which one would win?
Which one would win?
>big fucker with two guns and a badass cape
definitely battleelttab
>against a guy with 2 grenades
nah, 1 Dleifield 1 will win
looks like pure defense vs pure offense, but my money's on dnond nin
Battleielttab looks like an attack on titan character
In the paraphrased words of another user
Secoces Sos
>Chains to hold his power level
>Focused on victory in a battle ready posion
Dnond Nin
>Fucking spaz
>Standing there as a mong with his power level oozing out
Seco Sos will beat his ass every time.
age non age loses since it is published by ea. twice.
Time for the real battle
lamal has 2 guns, not even a contest
This is not even a contest. Dragoiogard has 4 arms with two swords and two spells
Of course, the one that resembles a sandnigger name has two guns.
Oh god these are always hilarious
post more of them please
will it be enough for his goons in the back doe?
But Erio Ioire has police backup and is built like a goddamn brick
dood or moom?
big guy with the power of satan > little guy with two guns
JUUJ can't walk and has a raging boner
2 guns > pinhead
act t°t cause 3, since he has two guns and two legs out of his arse, which can defend it from getting kicked.
Juuj is just a fat man with a boner and no foots.
ac tit cause 3 has a massive penis with two heads and he has two guns.
JuuJ doesn't stand a chance.
Okay, let's break this down.
>Fucking swole
>Has killed two guys before with his bare hands, thus holding up the police to prevent them from stopping him
>Has look of ironclad determination in his eyes
>Has the sinister red glow of hell all around him
>Hungry skeleton mode
>Dual-wielding two guns, but might be too weak to put them to any use
>Has moral support from his two girlfriends, who are Siamese twins
>Bathed in heavenly light, signifying that his heart is pure
I've gotta give it to ERIOIOIRE. That nigga looks unstoppable.
But it's a little guy with two guns and two stands
I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life
Is that a handlebar on Dood's crotch?
neither have a functioning weapon. tie.
MOOM obviously, he has a goddamn super shotgun boomerang
>this thread
im dying post more
Is this an ape?
Moom wins if he gets his shit together and will manage to shoot Dood right away. Otherwise it is going to be a fist fight. But Dood is probably doomed
The dual wielding nigger on the left, BATTLE|ELTTAB > 1 DLELFFIELD 1
What show has better ratings?
My personal favorite
>Two Cenas
>Two bitches
Wafl Raw obviously
>soos is about to rhino charge
>non the absolute madman is about to use his frog legs to jump on him Mario style
Why aren't the MGTOW retards celebrating they removed women?
LAMAL has 2 guns and ERIOWOIRE has a huge hitbox
Fools, actit cause 3 has no control over his parachute and will most likely crash against that heli in the background.
JuuJ can use his hands to guide his boner through anyone's head.
Boner < anything else
A timeless classic
JuuJ caused that explosion with his mega dong, and Ac TiT needs actual weapons to achieve that level of destruction
Fuck that's difficult
Smackkcams has a Triple H with two bellybuttons and provides Teen Neets but Warraw has two TWO John Cenas and twin sisters
tracer or recart?
2rehher 2, since he has 4 swords.
Wafllraw has two John Cenas and is so cool who got two babes. Smackkcams Downnwod has two navels and could't even get the iron cross right.
Wafllraw hands down.
Big Spartan
for you.
for you
>that one spartan in the center
>one has two guns
>the other is begging to get anal
>tfw your pressing buttons but it's not doing anything
Recart obviously because of double fellatio
Those are trench clubs m80
duke n ekud wins, mekumukem can't hit even aim right.
7007 is greater than 2002, enough said
How the fuck do I make one of these? I have never used paint.net before
1 DLEIFFIELD 1 got some serious black magic up his sleeves, look at that aura and collar
Mekuwukem has 2 big guns, duke x ekud has 2 small guns. Mekuwukem wins
>one is causing a fucking meltdown
>the other one is preparing himself to get fucked in the ass
which one?
>Wouldn't you agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerga
Fuck I'm dying
mekuwukem wins. he has the bigger guns and the bigger muscles.
>Mekuwukem can't hit for shit
>Duke Heduk doesn't even need to see to shoot two niggas at once
Heduk takes this easily
Who wins Sup Forums?
REHER is *unzipping* his katanas as we speak
maybe he shoots somebody offscreen, which would better accuraty for him.
witchjtiw is built like a brick, look at that armour
Rehher. At least he possesses the ability to use his arms and can behead Witchctiw
WITCHJTIW Is much wider and more vulnerable to REWER's dual swords. He also has no arms with which to fight REWER
>heads are conjoined so they can't give you a lipjob between their mouths
nah senpai
The Witchctiw, Wild H has TOP STRANTH, while Reher Tnuhhunt is skinny as fuck.
Dnond seems like a smug fuck
Secoses looks like a bitch tho
heeh geeg fucking stomps with all those guns.
CIA pose>cannon hips
that's a hard one, but i'll go with heeh geeg 2 since it doesn't have t rex arms and more guns.
>one is a hockey goalie
>the other has two fucking main cannons
Yvaavy Raar Mk. III takes it
YVAAVY RAAR is a big guy.
JUUJ has clearly summoned a demon brought forth by his fuck huge hate boner, ACT.T Cause 3 is not long for this world.
>Teen neets
laughed 4 real
tit has one too.
Any way to do this automatically in a web?
Yeah, there was a website posted on Sup Forums but I forgot.
DAAAD x MOOOOM is the true OTP
kinda lowres, but fuck it. which team wins?