What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

Heavy drinker

I hate those fucking lances. They stab you once but it registers 5 fucking hits.

That he was the best Invader and everyone knows it.

Loved him. Best way to farm seed of giants.

>bonfire right near chain leading to tower
>go over it
>he spawns and kills me
>lordvessel to tree of giants
>take seed
>go back and repeat

Then I just go to the areas with the most monsters and wait for faggots to invade me. Best one was always Heide's near the dragon. Nobody expects the dragon. That with the knights it's always insta-rape.

He's a White male.

Yeah and the annoying tracking it has where he will immediately turn back and follow through during startup.

Do the phantoms have messed up frames or something?


I love this guy
He's designed to fight like a coward

Jesus Christ. What the fuck? Also does he follow on the chain? He ran straight downstairs when it tried to lure him.


DS2 was my least favorite one, but damn if they didn't make some amusing npc invaders. Don't know why they dropped the ball on that in DS3.


I just splattered him with my great hammer and he was never able to go up.

>who said i can't walk on air faggot

they were just annoying trolls in ds2 , i'm glad they changed that in ds3.

Well ill wait for the complete edition like I did for this one. Hopefully they can fix some of the issues with it.


Trolls yes, but still far more interesting than the typical spawn in and fight very poorly type npc invaders desu senpai

NPC's in DaS2 can be fucking bullshit. Fencer Sharron and Armorer Dennis (both invade at the Iron Bridge) were input reading cunts. The Drakeblood Knights in the sunken king DLC had a spider sense and could move as fast as the sanic Alonne knights at times.

He was the only sane man living in an insane world.

>he's a White Phantom

He was in DS2.

that NPC invader is actually a female, look it up

Maldron... had a hard life...