Is there any reasonable chance this game's visuals won't look like complete shit by release...

Is there any reasonable chance this game's visuals won't look like complete shit by release? The biggest issue just seems to be the lighting, so is it likely that could get fixed?

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THey will fix some stuff like they did Cassie and a few other models.
Dvorah changed a bit as well.

Overall you no matter how much they change it, it's NRS so don't go expecting animu waifus or even average waifus.

They also WRONGLY waste all the graphics on the stages no one gives a shit about, in favor of having higher poly character models.

Just as long as it doesn't look WORSE than MKX (as it does currently shockingly enough.)

Netherealm loves their Ms. Manfaces

Who knows what it will look like as a finished product, but fighting games are usually the on genre that ends up looking better the longer the development goes.

I personally think it already looks a lot better then MKX just because they added actual color and it's not so dark and dreary.

The color is better, but everything else is so much worse on the character models. Stages do look great, though.

It looks like shit, but to be fair Netherrealm is one of the few companies that does reverse bullshots and puts up gamepaly as soon as they can, then fixes visuals later. Not that it made most of their games not look sorta shitty on the female side, but MKX was... acceptable.

It's better than nothing
Stop being so entitled
It is the current year

Her face looks realistic there. She just doesn't have a supermodel's face.

She doesn't have to have a super model's face to not be fucking hideous, though. But it's not about her not being pretty, it's about every character design being ugly as fuck.

Have you seen Atrocitous? It's atrocious.


nice joke

To bad there dead forever.

RIP Stryker you were too awesome for this world.

ok way does Sup Forums hate mk so bad

can we stop having the same thread every day?
"Am I the only one that noticed this ugly face? XD am I Sup Forums enough?"

thay kill them off and bring them back all the time

for me it's the balance sucks and it feels very stiff

stiff how?

I don't like pre-set combo shit.

The dial-a-combo thing is fucking weird and I'll never like it.

Because those character models make me want to vomit.

at least you give a reason not like this idiot

That is the reason, though. The character models have zero effort in them and they're disgusting. I can't respect a game that has no respect for its own visuals.

fuck off

looks good

i think kara is cute