile she's a non-traditional-beauty-standards-conforming, pink-haired whateverthefuck.

But stop fucking worrying about it and like her if you like her.

Arguably Symmetra

>Literally poo in loo tech support

Her in-game dialog when she's on the same team as Zenyatta, Bastion, and even Genji, who isn't even Omnic, says otherwise.

You're comparing real-world politics to a medieval fantasy game where pink and blue hair are the norm.

The point is that she is trying to forcibly modernize third world nations against their will

Nothing is wrong with NORMAL feminism, it's extremists that think feminism means that women should be above men that is the problem.

actually you kind of have a point. Pharah is pretty neutral.

Symmetra is a little too much hindu shit though. I doubt real world tech support think about bringing order to chaos.

Kind of like a sci-fi game where robots choose to be Buddhists and people shoot dragons

Collages of people posted on Sup Forums are pretty much the equivalent to hard statistical data.

>But stop fucking worrying about it and like her if you like her.

This projection needs to quit.

go fuck yourself

You're either a newfag or still haven't figured out how anonymous image boards work if you think absolutely every comment is directed at you.

These threads are full of Zariafags constantly trying to remind strangers that she's somehow anti-PC so "we" (muh legion XD) are allowed to like her.

Isn't she an architect

It's not like the rainbow, since day one, become the LGBT symbol

I'm sure they paraded it around until it became the defacto symbol. Fuck, it's no different than getting only your right ear pierced because everyone associated that with being gay.

Bottomline, your hairstyle is a statement--about your fashion, wealth, etc., and if you dye it bright-ass pink, well, I don't know what to tell ya if you can't connect the fucking dots......


>if you think absolutely every comment is directed at you.

The ones directly quoting me, yes.

>These threads are full of Zariafags constantly trying to remind strangers that she's somehow anti-PC so "we" (muh legion XD) are allowed to like her.

The only person who has been pushing that motivation for posting is you. At length. It's seriously in every one of your posts.

And you keep spelling her name wrong. Maybe you're doing it on purpose so you can give off the illusion that you don't actually care and are intimately familiar with the subject matter because you're insecure about liking the game.

>The only person who has been pushing that motivation for posting is you.
Lurk more.

No faults? She is a fucking racist.

That is one of the biggest flaws a character can have.

>And she was put in because Anita Sarkeesian did a piece on how the game had many body types for males and only the same body type for all women.

Zarya had been in development for a ages before Anita started running her mouth, unless you seriously think they could make a character from scratch in 2-3 weeks.

No, Zarya had to have been in development for ages before muh body diversity became a thing, and they just took the chance to go "see? strong woman!" when they revealed her to stave off some criticism.

If they arent in the middle east then feminists can fuck off, normal or extremist. women are already equal here.

There is no such thing as "normal" or "standard" feminism. There are prevailing ideas and controversial ones. It's a massively diverse group of individuals with different beliefs and agendas.

If you think that the concept that "men should be equal to women" constitutes the backbone of "normal feminism" then you're in for a rude awakening. Even 'moderate' feminists stopped having that discussion eons ago.

Really, who doesn't like parody?

>'''''''''reformed'''''''' murderbots

Then how come pic related?

>Tamara Bakhlycheva.
>St. Petersburg
Petersburg is san fran of Russia. It all makes sense now.

>pink hair
>automatic feminist

Kill yourself my man.