Seriously consdering buying a Vive. Convince me not to Sup Forums.
Seriously consdering buying a Vive. Convince me not to Sup Forums
Lolz u have autism
Do you really need something this complicated for porn?
buy and immediately regret your decision user
> Too many gimmic games
> Still not many VR supported games
do as I and wait a while until worthy shit is up
It is not worth it. Half the games are shit and/or archery, the other half is horrendously overpriced. It feels like the Wii in that its one gimmick with no real reason to buy other than
>Wow vr sounds cool! I want it!
Its not worth it. Wait for next gen when shits cheaper.
the mailman brought me the oculus rift this morning.
Why would I? You're the one wasting your money.
I would wait. There's not many games yet and you could probably get one cheaper second hand as prices die down.
You should wait a year. There aren't enough games to keep you entertained for a year, so wait a year for more games and possibly lower prices.
What do you consider expendable money? If its not a big buy for you go ahead but if its like a big investment into a part for your computer absolutely dont.
Im not saying its bad, but its first generation more than anything. Tech will get better as with tracking and controls. If you have the ability to invest and follow it through its generations thats good but if you dont then you shouldnt bother with the first generation. maybe grab 2nd or wait for price drop
Think of the children.
you will run out of things to play within a week
Only buy it if you have a spare room to set it up.
Why do you think your opinion matters, again?
You need a big room for it and whatever games are available are the most basic shit.
Theres more than enough people buying this crap right now to ensure something a bit more decent in the coming years, just be patient.
I refuse. I own one. It's the shit.
Really enjoying mine user. There are some things you should know before purchasing though.
>GTX 980 or better
You will be extremely limited within the next year if you're trying to run anything less.
>Room size
You need a good 8x8ft or bigger space to enjoy room scale. This is extremely important for the vive, if you do not have this space, get an oculus or wait.
Ignore the haters of Sup Forums, there are tons of games for it being a brand new platform. Tons of games that you will spend a lot of time in and many of them are going to give you a mild cardio work out.
>Are you /f/it?
As stated above, this is going to get you up and moving, a lot. If you're a landwhale, do not buy this you will not use it.
>After-market face cover
The foam sucks, you can order a leather face pad covering so it's not a sweat pool.
If this all sounds good to you user, enjoy. If not? Check back in a year or two.
There's no quality porn yet
Just experimental super bugged shit
what are you going to play on it? the no games and no porn?
You can use MMD with the Vive. That is plenty of porn possibilities user.
I've played around with google cardboard and my phone. Its a really great experience. Having said that, there are very few games worth playing in VR currently. The cost is massive at the moment, this is the first generation of VR headsets. Expect the price to drop when Sony's headset launches.
What's mmd?
It's a new technology and early adopters always lose. Only do it if you really have that much disposable income.
You need a big empty room if you want to use it properly. Just making some space in your corner can work but it's not the ideal setting.
You want A BIG ASS ROOM for a proper VR experience, OP.
Other than that, there's not much innovative content out there. You have to decide whether you want to piss away a lot of money for something that is, for now, essentially a really good gimmick.
>have a phone
>use an app or novidya stream app to project the monitor into a phone screen
>buy a gearVR or a google cardboard or 3d print your own hmd
>use a cheap webcam and a single led to make a tracker
>use tridef 3d to make a split screen stereo 3d
>have VR for less than 100 if you already have a phone
And you will have more games than that.
All i hear from viveshills is... "the roomscale" tHE ROOOMSCALE IS VR......
Do as you like, but remember that shit resolution, the pentile display when you buy it, and also that you can have a better res in the one i told you, because you can use any phone you want.
>paying $800 for the privilege to play $30 30min tech demos on a device that is going to get replaced in 2 years
>Entire concept is a gimmick, will die out years after releasing.
>Think 'motion controls of this generation'. Wonder where they've gone, huh?
>Literally no worthwhile games. Probably never will be to justify ~$1000 investment.
>Goofy glasses, requires effort to play games.
>Concept is simply being shoehorned into games which makes it look awful.
There's a load. Pick your poison. VR is a meme which will die out before the next generation is announced.
