Yandere Simulator

why noone of you faggots told me about this fucking game? this is fucking awesome

Stop shilling and start working on the game you shitstain

I know that's you Evaxephon. Stop making threads here.

>it's another eva shilling his shitty game thread

Gas yourself, Kike

Kill yourself already Evaxephon.

Stop shitposting. Yanderedev is a wonderful person.

EvaXephon, don't try to change your name because you were bullied.

i dont even know what you talking about, just randomly discovered this on YT.

because it's weeaboo trash, fuck off back to twitch or facebook

>just randomly discovered this on YT.

Probably because the creator directly targeted this board looking for donations.

Still, I will admit that dragging Pewdiepie into his scheme basically secured his success, whatever he is plotting.


I laughed for probably 10 minutes straight when I found out EvaXephon was doing this. Forgot about him like 5 years ago.

mfw reading this thread

I've been away for a few months. What happened?

I love threads about this game.

The endless whining about evax coming with posts like makes a hilariously pathetic contrast.

It's like watching a gaggle of ill-tempered skullniks flailing around at eachother.

t. eva

whats the backstory behind all this hate?

someone spoonfeedme




Don't be hurt, friend. Your ass will stop feeling sore in an hour. =)

Evaxephon was a whiny, pathetic virgin, who used to namefag on Sup Forums and Sup Forums over 5 years ago. He rightfully earned the hatred from his excessive whining, and advertising of his vidya and anime stream.

Just stop replying to the faggot and sage the thread, let him and his little buddies pathetically try to bump his own post for awhile.

Every time you reply, you feed his ego. It's not edgy or trolly or funny, it's just sad.

I don't even know the backstory of how YandereDev was Evaxephon or some other retarded /vee/ drama associated with this game.

But I will say, the creator of Yandere Simulator is a fucking pussy and probably autistic and I actually enjoy the game.

But his bullshit about "STOP EMAILING ME NOW!!!!" makes me not want to play it.

A friend of mine told me he emailed YandereDev 50 times a day just because he was such a little bitch about emails.

Also, I feel bad for Yandere fags because when they google "yandere" they are going to get nothing but the same chick over and over again thanks to this games popularity with normies. It's like Mirai Nikki but worse.

>all those 11-15 votes
>1708 under 10
This is a bit worrying.

Thank the let's play crowd.

How about you go sort some more "volunteer submissions".

Obligatory edit

>using google for finding pictures instead of boorus

>tfw I'm over 30 and still interested in anime

Yeah, you got a point there.

>mfw just discovered all this drama about this game
>mfw not giving a single fuck

game is fun i dont care whos behind

Tell me, Sup Forums. How does it feel knowing EvaXephon is going to become rich off making another meme simulator game? How does it feel knowing no amount of anger at him will change that?

It's unhealthy getting caught up in the success of people you hate.

But still it's fucking bullshit.

Stop feeding him user. Let the thread die and don't forget to sage.


Sup Forums hates everything and everyone for no real good reason. Why do you even need backstory?

In this game, can you be a lesbo?

Several boards have a good reason to hate him.

Sup Forums hates everything and everyone, true. However, most of the time there is a reason for the hate, even if it's super fucking nitpicky.

What would be the reason this time? I mean, besides the fact that he acts like a massive faggot? Did he fuck up any previous game?

Once upon there was a faggot named EvaXephon, know for being a shitty steamer and writing articles about video game characters he found hot, then he tried to make a fighting game because he liked Skullgirls, he then showed his HELLOWORLD unity project to MikeZ in the hopes of getting praise, when instead he got constructive criticism he cried and cried, he then went to Sup Forums to shill his new game idea, a terrible edgy hack n slash called "Lunar Scythe", we then laughed, after a few months of shilling he gave up, then one day he found some unity assets and was reborn as Yanderedev

I don't care, the amount of money he has will never change the kind of person he is.

Look at Notch. The single richest indie dev and he's still a lonely twat.

