Hello Sup Forums...

Hello Sup Forums, I work at Harebrained Schemes and today I have come here to ask you fellow cyberpunks where we should set the next installment of Shadowrun.

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Copy Jagged Alliance 2's combat system for your next game.

Is there one where the games aren't 2 hours long and have gameplay that even Mobile Devices laugh at? I want that game.

Shadowrun: Land of the Britbongs

I dont really care where its set, but the characters of Dragonfall felt 10 times better than the Hong Kong characters.

How about Moskau, that way you can dodge all the SJW pandering bullshit by saying that Russia is still very conservative in the future.

Las Vegas

I don't know if I'd do a whole game there, but I always wanted to explore the SOX a bit. Radiation spirits and all that jazz seems like it'd be great, but a trip to the SOX is always sort of a one way ticket.

Also, I still waiting for that goofy looking flight jacket for BT, even though it's the middle of the summer. Have all of them been shipped yet?

The Kingdom of England and Wales.

Japan. Also please don't make one achievement for every single ending, I had to cheat to get all the achievements without doing 4+ runs...


Yes I know what goes on in Chicago in Shadowrun

If you really cared you'd ask the shadowrun general on /tg/

Vegas, the New Vegas

Also, maybe a trip into Chicago. I hear it's lovely this time of year.

I just want the hacking to not be tedious garbage. That's literally the only complaint I have with shadowrun



The Renraku Arcology. DO IT FAGGOT

Dubai would be interesting, we loved the environments in Spec Ops!


Mexico City is actually a very similar dystopian place, it should be very easy.

That or the U.K

South America! Blood magic, dude.

what a fucking eyesore

and no surprise it's a government building

These are perfect settings.

Finish the battletech game instead

djinn would probably be running shit in dubai

Isn't there a "right" angle to these buildings? I do not know much about architecture but it does strikes me as the type which causes an optical illusion of some sort if it is seen from some weird angle.

That or the architect was high as fug.

I mean a normal looking building would be stronger but with modern materials even stupid shit like that can be structurally sound



I doubt the outside has any bearing on the structural integrity of the whole. It might as well be a facade.

Shadowrun: God save The Queen

Early Shadowrun.

The story is how Brittain cucks itself and lets the corporations fuck them in the ass.

Given it's Shadowrun, we already have UCAS, Europe and Asia shown with the previous installments, I think South America deserve to be next.

That being said? Ethiopia? Or some place in Africa at least. Would love it myself.

Playiung someinth in the Bug City at its worse could be great though.

And last but not least, if you want a set up that is completely different, with probably higher focus on the design of encounter, the Renraku Shutdown offers such a great background.

Is Spain, nothing about it is "right"

Something involving that ghoul nation in Africa could be neat.

They'll probably just use Seattle again if they make another game.


That would be fair if they upgraded to a new engine I guess...


You can fanservice so many babes.

It is a facade.
If you look close enough you can see the actual shape of the building.

Besides none of those are structural elements.
They do have a weight, but I am sure that the load of the facede is being supported by the inner columns, just as any other buliding, that or just part of the weight of load the facade is being (transladada, I do not the word in English, might be carried or moved through) the other steel elements of the facade to the bottom, which could be possible as I observe that there is a robust bottom.

I.E what you are seeing does not affect the loads the bulding can support, moreover the face is either supported by the regular steel or concrete connections, or just part of it might be supported by itself, but liek just part of it might be doing that. It would not be too difficult with steel cables pulling towards a central column or column like element in the facade.

I should had enabled spellcheck.
Didn't they do that partially in DragonFall?

this belongs in a tsutomu nihei manga

>Big ass columns supporting the tallest building of Oreo town

It is obvious a fat person designed this.


Expansion to make Hong Kong not as boring at the end.

Game completely trips on its face in the last 25%.

has any game done hacking better than Human Revolution?

set it in a setting that makes the series not a dumbed down linear tablet piece of shit

That's not placing the bar very high.

At least go with the classics and try Uplink..


hackers beat

thats a hacking game though

Yes, and it did hacking much better than that ridiculous thing HR was using.

and i can list at least 10 things human revolution did better than uplink

How the fuck is sun and beaches cyberpunk?

Technicolor sun
Glass beach

Cyberpunk is more than rain and smog. You could rip off plots from Burn Notice for easy run ideas.

That BOTH were attempting to do?

I'll wait for the list.