>vr is a meme
>vr is a gimmick
think for a second, where is the VR is all of this?
>head mounted display are not new
>motion controls are not new
>IR tracking is not new
Movement in most games relies on teleportation, because you have too limited a boundry with your walking area, and moving using the controller pad causes motion sickness.
Because of this, most Vive titles are literally stationary arcade games, or experimental gimmick games where you teleport across the map.
VR will never be taken seriously until this is resolved. You can't make an entire game library based around roomed size games, especially at a time where more and more people are thirsty for games that allow exploration. Teleporting is not a solution, its an immersion ruining band-aid to a serious problem.
An animation software with literally hundreds of thousands of models / assets / animations. Check out the MMD thread on /e/. There's also one on neko sentai thats very helpful, and of course if you dare to tread thru the shit... deviant art.
Pretty much has every waifu ever, many of them full nude with all the bits.
Try and do that. Good luck with latency, dumbass.
Oh and software support for tracking
Noice didn't know they used it to make lewd vr videos
thats why i told OP about using a led, a webcam and a trackIR.
It will reduce the lag from 20ms up to 50ms compared to the 100+ ms using regular stuff.
>what is omni
>i need to be standing a walking, if not, its not VR, i wont seat and use kb+m
This smells like bullshit.
>everyone seems to forget that many consoles and systems have shit games after launch.
The non-porn things you can do is also quite fun, it's always nice to play with Miku after all.
Have one and tried skyrim. Made me puke into my sprite and cheerios
I did it
It's ass garbage even with a 1440p screen
Doesn't matter, I'm going to get a Rift anyway
I haven't fapped to 2D porn since I got mine.
You're going to rub your dick raw.
It is bullshit. I've been fine playing normal games with normal controls with my Rift today. I got some sickness with DK2, but with CV1 I've been completely fine. I can't imagine it being any worse on the Vive.
Custom Maid Girl 3D 2 and PlayClub work perfectly fine with the Vive.
Even has roomscale support.
I gave that a try on my cardboard but it's kinda blurry, although it's still pretty cool.
I own one.
It's NOT good for gaming, it IS good for other stuff like programming and stocks , saved me a lot of money on buying multiple monitors since I have this
>what is omni
>i need to be standing a walking, if not, its not VR, i wont seat and use kb+m
Virtual reality should be more than "a screen right in your eye holes."
Buy yeah a good omni treadmill could fix the space issue, but then the costs become even more prohibitive, less people will have VR and less publishers will be interested in making VR games.
Personally I feel like arcades are where VR could really take hold. Pay a few bucks to use a super expensive VR set-up. But those are more or less dead.
better make sure you have adequate room for the room-scale experience.
Using the vive like an oculus is lackluster once you experience room-scale shit with the controllers.
VR is a meme and it's incredibly gimmicky right now. This is Virtual Boy 2.0 and all of the games are 10 minute walking simulators because nothing else can be made for it at the time.
I would rather gyro control be integrated as an optional function in every standard controller than buy VR right now, as far as gimmicks go. It would at least make FPS aiming on consoles more accurate, Splatoon, TPHD, and Star Fox Zero handle like a dream.
If you have that money to blow away at a toy, sure. But I can tell you exactly how it will go for you.
>you receive it
>you hook it up
>you start up some introductory demo
>you get completely blown away by the feeling of immersion
>you play the fuck out of some demos for the next few days
>you show it to your friends and family and they all say how cool it is
>you run out of demos to play
>you will put it down and go play usual games
>every once in a while when someone reminds you of it, you'll pull it out and play a demo or two that you really liked
>maybe use it occasionally for virtual cinema when you can be assed to deal with the wires and positioning yourself
>it will gather dust on your table while you continue to play usual games
In the evens of VR catching on some time later there will be actual games for it that you'd be playing for hours to complete, but by that time it'll be cheaper(because if it won't then it won't catch on) and there'll probably be newer better models.
VR is for porn, not games.
t. consolecuck.
>Or you could spend day after day playing with your VR Waifu.
I think you got this thing for the wrong reasons man, you clearly don't get what it is meant for.
this is the one that costs $800?
that's stupid and so is VR in general. If you're actually retarded enough to waste money on something you likely will never even touch after a month of dicking around with, you deserve it.
