
>born just in time for immortality

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so have they even started on avatar A yet? any new news?

will we get artificial life carriers that will simulate the feeling of omnipresence?

No, it's been pretty much moved past in favor of smaller more maneuverable quadcopters/drones.

lol yeah it'll come out right after flying cars

How's a brain gonna be sustained in such a body? You cannot simply pump a standard haemoglobine- glucose solution into it.
It#s a lot more complex.

What the fuck? How would that work? Would MY mind and consciousness transfer to the hologram or would it be a copy?

Is the new shadowrun any good? I always skip past it cause everyone i've ever talked to has told me it's absolute shit and horrendously mediocre. But it's pretty cheap, less than a USD so... Might be worth getting.

Born just in time to have an immortal copy. You still die

your mind and consciousness would transfer to the hologram but it would be a copy

I fucking wish. I don't feel like living if I can't be an immortal little girl.

Quantum mechanics don't necessarily agree with you on this. The subject is still open to debate though.

You are nothing but copies of yourself user.
That chart is bullshit though.
In short: OP is a fag

It's not you, it's a copy. Your brain tissue would be required for it to be effectively you. I guess it's better than nothing if you want to leave something for your family.

I just want a robo bro I can talk to.

I know this is just going to be a shit show thread, but I have always wondered what happens if this was ever real....

Like If I "save" myself to a new body do "I" go with it? Or is it like some SOMA shit where there are 2 of us.... and one of us dies and the other lives? Cuz thats horse shit.

Now if it transfers your Mind/Memories AND your consciousness (i guess thats what it would be called) that would be ok....

But i dunno the thought of this being a reality intrigues the shit out of me but I don't see it happening in ANY of our lifetimes.

Shouldn't they be focusing on making people immortal instead?

If we could somehow find a way to transfer consciousness in parts while keeping it active, it would be an undeniable proof of the result still being you and not a copy.
Can't imagine how that could be done, though. I honestly can't see digital teleport and cloning being possible, we'd have to discover something more advanced than ones and zeroes.

>Go in to get uploaded
>Get sedated for the process
>Never wake up
>Copy that acts just like you wakes up and no one is the wiser
Shit like this terrifies me, even if it could be proven to work. Its like that one comic about the guy freaking out about everybody dying when they teleport.

Well if the me as I am now can't experience it then there's no point to giving my personality to a hologram.

"YOU" are located in your brain. That organ would have to be transferred for you to actually switch bodies. Everything else would be a copy of you.

>Your brain tissue would be required for it to be effectively you.

Brain cells constantly die and are replaced. Atoms constantly get recycled and passed on as new ones are ingested. Neural links are formed, decay, and replaced by new links that don't quite connect the same way.

You are, quite literally, not the person you were just a handful of years ago.

Transitioning to a new body isn't outside of science fiction anymore. And to say 'well, the new body won't be YOU' is thinking rather one dimensionally. YOU aren't even you.

Best one could do is to slowly replace the brain tissue over the course of years, preferably cell by cell, bit by bit.

All bullshit aside, is this something that is ACTUALLY possible?

I know its cliche to say but this sounds way to sci-fi to be real. I know most of our technology we have has come from sci-fi, but this one....i dunno man I dont think it is possible.

To wit, what this means is that a transition will by necessity mean replacing organic brain cells with biomechanical ones as they naturally die off, over the course of a few years.

Once the transition is done and your mind has been fully acclimated to the new data format, you can transfer over to whatever you want.


So if they could make a "robot" and in the head it "housed" your brain and that somehow controlled the robot body then it would be "YOU"....

BUT if they "transferred" you to a new body then, spoiler alert, its not "YOU" am i getting this right?

But your current brain is not the brain you were born with nor is it the brain you will die with. You brain will lose cells and gain cells. So what is "you", considering that "you" is not a brain.

>Brain cells constantly die and are replaced
there's no such thing as adult neurogenesis

We thought we'd never fly back in the 1800s, and it happened.
What seems impossible now will happen eventually, with time and effort dedicated to making it happen.

