Where my battlebros at?
How does it feel to be superior to overwatch memes and blizzatrons?
Where my battlebros at?
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i know its shitposting.
But this shit is getting sad.
Orendi, Montana, and Toby main here.
What you mean bruh?
I didn't have much time to visit Sup Forums since i got this supreme game.Some new mems?
Just stop, it's getting old.
>says it's sad
>makes over watch threads multiple times a day
it's sad, really
Deande,Thorn and waify Phoebe main!
Fuck I hate playing a Deande she always slips away at the last minute
>not maining best waify.
please be 9
sorry fammo i only played during the beta
and it was fun but not that fun
That is the cheapest character
I think its still more fun than overwatch,i was stupid for falling for that meme game,its boring and gets old really fast.Cant wait to see what happens when some meta teams start poping out,everyone will play cancer metas and game will go batshit once blizzatrons start balancing.,
>Managing to be smug about playing a dead game
I'm almost impressed.
Just because some loser posted steam charts,that doesnt mean there is no people on ps4 and xbone,i always get matched up within seconds,i have no problems and havent noticed its a dead game yet.
I got it on sale for my ps4 and the most it takes is 10 minutesto match up late at night 3 am ish
What are the cards for?
Montana, Attikus and Phoebe main reporting in
>10 minutes
The comedy writes itself.
why is she labeled as a healer when her heals suck dogshit
I'd rather the fox.
Every time I see someone playing Ambra on my Team I know we will lose.
>I can't read or infer thing:the post
I said late at night you fucking retard.
It takes at most 2 minutesduring the day
Fuck I'm hungry
OP is an Overwatch player false flagging.
Hell yeah baby
No, he's just a faggot trying to get ebin (you)'s and fit in with the memers.
what's the context?
>2 minutes during the day
The laughs keep coming. Fucking Awesomenauts can get you into a game faster than stillborn
Battleborn developers are standing AFK in game for days at a time to inflate the player numbers.
Early in the afternoon you find games in about 30 seconds on console.
gearbox is creating fake accounts to inflate concurrent player counts
Wasting Gearbox's money
is Zootopia worth watching if you're not a furfag but still want to fug dat thicc rabbit?
>thinking a couple minutes is slow.
Most games won't get you matched decided and in a couple minutes so please keep shit posting
Remember that the player count only matters when it jumps by a few hundred due to a sale.
From what I've heard, it's a legitimately good film.
I should get something to eat
the only thing I know about battleborn is that the character design is shit/ like, every picture of battleborn characters that I've seen just looks bad. Not stylistically bad, not well designed, not interesting. just bad.
I wish to be the girl.
Looks like Overwatch propoganda to me.
Not a fur fagbut I took my nephew to it and it is legit funny and the side stuff like easter eggs and puns make it worth the watch.
Would you please jump off a cliff, faggot?
So they do nuffin?
They have to make a damage control threadevery two minutes to hide that more people are playing.
I am actually blown away that so many people in the Battleborn community actually believe in the Blizzard boogeyman.
Legitimately the best movie Disney has put out in over 20 years. I felt like a kid again.
I don't get it either. 2K dug the grave themselves by releasing so close to Overwatch, in addition to not advertising the game much at all.
I don't play either game. But I do see non-stop anti-Battleborn threads and posts on Sup Forums, including outrageous made-up stories. You can't really blame me for being so sceptical thanks to Sup Forums faggotry.
I was a battlebro
For about one hour
Then I refunded it
I like both games.
My one major complaint about battleborn is I do want a deathmatch. I don't mind the other games they are fun but a death match would have been awesome
You're a furfag if you want to fuck that rabbit. No amount of mental gymnastics and psychopathy will make this not true. it's like going "I'm not gay but I really love sucking other men's cocks and taking them up my ass."
It's also worth noting that she's not even a humanoid rabbit, she is literally just a rabbit standing up and wearing clothes. She is borderline Bestiality, if not actually so.
For example, Lola Rabbit is a humanoid Rabbit, the character from Zootopia is just a Rabbit.
>non-stop anti-Battleborn threads and posts on Sup Forums
it's almost as if there are a bunch of ~trolls~ who love to make fun of shit and battleborn is the perfect opportunity
She's not even fucking thick.
Fuck this meme
Battleborn is just an easy target due to its pitiful performance coupled with its fanbases complete delusion.
I ask you Sup Forums
Which game allows me to play as a thicc chicc
I'm surprised there's so "many" people playing right now. Was Battleborn affected by the sale? A couple of days ago the numbers had dropped below 400.
>That last paragraph
Does he actually believe this shit
give me a good dick size for once in life
benis :DDD
It's got a 50% sale from the summer sale at the moment, that would probably explain the increase
rolle ye
Overwatch's story and lore is complete shit though. And Battleborn is better written then usual Gearbox fare post-Borderlands.
But did he seriously just call the jokes in Battleborn intelligent?
There are apparently a ton of duplicate developer accounts joining games and afking the entire time.
did he forgot about zarya?
Most of the playerbase seems to believe that gearbox writes elevated humor.
rollan for buns
>lack of advertising
>Overwatch beta usurping Battleborn's launch date
Even with just the tip of the iceberg, the game was fucking doomed from the start. To be honest, I had no idea the game even existed until the threads started showing up days before its release.
It'll be free to play in a month lmao
Pure desperation
You expect logic from someone who builds their opinion on emotion?
I certainly hope not. There's defending a game you like, and then there's full on delusion.
Well yeah, because most people who bought the game are Gearbox fanboys.
Every person that says something like "I am intelligent" is propably not
I originally thought it looked pretty shit but having looked more into Battleborn™ I realized the story about
a tremendous band of badass heroes fighting to protect the universe's very last star from a mysterious evil sounds really awesome.
This is definitely the best FPS/MOBA game on the market right now, with incredible next-gen graphics and laugh-a-minute dialogue.
You either fight together or die alone, frag you online soon bros!
rollaroll senpai
>Gearbox humor
Well now I have to roll
well, opionion is subjective so it has to be influenced by emotion
But this was more of a daydreaming
More like BattleFART
Hell yeah brother! Badasses never let other badasses (thats you) fight alone! Do you happen to have the Battleborn™ Season Pass? Just got it and am freakin looooooving it. See you in the lobby
I still think it's hilarious that this random dude's roast has more likes than the actual Battleborn developer's tweet.
Roll I'm not a furry or anything haha!
That was a pretty good roast though.
why are they using words like badass,asskicking or awesome so much?
Do they think it's funny or something?
hoping I get a little bigger here
Because they make the badassest games for badass gamers like my badass self
That's their hook, or whatever. It's fucking annoying.
>Eat it! Eat it! Eat it for every meal!
My favorite character archetype is small thing riding bigger thing and they still managed to find a way to turn me off. It's almost impressive, really.
ha ha ha here comes a fucking 1