Neo Venice

Underwater Transit system.
Ground level buildings look classical, but high tech skyscrapers sprout from them
Cyberpunk Venetian masks.
Cyberpunk vampires.

1. Another place in US, either seattle again or maybe Denver. Gotta set that baseline for the new trilogy.
2. Egypt or Dubai. Egypt has ruins from the Fourth World, which could be cool. Lots of money flowing through Dubai though.
3. Amazonia. Finish off the important continents.

Somewhere in snowy or somewhere in south america.

I need a relaxing but engaging RPG to play after work. Should I play Dragonfall, Age of Decadence, or Might and Magic?

If you're looking for relaxing then go with dragonfall. AoD is p good but it's not as comfy

I think cyberpunk Constantinople might actually be a pretty cool location.

You can't go back to constantinople

Anything would be great as long as it doesn't look like it belongs on a FUCKING CELLPHONE.

Also, listen to more Cyberpunk music to get more

My dad works for Nintendo and he says you're lying.

Its Istanbul you bitch..

Go back to the matrix used in Returns and Dragonfall. The redone matrix in Hong Kong was the worst part of the game. It was terrible. Fire the person whose idea it was to put real time movement/stealth sections in a turn based game.

Right now, sure, Shadowrun takes place in a futuristic setting though, so let's be realistic about this please.

This I guess. I mean I didn't really like hacking in dragonfall either, but at least it was tolerable. Real-time dodging is the most fucking frustrating thing ever

yfw it will stay as Istanbul forever and you can do nothing about it.

>let's be realistic about a city that hasn't existed for hundreds of years because sometime in a fictional futuristic setting they could bring it back!
come on now

>look like it belongs on a FUCKING CELLPHONE
This, the gameplay feels so restrictive, exploration is based around these small setpieces and the combat is so simplistic; I mean it's decent fun and maybe trying to do better will ruin it, but still.

I'll just have to wait and hope, while you have to live in constant fear of this happening.
Mine sounds way more comfortable.


The system would be just fine if it was turn based.

prove it, faggot!

SotA 2063 p64. Constantinople is an independent city-state. During the Euro-Wars (2063) the head of the Alliance for Allah Mullah Sayid Jazrir is assassinated in Istanbul, causing the Alliance to collapse and Turkey itself to split apart- mainly divided along the western ottomans pushing for a secular state and eastern fundamentalists. Istanbul is caught in the middle until it declares independence in 2064 and renames itself.

SotA 2063 p66. Constantinople is a major mercenary hangout for eastern Europe and the Middle Easthome. The mercenary company 10,000 Daggers is based out of the city.


Eastern europe

in the next game can you let me fuck a cute elf girl ?


it's a trick, Harebrained was supposed to be taking a lengthy break from Shadowrun since they're gonna be putting their Battlemech IP into a computer game

stick it in Mexico where Aztec bloodmages snort a lot of cocaine and then sacrifice humans to the winged serpent, leaving so many beheaded corpses around that it doesn't even phase anybody anymore.

kek at being this despaired.
>implying i live in a constant fear of its gonna change name.
mfw i will enjoy my entire life that its istanbul while you will only waste your life with hoping thats gonna change and feel a constant plebness and sadness.

I wanna see argentina because no games are set in Argentina

lemme list thing 1 thing uplink did that hr dont be a good game damn


Then again it probably looks like the other fuckhueg cities.

are you having a stroke

There is nothing to Argentina.
If anything it is just Hard Mode for games like Democracy 3.


nice try on shifting the goal posts


All done better by Human Revolution






Just make Battletech and make sure its good.

Then you can make another Shadowrun and this time make it like Dragonfall, not like Hong Kong.

Make sure that the Decker companion is at least remotely bearable. Is0bel is the worst character from any game since fucking Rosh from Jedi Academy.

don't mind me

Anywhere but please more waifus next time. HK was awful in that matter.

>2 ghost in the shell games in development
Uhh wanna break them down for me? This is the first time I've heard of such

No doubt they will be trash but I can always hope for at least mediocrity







Hong Kong was superior

> look up some of those upcoming games
> vrshit
> a fucking kickstarter mmo (lol)

wish the faggot making these would at least add genre tags or somehting

maybe a freeroam for once
assuming they could pull it off

> expecting mobile devs to pull such a thing off

shit nigga, HBS can't even pull off basic reactivity in the SR games, there's no way they'll handle anything with actual complexity

also see Necropolis for a good example of their incompetence

Shadowrun: Palestine