Who would actually win?
Who would actually win?
Does Doomguy have all his weapons? If so, him easily.
Doomguy has a gun and can outrun Guts.
Depends on the armament given to doom guy
But you, me and everyone else knows they would fist bump into a cooperative demonic killing spree.
Let's assume he does. Guts also has Berserker armor.
What does that pussy ass weeb do against a BFG?
Doom Marine has more experience.
Doomguy would wipe his ass with the Idea of Evil.
Guts is faster than the eye can track.
He'll just cleave the projectile in half
>i'm retarded
ok user
>But you, me and everyone else knows they would fist bump into a cooperative demonic killing spree.
guts and doomguy would be the biggest god damn buds
though with both fully decked out, i think it'd be a close match
doomguy would be the obvious choice, but don't forget that berserk armor is plot armor tier of op
broken bones, half your body blown apart? np it's all good as long as you continue to rage on and berserk like there's no tomorrow, plus that super sonic speed shit
doomguy is crazy fast, but berserk guts would be able to keep up
idk who'd win
it's a tie in my eyes
>they both gib themselves
This is the only true answer.
They kiss and have gay sex and yaoi
The idea of guts pausing to bend his mechanical fingers just to do the pose is hilarious
Doomguy is really just future Guts.
Both of which are really just the Emperor of Mankind
>doomguy is crazy fast, but berserk guts would be able to keep up
doomguy is not crazy fast, he just walks very fast while never needing to rest. Regular guts easily outspeed him though he will get tired at some point, and berserker guts not only is plot armor as you said but makes him even faster.
Quite a fantasy you have there mate.
>doomguy is not crazy fast
fucker's faster than usain bolt
he can literally outrun missiles
faster than usain bolt is not faster than guts, though
good point
Doomguy runs at about 53mph.