Obscure PS2 vidya thread

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Starting off with 7 Blades, a cheesy 3D beat-em-up with so many enemies it feels like early DW at times
>mecha dragon
>ninjas popping out your shadow
>swatting groups away with a fuck massive sword
This is just like my japanese animes

Other urls found in this thread:


Blood Will Tell.

You're a part samurai part clockwork robot with swords for hands and a cannon in your knee who has to kill demons to get back the body parts they stole from you. It's based of a Japanese manga.

Read the manga, shit was weird. Was neat that you start the game all monochrome aand shit and get more visuals as you get bodyparts

Evergrace, a game mostly known for its batshit ost

From what I can remember, you're a bipedal wolf with long ass hair and armor running around a battlefield killing thousands of giant insects and demons with various weapons.

A shame I never got around to finishing it.

Isn't that the game with a gorillion enemies on screen?

The only 3D Castlevania that I like.

That game and it's sequel are bad games. It's surprising how FROM went from such crappy games to the Soulsbornes.

Also, the music in Forever Kingdom is equally weird. When I first heard this track, I thought my PS2 was screwing up and playing multiple tracks at once.



The music certainly helps, though I liked LoI too


it's damn good though
item stealan
monster raisan
equipment craftan
so much backtrackan
awesome ost though so backtrackan isn't too bad

WHat u speak of son?
did u even play the game?

That got me nostalgic, I have big hopes for bloodstained.

You're a fucking retard.


>bad game

Have to agree, got around to playing it the other day and it's such a slog. Especially starting as the lass since her first free weapon is in the next level.

This I actually like, sounds like something off an Armored Core game

Kings Field, Armored Core, Chrome Hounds, Tenchu.
You don't know anything about From software, you're just a souls fan boy.

Oh yeah and a little gem called Otogi.
Souls fans are cancer.

This desu, King's Field was great for its time played it a few years ago and really enjoyed it as dated as it was. Only big box PS1 game I have. Armored Core is also fucking awesome.

yes? all of the t hings i mentioned were in the game, and t he game really isn't obscure

>Tenchu Z
Perhaps you are the biggest faggot of all, user

True, I have played very few FROM games. The only others are Kings Field (US) and Tenchu 3. King's Feild was tedious but Tenchu was pretty fun.

Plays like a full game of Drakengard's aerial levels, just with all kinds of creatures to ride instead of only dragons.


Oh this meme again for the 5,000,000th time Evergrace has been posted.

Strong contender for all time #1 special snowflake game.

Har har user

>Tenchu Z
>One game
Maybe you should quit being a little faggot.
I know you've never played any of the others. Fuck I know you probably haven't played any Tenchu game.
They also didn't touch Tenchu Z dumb fuck.
I know you're a faggot because the only Tenchu they made was a shitty xbox live arcade version.
Confirmed retard.

You run around a hotel spying on guests and try to figure out how to steal their souls. Based on an anime. Japan and Europe only.

It's not an obscure game because no one knows what it is.
It's obscure because it's hard to get a physical copy.

That looks so much better in motion than it does in screenshots

Trapt, kind of 3D tower defense with survival horror, you play as a qt princess unjustly accused of a crime and must dispach your pursuers using traps scattered around the map.

Fun fact, the game gives a backstory for every signgle enemy, for example one of the guys had just proposed to his fiance and when you kill him, he call for her.

I used to play it with my gf,it was a horror game where we cooped to survive and do some shit to trigger next playable characters or lvl.

>full game of Drakengard's aerial levels
who would ever want that

I think all the Deception games do that. I know 4 did, at least.

its one of the first games of that series user

renamed for the west


Castlevania Curse of Darkness is a horror game?
Playable characters?

You play as Hector who can equip a multitude of weapons, which have different movesets similar to the Dynasty Warriors games (square to do a basic attack, triangle to do a finisher).
You have familiars which level up and evolve according to which weapon you're using, with different final forms depending on which evolutions you went along with.

You can do stuff like dodge roll and somersaults, and you can steal items from enemies.
You can use said items (as well as item drops from killing items) to craft new equipment.

There's a lot of backtracking as you gain new abilities or new items that let you explore different places.

It's like someone took a song and layered random loops from LSD onto it

Meh. There are quite a few copies on ebay. I got my PAL copy for about $35. Fuck getting a Japanese copy. They're all over $100 and in Moonspeak.

[eurobeat intensifies]


I know it's in that series. That is why I mentioned it.

>This I actually like, sounds like something off an Armored Core game

The guy who did the music for Evergrace/FK also did music for Armored Core 4/FA and V/VD, he's on FromSofts music team "FreQuency" as well.