> Sup Forums hating on a genuinely fun game just because they dont like who is behind it

>instead keeps fucking shilling shit like Overcuck and Undermeme

Your competitor should be able to kill you as well. What kind of shitty anime school only has one yandere.

wait, yanderedev is evaxephon? I'm not doubting you, but what's the sauce on this? It sounds funny as fuck

He's only making money off trying to make it, if it ever does get a release it'll be panned because he's bad at programming and his gravy train will crash, and then he'll be back to the nobody he always was, so really i feel bad for him

It's a shit game that won't go anywhere due to who's behind it. A large part of the hatred is due to the realization Eva will fuck up a good idea.

>be dev
>go to Sup Forums
>shill my shit
>maked generals on my unfinished game
>create an autistic fanbase on the board
>it becomes the hottest meme in the board
>reddit catches up with it
>youtuber catches up with it
>ebin gameplays with my game
>become rich

See undertale, minecraft, this shit, agario, and now vallhalla

Summer vacation.

>meme game

Tell me why is it a meme game?
Are you just using buzzwords that you have seen on the internet?

He admitted some time ago that he acted like a fucking child and would beat the shit out of his past self if he could

>shitposters flood another yandere thread

This is why we can't have nice things, Sup Forums.

>Yandere Sim
>Ever being released
>Yandere dev
>Knowing how to make videogames

This fuck is still in the ideas guy phase, implementing some flavor of the month feature every couple of weeks while refusing to actually build the base of the game up. This game is destined to never actually ship in a completed state, because he's continuously adding dumb, tiny little features that won't end up working together when/if he actually gets off his ass and develops the game's backbone properly.

>I acted like a child and I regret it
>I know, I'll tell people I would lash out violently like a child against my past self
>that will show people I've matured

how long has this been in development?

You forgot the part where he drummed up ideas and made the game with Sup Forums in a very polite and non autistic manner until shitposters uncovered his dark past and spammed it to death.

At least a couple of years.

I wonder if he'll ever even think of some actual story, it seems like the game will be a meme sandbox forever.

Trust him(and me) it's Eva in all his shitty glory.

It's apparently supposed to be split into two parts, where the first it's gonna be "kill anime girls" and then some basic story might appear.
At least that's what he imagined. Probably will never happen.

Shit is like in an alpha state and he releases that shit like a demo.

lol wow your so koool haha fuck all these sheeple bra im wit ya

Why do all those poses look very stiff?
____ __ ______ is missing.

Because Yandere Dev can't animate for shit.

The "some-basic-story" being the psycho girl either getting her senpai or being rejected by him. Really unique, creative and deep.

This is what bothers me, too. He started this project YEARS ago and is still releasing videos essentially going "well I was playing Yakuza recently and I've decided it'd be cool to implement a mechanic from it because why not?" without having any real consideration for how it'd actually impact the rest of the game or how it'd change the scope of it.

is this actually true?

It's true, he's a true faggot.

Ive seen the transcrips of the irc chat between MikeZ and him. Mike was giving him some great advice but he is so concieted that he could only see it as a personal attack. Like the dude was an autistic broken record or something.

I know this game will likely never be "finished" but is it at a playable state yet? I hate playing early access games since I usually get bored by the time the real game is out and never touch it.

Is this game able to be played in its current state? Or should I wait a few more years before illegally downloading it?

The test demos are free.
Thing is, there's no end-game, no goals. You can fuck around killing random people. you'll get bored after around an hour.
Doesn't stop jewtubers from milking it though.
The Forest, or Don't starve in EA had enough content to keep you occupied.
The weird natives had pretty complex group behavior already, DS had plenty of content. You could do something.
In YS currently there's murder, and kidnapping for no other purpose than murder and kidnapping.

Exactly, taking criticism as attacks instead of using it for self improvement proves that he's a fag

>early access
Kek, it's not even a demo. You can download it for free from his official blog.