I mean, look at cultured meat. We're literally growing meat now.

Don't think about it.
You won't be able to care or notice either way.

There are zero reasons why cloning isn't possible. We can clone stuff since years ago. We just don't do it on humans because ethics.

What you do is partially move your consciousness, while still being aware.
You try to like in matrix make your brain connect to a computer, like maybe cybernetic brain.
Until brain is completely machine.
One piece at the time.

That's not what this is about, dude.

Ok then yes I do agree it IS possible...but do you think it would be possible in our lifetimes? (lets assume for the sake of argument everyone here is 20-30)


This is the way I'd be most comfortable with it. Very ship of Theseus

Technically we've been cloning ever since farmers figured out how to transfer tree parts from one to another.

>favor of smaller more maneuverable quadcopters/drones
you mean it could actually happen... I COULD LITERALLY IDENTIFY AS AN ATTACK COPTER!!!

>We thought we'd never fly back in the 1800s, and it happened.

People had been flying with balloons and gliders for centuries. POWERED flight was considered impossible, because it was believed that any machine capable of producing the energy required for flight would be too heavy to actually move itself. The internal combustion engine blew those preconceptions right out the window.

No, definitely not unless a major breakthrough is made. We're just getting to the point in biomechanics where we can start shoving technology into our bodies and not have it immediately make us sick.

I think I would notice if I died or not

I apologize I meant flight in regards to continuous propelled flight. Moving faster than like 3 mph in the air and being able to stay in the air without needing to pray to a wind god.

>four years left to make a robotic copy oh a human, remotely controlled
Haha, yeah nah

If people found a way to functionally transfer your brain and sustain it and connect its mechanisms to digital ones, then yes.
To do that the function of the brain would have to be decrypted in its entirity.

I know others where talking about consciousness transfer but the term "cloning" is related to something very specific and unrelated to consciousness.
Yes, on plants, i was talking about you,me and animals in general.

there's so much bio-compatible metal user.

>tfw Kurzweil is way too optimistic
>tfw singularity is never going to be possible within our lifetime
>tfw going to die as pathetic sack of flesh like everyone else has in history
>tfw you will never be immortal
Fuck my life. I was betting on this shit to make my life more interesting, turns out humans are way too petty and stupid to even have brain-computer interfaces by now. FUUUUUUUCKKKKK

There is a lot of evidence for adult neurogenesis.

Makes you wonder if the technological singularity is actually a thing or just bullshit don't it?

It's still a REALLY new technology though. Even three years ago implants were still 100% plastic because of fears of rejection by the body, we're moving to metal prosthetics and implants and it's a great thing. Eye prosthesi? Prosthetics, whatever, are advancing rapidly. It's no longer impossible to lose an eye, and get a new one and be able to record your day's activities. RFID implants are starting to grow in popularity as well.

First new one is alright, Dragonfall and Hong Kong are pretty good tho, def worth getting for cheap

Avatar B is the only one that matters

Isn't it better knowing everyone else in your generation will suffer the same fate, rather than being doomed to it while the rich around you become immortal? Its not like people will be able to actually afford this technology once it exists, people can't even fucking afford shit like cancer treatment today.

Don't get your hopes up too much.

The current state-of-the-art brain network emulation contains one MILLION cpu's (on the bright side, they're ARM, not x86), and it's still only about 1% the network scale of the human brain. It takes up an entire room. If the previous timescale from "room size" to "something that literally everyone owns" is any indicator, it'll be a good 40 years before we have suitable technology for people to digitize their brains with not even counting whatever you would use to scan the brain. Then there comes the question of: Would a company even want to sell this? Would it be morally right to allow immortality AND allow people to continue to reproduce when the world is already being fucked by overpopulation? Not only that but to switch from food to electricity as something that everyone needs?

Do you really thing your chances of being alive by the time that all of these things get sorted out are that good?