Speaking of obscure fromsoftware games, Kuon is a nice little horror title for the ps2. Nothing too special but worth playing if you're into japanese horror at all. Emulates great.

>Hoshino states that he cannot read music

Makes you wonder how he got there

Great stuff, anyone play any of these.
I had a HELL of a time hunting them down back when each came out. (not so much with Eternal poison, since I ordered that by mail back then )


>metal saga
>those abrupt endings where the game calls you a boring fag who settled down instead of going on advntures

Tsugunai, I thoroughly enjoyed. It's sort of a medieval fantasy version of Quantum Leap. Some dude tries to steal an ancient artifact and pisses off a god. The god then separates the dude's soul from his body. He has to go around possessing people and help them out. After he helps out enough people, he can return to his body.

Great cover. Terrible game

I always heard that it was pretty good.

You hear wrong friend

t. someone who owns it

I'll be honest. Only games I played was 1, 2 and Z.
Played the shit out of 1, kinda liked 2, but I hated Z. I always thought Z was a From game?

Also, calm down dude. They's just videogames.

don't believe the critics on this one. they're all butthurt, that it isn't Devil May Cry

>Metal Saga

I'll finally be starting that tonight, game's been on my backlog for literal years

Never understood complaints about this cover, is it a meem?

People complain about it?

I always wanted to play this one, a friend had it but never let me borrow or even play it when I was over, then he sold it to gamestop.

>a friend had it but never let me borrow or even play it when I was over
Actually held back laughter. Why not?

Kuon was by FROM? I played it years ago and found it weird. Great atmosphere, but too easy and the story was meh.

yoooo I played this at a friend's house, it was a rad as shit, been trying to figure out what it was for over a decade

What? Did he show you the case or the disk? Maybe he said he had it but was lying.

Great monster designs and music:


the pc version runs mostly fine. it does have texture-glitches and the occasional crash, which can get very frustrating

should work fine on an emulator, though


Ah, the gun cutie. Wanted to like her, but I found her too weak.



Remember that rpg launch title with the summons? It got a sequel with a transforming mc

It was obscure.

I thought chrome hounds was Sega?

I could have sworn I had the Orphen game but I can't for the life of me remember ever playing it.

Sup Forums gives a warped view of what's obscure or not, few people you meet in real life will know most of this thread

The fact that you could play as enemies and bosses was great beside some levels being impossible to finish because some of them could not jump

Anyone play Samurai Western? Game was pretty fun, damn hard though.


The Sword Of Etheria

Its a repetative beat em up in which you juggle enemies and make them into your personal ping pong balls.You have two color coded ai partners with whom you juggle them.The game has a nice anime presentation and ok music .However it kinda drags on because you dont have many moves or abilities .It also borrows the names and themes from wizard of OZ for some reason .6/10 game

It is annoying how people do that, thinking because Sup Forums knows about all these obscure games or gems, that they are somehow NOT obscure.

I gotta ask does anyone remember a PS2 first person game where you had to craft rings that gave you magic like wind and dark. I barely remember it but i can't for the life of me think of its name.

RoR had a pretty innovative battle system, but execution was mediocre.

If it weren't for the fact that said first-person, I'd have thought maybe you meant this, since you collect elemental rings. One of which is DARKNESS.

Was just about to post this myself

>can't for the life of me remember ever playing it.
I recall it was cryptic as fuck at times, got stuck a few levels in for ages. Combat was weird too, somewhere between a qte and atb jrpg.

You play as an alien and do sick pranks on people. You also have to duel another alien to see who can prank the humans better.

Criminally underrated.

Think I've got you

Nahh i'm a retard used google with a few terms and found it.
Thanks, was a funky game.

This and Psy-Ops.

Yea, it did get a PSP port, that was promptly forgotten as fast as it was made.

Fun as hell, sunk well over 100 hours into it during high school.

I've been looking for a copy for ever. I guess I should just ebay it.

>It's surprising how FROM went from such crappy games to the Soulsbornes.
Every game in the King's Field series is better than even the best Soulsborne game.

They're all good, though the Souls games are better for the fact that they're much faster.

I guess you're right.
I simply cannot tell what's genuinely obscure and what's only obscure by Sup Forums's standards.

All Platinum memers should play this

nigga it has already been posted OZ is the nip name

Pretty much Soul Eater without the Nightmare Before Christmas look or any of the waifus.


yeah nigga. It was from the same guys that did way of the samurai games wasn't it?

My fucking nigga
Music by Michiru Yamane

That doesn't even make any sense. It's the thumb that gets superimposed, not the entire image posted at the same time. Whatever.

This and Way of the Samurai are essential weeb-core

>tfw it happened to me with the final image of the exodia combo
Got a ban for that too

How does that even make sense? They have to have seen that your IP wasn't the one that posted that image.