>spend 800 dollars
>get paid next thursday
>have well over the 800 I just spent
Yeah. I've always played consoles, PC is not for me.
If that's a problem for you I suggest you re-examine your priorities, there are too many constructive things that can be said to warrant worrying about what platforms other people play on.
The res is alright for room-size stuff, but it's not really good enough yet IMO. I'd buy it for cockpit games, but you couldn't make shit out that's fifty yards away, let alone a few hundred. I'll wait and see how the resolutions improve. 1080p per eye might be enough, right now they're around half that.
>having a job
haha you loserWAKE ME UP INSIDE
20 ms is too much.
It only shows your general interest and knowledge into this.
A casual... just that.
If you were a simfag, you will use this all day.
If you know abot PC, you will know there is 3rd party software to play lots of existing games, and most of them are far better than the "exclusive" titles.
Is $800 really a lot of money to people? Are you under age? Just not have a job? I'm only 22 and I've spent fuck knows how much on electronics this year while still putting half my salary into my 401k every check.
$900 after tax/shipping
>2x GTX 980 Ti EVGA Hybrids
>Asus 1440p 144hz monitor
>Yamaha HS8s + Sub, DAC, stands, cables
>Marantz 1400w 11.2 channel receiver
>S7 Edge+Watch
I only make 5k/month. How poor are you fuckers that you can't afford a 500-1000 binge purchase a month?
Thats because the only and real development in all this was the imput lag, older HMD had 200ms+, so that was the priority in all of this.
if you will to pay like $750 more for 10ms less, do it, but to have a first glance and a general impresion about this, its the best solution..
Exactly how many hours do you have on each device? I am betting 0.
Why the fuck do you think you have any qualification to provide a useful or valid opinion?
I have a Vive. I fly in DCS and Warthunder, drive in Pcars and Arsetto and iRacing, kill fucking zombies, and a bunch of other shit..etc all in VR 3D lifesize is awesome. There are games, but maybe not if you are just into jap games and anime shit sure. But that will come soon as well of course. A bunch of new stuff is coming down the pipe.
>a single led for tracking
No it's not, you're the only idiot claiming that, and I work for a company in this sector.
5k/month is pretty good for living alone user
Also some people are not from the US, meaning that this shit is a lot more expensive and people earn less in general
hooray for third world shitholes
>No VR anime stuff
Did you miss the talk of MMD and CM3D 2?
>and people earn less in general
Except of course Norway, Sweden, Luxembourg and Finland.
>i work for microsoft guys, i swear, i have a video of me peeing in a bathroom with microsoft apps...
Tell me kid. Whats is it?
Motion controls?
the screens?
the lenses?
Google a little before you talk.
>inb4 i had that 200ms+ hmd and ive been following this shit since 2006
>$60k at 22
I don't believe you
uh, sure, I guess
>i fucked up my life and i dont earn that much money
>it must be bullshit
People earn more than that by doing nothing because they live of rent
>28k gross YTD on my last stub
It's pretty great working for the state. Ujelly?
Obviously I'm not going to name the company. Suffice to say we build many things and VR software is one of them.
Regardless, no, you are not going to have a good experience streaming video to your phone. Latency is extremely important.
I'm not getting into that secret club bullshit. No one has time for that fuck off.
Yuo have to remember, most here are children. They can only get what they whine for at mom and if they have a dad, dad. Most probably only have 2 chances a yr for decently expensive shit, their bdays and xmas, if that.
And yeah, if you are actually clearing 60k a yr, take home(which I doubt but possible sure) at 22, then you are well ahead of the curve on the avg. Count yourself lucky even if you put the work in to get their. I do pretty good and I feel fortunate for sure. Know many that aren't.
>Secret club
user, we broke that shit down years ago. There are torrents with 100GB+ of models/animations etc. More than you could ever need.
Also CM3D -> Hongfire. There's no secret password shit for that.
Just a 10gb download, fuck /THAT/.