That doesn't even cover the question "is a copy of your brain really 'you'?" The only way to guarantee that it's still "you' would be to replace brain cells one at a time, which would take extremely advanced nanomachines, whereas the current-day state-of-the-art nanomachines are basically glorified gel capsule pills

Well, you'd notice if you didn't die. You wouldn't notice if you did die, since there'd be nothing of you left to notice that.

I'm pretty sure we still don't know how to maintain a simple brain in a jar longer than a couple of minutes, let alone a human one.

It will work, don't worry.
Say, would you be interested in purchasing a seaside property while you wait for immortality?

Singularity is predicted to be like 2040.
So brain sized computers as fast as our brains is like 2030 or even 2025.

I'm not really a 'misery loves company' kind of guy. I want everyone to be equal.
Maybe some generous technocrat would spare the money to research cost effective solutions if BCIs do come about?
But like the cancer treatment industry, it's all driven by profits. There's no hope.

I think his point is, the new him would sense that it's nolonger same him.

How do you know it's not on the other side of the singularity?

nevermind other obvious problems people ignore like data corruption and technology obsoletion. So you upload your consciousness and are immortal until you end up like a fucking phone does, obsolete after a few decades because your hardware is simply too old to upgrade any more and now you're starting to go senile because of data erosion.

except that brain cells don't have a regular cycle of dying and regenerating. your brain cells are largely the same throughout your life and they do not regenerate if killed

>Sup Forums attempts metaphysics

Isn't this literally XCOM 2

What you mean?
we already have room sized computers faster than human brains.
Room sized computers 30 years ago are now fit into micro size, like you can barely see them.

Why would you ever want to be immortal? Life is suffering. It's not like anyone on Sup Forums can afford this shit anyway.

This is a myth.

The problem is the question if you can "break out" of your brain. It is clear that at this moment everything that makes you you is located in your central core, it contains your consciousness, your personality, your memories, the whole rest of your body in principle is just an organic machine that could be operated by any other brain too, the most important part for YOU is the conscience, that is what makes YOU the one looking trough these eyes and feeling being in this body etc.
It all boils down to: Is the conscience transferrable? The problem being that "transfer" in electronics actually always mean "copying and then deleting the original" It's a highly interesting matter. Can you break out of that one original organic tissue? imho not directly, like even if you had a machine that made an exact atom- for atom copy of your brain and put that in a body you still would not see through this body's eyes, would you? The only way I see is slowly combining your brain with the new artificial neurons cell for cell until it is completely replaced.
But that then again raises qustions that simply blow your mind, like how if your brain is now completely replaced and reproducable in theory- why can't YOU still not be transferred over?! Like if your new shiny artificial brain was duplicated and put in a robot you still would not see through this robot's eyes and feel its sensors. Weird, it seems there can always be just one only original "you", everything else being just copies.

Would you pirate a human consciousness?

This technology isn't meant for anyone on Sup Forums. It's meant to allow tyrants and the uber rich to live forever.

Do you remember Deus Ex, where all the awesome godlike technology was purely the domain of the rich and powerful and normal people suffered in poverty like they always have? That's what the future holds.

You're implying that the process used to gradually go from bio to mechanical can't be used to upgrade as well.

Speed is not that important, complexity is. The best computer we have now could be thousands of times faster and it still wouldn't be able to emulate a human brain. Maybe rats but that's it

Although I bet the project name alreafy gives an idea, I kinda wanna clear it up.
When it becomes to actually uploading your mind into artificial brain and not implanting your physical brain to another vessel, at best it'll be a copy of your self, not an actual mind transfer. You-you will just die like people have always died and your conciousness won't just magically transfer into new body.
Then again if you're content with your current self dying and passing the torch to the next generation of you knowing he'll carry on exactly as if you, the now destroyed master record you, were still alive then great.
It'll be just like feeling of fulfilling your biological purpose you get with conceiving and raising a kid the old way, but with the kid actually ending up being exactly like you. Also evolutionary stagnation.
So, no actual immortality.

