Final boss wants to save the universe by destroying it

>Final boss wants to save the universe by destroying it

>final boss was just protecting the world from a greater evil.

That's really good writing.

>final boss is a demon
>who invades the body of a prince
>who summoned the demon to stop an earthquake
>but the summoning of the demon caused a massive war
>the prince admits his mistake at the end

So is this good writing or bad writing
Or just cliche

>Guy you thought was final boss is not final boss and you still have a lot more game to go.

Go to bed, Mac

>universe is already fucked
>the only way to unfuck it is to destroy it and start a new one.

Sounds logical to me, whats the problem here?

That's the plot to Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones. The answer is yes.

How do you start a new one?

Well if they have the power to destroy the universe, I would hope they have enough to make a new one.

Or just wait for another universe to spawn out of nowhere.

>Final boss is a dev that died from cancer during the games creation

Best kind of final boss

Depends on the game.
If the villain doesn't have a believable way to do that within the rules of his fictional universe, it's because he's explicitly insane and you have to stop him because there's no way his plan will work.
Please name three examples where OP's scenario EXACTLY happens and the villain is meant to be "right" to some extent. Otherwise this is just one of many threads bitching about stuff that never happened.

He's right, you know.

If Earth is any indication, our universe is dogshit.

By destroying this universe you would be instantaneously forced to experience consciousness in another universe (because you can't have an experience of nothing).

That other universe in the sea of multiverses might be better than our current one. For example, your sober, quotidian baseline might feel like you're coming up on heroin all the time. Whereas in this universe, as a homo sapiens sapiens, even if you're well-fed and have decent shelter, you can still feel like shit at baseline.

>final boss kicks your ass every time
>finally get good and match him blow for blow

Name one game

I knew I saved a meme with someone who looked like that

>the true final boss recruits you into his army after you beat him

Name a villain with a more sympathetic and tragic motivation than Nox.

Is Porco Rosso any good? I remember see this announced on TV, but never saw it.

>final boss wants to destroy humanity because he was bullied

>boss is a cutscene

>final boss wants to take over the world
>is defeated by the protagonists
>because of their defeat, an ancient evil shows up
>turns out the final boss wanted to protect the world from said ancient evil
>protagonists are defeated easily
>story ends, there will never be a sequel

Some shitty indie game I played from Steam.

Is this a friendcast quote?

Thank god I hate final bosses

>you are the final boss
>you realise how shit is being a boss

basically Mirror's Edge 1

get out and get a different hobby

Games like this please?

>enemies can open doors

Kid Icarus Uprising comes to mind


>implying you should start a new world

If the universe is destroyed you will have ended all suffering. No suffering is worth existence and by eliminating it for all, you have done the greatest good possible.


>the final boss is immortal
>the only way to win is to go back in time and kill him while he was still mortal

Mostly Dragon Quest games. 4, 7, and 8 in particular. Also Okami, Rune Factory 4, and probably a couple other prominent ones... But I can't remember more.

Technically Asuras Wrath was doing this

The world ends with you

Wakfu sucks

what game

>You can't have an experience of nothing

Implying you can't seize to exist

That said, the context makes the scenario quite different from just a villian thats insane

Persona 3

>final boss turns out to be a computer program

>final boss wants to save the universe by stopping other species from evolving beyond a certain point because at that point, they risk causing a universe-ending catastrophe from over use of an innate energy the universe is made of

Ultima 1

Fucking Mass Effect. Why didnt Bioware stick with this. Goddamn it

>seize to exist
How could you grab a concept?

>The final boss is a rhythm game

Not sure if this counts but often in Ape Escape games , theres atleast one monkey that gets away.

Once you beat Specter, this monkey comes back and releases all the monkeys youve caught, including specter. Now you have to catch them all and beat specter in the final showdown.

>enemies can open doors you haven't opened yet

>final boss is actually just trying to save the world and you have to take over from him and pick what to do before the evil comes

>Get to the final boss
>Party tells MC he's begging him to kick his butt
>Boss even says MC should kick his butt
>MC says it goes against everything he stands for

I hate you guys.

I didn't know they made Gurren laggen the video game!

Never played the DoD games.
I don't wanna lose years of my life to the rhythm and despair only to get gunned down by a jet.

You defeat the final boss and you think it's over but it's not.

Nightmare Before Christmas does this, the boogeyman is literally one long rhythm game cutscene.

The Mad Max game.

Chrono Trigger

>final boss battle takes place in space/on a floating rock

>game has a final boss

Too video gamey, it's 2016, when will we get rid of these already?

>final boss is a guy doing his best to save his people who knows no other way to do it than try capture mc's adopted daughter


>I want a kingdom


>i want to travel back in time to save my family and nullify my own evil deeds.

Griffith apologists ranking as absolute worst as usual.

Chrono Trigger IIRC

You know I still don't realize what was Ghaleon trying to accomplish?

Let me think about it, I'll get back to you in about 20 minutes.

>By destroying this universe you would be instantaneously forced to experience consciousness in another universe (because you can't have an experience of nothing).
But people die if they are killed.

Tales games like to do this

>final boss wants to destroy humanity not after absorbing the memories of countless horrible people, no he still sees the good in humanity and wants to protect them after all of that, but because some random woman stole his wallet even though he has no need of money

The Final Boss is the beating heart of an egg and you are merely germs wriggling on the shell.

I thought killing the four old ones and finding vendrick was the end of Dark Douls 2 only to find out I still have to kill the throne watchers and Nashandra and basically sink 20 more hours into the godawful game.
Hope that helps.

You should see the deoxys battle in pokemon oras.

>the final boss is you

>Any Percent Ending
>You beat the final villain and you save the world. Your friend says he's disappointed in you?

>100% Ending
>Your friend was the real villain and has been lying to you the entire time
>To beat him you have to join forces with one of the evil henchmen of the previous villian

>Final boss has 14 forms


It's stupid because one person is deciding to destroy the universe and they almost certainly have not even witnessed a fraction of it. Also do you know how big a fucking universe is? Our own Galaxy is nearly incomprehensibly big, and there are trillions of them, most of which are way bigger than ours.

If any fictional work even attempts to step into the universal theatre, they better know what they're fucking talking about.

Likewise, I fucking cringe whenever the fate of the universe is decided by some Humans on Earth who don't even know there anything beyond Earth. I'm looking at you Shaman King.

Ex-death how ya been buddy?


Witcher 3?

>final boss had nothing to do with the game's story

Eh, well at the very least end allife on earth.

>final boss wants to destroy the world because his fee fees got hurt

>final boss is just a normal enemy with slightly boosted stats
>the boost doesn't even last through the entire fight

>Defeat the final boss
>His last request is that you give him a hug
>MC says no
What the hell man

and all this is just a fraction of a single part of the multiverse

>final boss wants a pizza hut in the garage

Take your memeverse somewhere else you shithead

>The final boss was in love with you all along

I was honestly expecting an xbox or gaben at the end of that image.

prove me wrong

>throwing the word meme around like a redditor.
>has no idea what meme means.
>like a redditor.
I bet you call people cuck a lot, too.

>At the end the Earth really is the only planet with life in that form and the entire giant rest of the Universe is empty

>a powerful force that can destroy the planet
>final boss wants to eliminate it by killing the entire human race

Fucking hell, Brad. You don't DESERVE a hug. I hugged him anyway ;_;

Fucking Twilight Princess

>LOL it's ganon again! Surprise!

I miss Xbox hueg jokes

it's a meme because its parroted by a bunch of uneducated mouth breathers who think they know shit