I've got this setup with an streaming program called kinoni. It also captures the phone's gyros and converts it to mouse movement. Its rough and janky and fuck, and takes a lot of tweaking and fiddling in-game, and because it uses your wifi network it hitches occasionally, and doesn't really work with native oculus/vive games. Also since it essentially converts head movement into mouse movement it usually is oversensitive and not one-to-one interpretation of your head, unless you spent a long time tweaking sensitivity maybe.
But if you have a decent phone it beats a DK1 in my experience easily, the resolution is much better and the screen-door is almost invisible using a Note 4. No lean-forward tracking but its a ghetto way of getting a decent taste if you just need to get VR out of your system.
I played Minecraft for like an hour and had to take a break because I started getting those burps you get when you feel like throwing up.
stupid bitch
Not jelly, I just don't see what path someone can take where they end up with a $60k job at 22, not without a lot of luck. BSc in some engineering field+did really well in school+took internships during school? Was that it?
messed up the referral thing.
It's just shy of 60k. I'll end the year at like 58k. I'm a live in care taker in southern cali paid by the state. I get 310 hours a month lol.
So not only do I take home almost 5k a month, I have no rent, my health/vision/dental is $1 a month with a max co-pay of $5 and no deductibles. Job matches my 401k deposit up to $6k/yr. It's a pretty sweet deal and hey I get to help some sweet old lady not go live in a shit hole retirement home.
And don't forget you have to install all the DLC and patches in the correct order.
That's amazing
Imagine all the porn tabs I'd have open with this thing
If your.... "company" werent so jew we could have different sets, but both are too expensive "to see how it is"
That one you can make it with coins, so if you dont like the idea (wich is 70% of the cases because simfags wanted this, no one esle) you dont have to deal with selling it or how much money you can recover.
What if i only want the HMD and nothing more... no cone holders or any other shit?
Its the same jew mind like the kinect.
I'm not a casual. Videogames are my primary hobby, I have extensive knowledge of the history of the market and I even do autistic shit like watching old game commercials for fun and hunting down old magazine ads. I've been playing for almost 21 years and haven't stopped yet.
I just don't care to venture into PC. You should be able to accept that, this sort of elitism isn't healthy.
yeah I read my trap doujins full screen on my wall.
imagine the efficiency in shitposting
For mac there is a wired solution that have solid 60fps, i dont know if there is something similar to android, so you can eliminate all the wireless pikes.
do you get motion sickness easily? if so, wait for second generation technology. the FOV is too narrow, the resolution still isn't quite high enough (but it's close) and there's no in-device eye tracking (despite the fact that the technology for it exists and was even hacked into an early OR DK1). VR isn't the meme that Sup Forums likes to think it is, but first generation VR is simply not good enough.
just, whatever you do... don't get PSVR. that shit is going to be horrible, the device simply doesn't have the power for a high enough stable framerate.
Just ignore him user, enjoy your games the way that you like. We're not all elitist cunts.
I also do strongly support VR, it's why I built this beast and I do not regret a moment, I will probably pick up a PS4neo and PSVR tho.
Supposedly this is the best experience it can offer right now with room scale.
Personally I'd wait for the second gen at least. Having to teleport around to move or otherwise being confined to games where you can just move around a relatively small space is not appealing. If you're not a racing/flight/space sim guy, I don't think you will be satisfied with the current tech.
>all those windows
>can't actually read anything
The idea of using virtual desktop to actually do anything productive is laughable. You could have all the screens you want but you would get the same effect as increasing the output resolution to beyond that of your monitor, and it would be about as useless.
>you can order a leather face pad covering so it's not a sweat pool
Neat I need t o check this, is this on the official page? mine gets soaked while playing audioshield.
At the moment playclub is the best fap experience. You can hide the male and get in any position fucking the girl. Never blown my load harder.
Its not elitism you fagget, you chose the simple (casual) solution for gaming, thats all, you should be able to accept that.
Nothing people say matters, OP. Go try it locally yourself at a Microsoft store and see. Keep in mind the waifu porn is insanely hot. Words can't do justice to what VR porn with your waifu is like
Nah it's third party but I've been using it for a week now. It's a good solution to the sweat problem... Cause an hour of holopoint and I'm drenched. ALMOST TO THE TOP #50 SCORE THO~ Soon