So if 1 brain cell got removed, and then replaced with an electronic one that functioned and interacted with surrounding cells the same way the organic one did, then you would no longer be "you"? With just 1 brain cell replaced? You'd be a copy?


Jesus, the thought of having my brain be replaced with a terabyte SeaGate drive frightens the fuck out of me.

On a related note, it'd be a comforting thought to use an SSD type storage for memory, I don't want to wait for 4+ seconds to recall a simple fact.

I hope there'd be some sort of RAID setup for backup purposes in case of hardware failure...

I bet there'd be a black market for selling memories and personal data harvested from people.

>That guy that applies quantum mechanics to philosophy and other macro-scale ideas

The thing is that this is not "transferring" your brain or conscience or whatever but changing what your original brain is made of, that's a difference. It's still that one brain, you just changed its material, changed organic with artificial neurons etc.
That whole at the end artificiallized organ could then be transferrable into a robot body or whatever, but if you then made an atom- for atom copy of that object it still would be a copy.


It could but it would also probably need to be a new process developed unless the machine you are copying yourself with is basically a silicone version of the human brain rather than a traditional computer.

Either way now you are now a phone that needs to be updated yearly or face obsolescence. This is probably the only reason average people would be allowed to have the tech, it would turn them into eternal wageslaves.

>tfw people would probably have personality bugs due to these firmware updates, and occasionally just be deleted and end up comatose after the upgrade

Yes you dumbfuck, it just takes many months for one

The human brain can store waaaay more than a Terabyte.

He's right, you're wrong stop trolling

>forced update you cannot control
>bricks you
>your brain is lost forever, irreversibly
>black market CFW updates


I believe that we'll find as time goes on that as a storage device the brain isn't all that amazingly complex, and is barely better (and possibly worse) than what we have available now. Rather the compression algorithm it uses to store and file the data is the primary obstacle to large scale memory decryption and duplication.

>V I D E O . G A M E S

They're both kind of right. Neurons are not constantly replaced like cells in other parts of the body and cannot simply be replaced if lost, but there is still some growth of new cells.

Just using an example. Seagate Barracuda 1TB drives have a pretty delightful failure rate. Or is that the manufacturer in general?

The easiest way to solve this possibility is do it piece by piece while maintaining consciousness the whole time

Okay, now that we've established that "you" are not defined by your own organic neurons what if instead of replacing organic neurons with electronic ones, sensors were placed in between each neural link, and the communication between each neuron was intercepted and sent to a computer instead, which then simulated the neurons based on the communications the sensors picked up. Meaning each organic neuron was no longer receiving signals, and no longer had any stimuli causing it to anymore, while, at that exact moment, a simulated brain model was created and brought to life via the signals from your organic neurons. The organic neurons you use to think would all be replaced by a simulated one, just like in the previous example they were replaced by electronic ones.

>hologram being the most time consuming part
fucking stupid

the japs have had hologram animes for years


Thread has too much underage to comment.

Maybe in 60 to 90 years if we don't nuke ourselves or Islam takes over.

Brain can actually store around a petabyte, could be even more
It's just that the information isn't stored in any logical way and gets scrambled and fucked up in all kinds of ways all the time

Better vote Trump then.

>people expect to be alive in 60-90 years
>and NOT be suffering from a degenerative brain disease like Alzheimers
Fat chance.

Organic brains might be tricky, but something like keeping the brain in a comatose or vegetative state temporarily would allow for a window of opportunity to repair any defects.

For silicone based brains,
This could be averted by having a modular system.

>OS/Firmware on separate chip
>Memory Image
>Personality Image

Just mount everything if the flashing succeeded, and the startup test passes. Otherwise keep them dormant until those defective parts can be replaced.

pretty much. GAI is around 50-60 years away according to experts. Once it creates superintelligence literally every single problem will have a solution

pace, immortality, infinite wisdom, space colonisation, best vidya ever, you name it.